The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia is ready to work with the United States in Ukraine in any format

MOSCOW, 2 & nbsp; January./TASS /. Moscow is ready to work with & nbsp; Washington on & nbsp; Ukraine in & nbsp; any format with & nbsp; understanding that there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements. This was stated in & nbsp; in an interview with TASS by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the & nbsp; RF Andriy Rudenko. Answering the & nbsp; question about & nbsp; the possibility of resuming bilateral consultations & nbsp; RF and & nbsp; USA on & nbsp; Ukraine, similar to the former US President's Bara administration, which was the administration of the former US President Bara Obama in the format of Assistant to the President of Russia Vladislav Surkov and & nbsp; US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, Rudenko pointed out that & nbsp; “ This question should be addressed primarily to American partners. '' “ We & nbsp; from our side

US pledges to help Afghanistan deal with crisis

He explained that & nbsp; Washington is actively exploring ways to “ fill Afghans' pockets with money '' and & nbsp; has already unfrozen $ 280 million of Afghan assets that went to & nbsp; payments for humanitarian aid. In addition, the United States is working with & nbsp; other countries to create mechanisms to help Afghans in & nbsp; bypass the Taliban. (The movement is recognized as terrorist and & nbsp; is prohibited in & nbsp; RF). In addition, the United States has become the largest supplier of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. At & nbsp; at the moment, we are talking about & nbsp; an amount of & nbsp; 500 million dollars. This process will be simplified if the Taliban are recognized at the & nbsp; international level: in & nbsp; in & nbsp; for this, the government should fulfill a number of conditions (ensuring the rights person, freedom

Russians will see the first New Year’s starfall on January 3

“On the third of January, the first New Year’s starfall will be shed — at the peak of the activity of the Quadrantid meteor shower, up to 120 meteors per hour are expected … The best time for observations will be from midnight to dawn,” the message says. It is clarified that the visibility conditions for observing the meteor shower are ideal throughout Russia. In addition, the Moon will also not interfere with the observation of meteors. The radiant of the meteor shower (the point that seems to be the source of meteors – ed.) is located under the handle of a Large Bucket in the constellation Volopas. Previously, the constellation of the Wall Quadrant was located there, which gave the name to the meteor shower. However, the constellation proposed in 1795 was not popular with astronomers and was subsequently excluded from the list of constellations. Even more interesting things

The moon in numbers: interesting facts about the main satellite of the Earth

On January 2, 1839, the French artist, chemist, inventor and one of the creators of photography Louis Daguerre made the first survey of the Moon. After that, people were able not only to take pictures of the Moon directly from space, but also to visit the lunar surface. In this regard, we decided to recall the most interesting facts that humanity has learned about the Moon over these almost two centuries. The numbers will help us in this. 384,400 kilometers It is at this average distance from the Earth that the Moon is located — the only natural satellite of our planet and the closest celestial body to the Earth. But scientists have calculated that the Moon is moving away from us at a rate of about 3.8 cm per year. Computer simulations showed that at the very beginning the Moon was at least ten times closer to the Earth

What was studied on the ISS: 5 important discoveries of the year

How to cure the heart in space Astronauts and passengers will need remarkable health for future space missions. Unfortunately, space flights do not affect the work of the heart in the best way. But, as it turned out, it can be “repaired” with the help of stem cells. In the human myocardium there is a kind of “stock” of stem cells — the so-called resident progenitor cells. On Earth, they can constantly divide to develop into other specialized cell types. In newborns, this process occurs most actively. On the ISS, scientists have found out that such cells can be used to repair and replace worn or damaged cardiac tissues in microgravity. How to protect yourself from cosmic rays The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has been studying materials in space that can become reliable protection against cosmic rays and other types of ionizing radiation. The researchers found that for a reliable

Kiev said that Russia has deprived Ukraine of the chances of joining NATO

“I & nbsp; deeply convinced & nbsp; that & nbsp; while Russia will exist in & nbsp; that formula, format, where it exists now, NATO is more likely to cease to exist than & nbsp; Ukraine will be a member of the alliance & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the expert. NATO's expansion to the & nbsp; east and & nbsp; deployment of offensive weapons on & nbsp; the territory of Ukraine & nbsp; & mdash; red lines for & nbsp; Moscow. & Nbsp; This has been repeatedly stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. To & nbsp; settlement of existing concerns, the Russian authorities offered the United States and & nbsp; the North Atlantic Alliance to conclude treaties and & nbsp; agreements on & nbsp; security guarantees. Documents & nbsp; have already been submitted for & nbsp; consideration. Moscow, Washington and & nbsp; Brussels in various formats will discuss

Scientists evaluated the effect of omicron strain on the lungs

The new strain of the coronavirus “omicron” can cause a less severe course of COVID-19, since it affects the lungs less than other variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This conclusion was reached by a group of American and Japanese scientists from the Medical Faculty of the University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Tokyo. The preprint of the study, which has not yet been reviewed and has not been evaluated by the expert community, was published in the journal Research Square, attention was drawn to it by The New York Times. Scientists conducted experiments on mice and hamsters and found out that omicron mainly affected the upper respiratory tract – the nose and nasopharynx, and spread to the lungs much less often than other strains of coronavirus. The world’s first case of simultaneous infection with influenza and coronavirus has been identified Animals infected with omicron, on average, experienced

Unvaccinated UAE citizens will be banned from traveling abroad

“In coordination with the National Directorate for Emergency Situations, Crises and Natural Disasters, a travel ban is being imposed for all UAE citizens who have not been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines as of January 10,” the agency notes. An exception will be made only for those unvaccinated citizens who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. Also, the travel ban will not apply in “humanitarian cases” and for those traveling for treatment. In addition, the Ministry announced the need for revaccination for previously vaccinated citizens. As of December 31, 2,426 cases of coronavirus were recorded in the UAE during the last day, two people died. Since the beginning of the pandemic, almost 762,000 infections have been registered, 2,164 people have died.

The New Year is almost like summer. In Britain, the temperature record for January 1 has been broken

The highest temperature this Saturday was recorded in St. James’s Park in central London, where the thermometer rose to 16.2 degrees Celsius. The previous New Year’s Day temperature record (15.6 degrees Celsius) was set in 1916 in the town of Bude in Cornwall. On December 31, the temperature in the UK reached 15.8 degrees Celsius, which is one degree higher than the previous record of this day, set in 2011. BBC meteorology officer Ben Rich said tropical air was to blame for the abnormally warm weather. “Very warm winds from the Azores came to us from the south and south-west,” he noted— “They came a few days ago, and the air was heating up day by day.” Due to unusual weather conditions, the popular skating rink in the Somerset House complex in central London had to be closed. According to the employees, the high temperature damaged the quality of the