Kiev said that Russia has deprived Ukraine of the chances of joining NATO

“I & nbsp; deeply convinced & nbsp; that & nbsp; while Russia will exist in & nbsp; that formula, format, where it exists now, NATO is more likely to cease to exist than & nbsp; Ukraine will be a member of the alliance & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the expert.

NATO's expansion to the & nbsp; east and & nbsp; deployment of offensive weapons on & nbsp; the territory of Ukraine & nbsp; & mdash; red lines for & nbsp; Moscow. & Nbsp; This has been repeatedly stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. To & nbsp; settlement of existing concerns, the Russian authorities offered the United States and & nbsp; the North Atlantic Alliance to conclude treaties and & nbsp; agreements on & nbsp; security guarantees. Documents & nbsp; have already been submitted for & nbsp; consideration. Moscow, Washington and & nbsp; Brussels in various formats will discuss this initiative in & nbsp; January.

After the Euromaidan and & nbsp; change of power in & nbsp; February 2014, Ukraine resumed its course towards & nbsp; joining & nbsp; NATO.

< p> In June last year, the North Atlantic Council granted Ukraine the status of a partner with & nbsp; enhanced capabilities. With this & nbsp; NATO stressed that & nbsp; this status does not & nbsp; affect the & nbsp; decision on & nbsp; the country's membership in the & nbsp; alliance.



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