The parliament demanded to stop sponsoring a film about gays

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine demanded to stop funding the film about LGBT people “Dedicated to LGBT people. Deputy Viktor Myalik announced this on his Facebook. According to Myalik, more than 120 deputies signed an appeal to the Prime Minister of the republic Denis Shmygal with a demand to stop funding a film about gays. They cite violations of the requirements of Article 2 of the Law “On the Protection of Public Morality.” and nepotism on the weight of religious saints “, – wrote the deputy (spelling and punctuation of the author preserved – approx.” “). At the end of October, the Ukrainian State Film Agency allocated 20 million hryvnia (about 760 thousand dollars) for the shooting of the film “My Young Prince”, directed by Khachatur Vasilyan. The film tells the story of a 17-year-old boy from a wealthy family who leads a riotous lifestyle. His life

ФОМ: 55% россиян работают не по специальности

По специальности работают 37% граждан, вообще без образования — 7% работающих. Согласно опросу, 54% граждан с постоянной работой совмещают ее с учебой или являются пенсионерами. При этом 65% занятых не хотят менять свое нынешнее место работы, 13% предпочли бы его сменить, но работать по той же специальности, 19% хотели бы поработать по другой специальности. Опрос был проведен 19—21 ноября 2021 года среди 1500 респондентов в 104 населенных пунктах в 53 субъектах России, его данные приводит «Интерфакс». В апреле опрос SuperJob показал, что не по специальности работают 38% россиян. Согласно ему, по своей специальности или в смежной сфере чаще работают врачи (100%), юристы (99%) и главные бухгалтеры (92%), реже — менеджеры по закупкам (18%), дизайнеры (19%), менеджеры по работе с клиентами (21%).

Merkel, outgoing Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, addressed the people for the last time

Angela Merkel in her last address called on Germans to be vaccinated against COVID-19 Acting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her last address The head of government called on Germans to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Her request was circulated on Saturday, December 4, by the press service of the country's Cabinet of Ministers, TASS reports. In her last message, Merkel recalled that while at the post of the German Chancellor, she managed to record over 600 video messages to the people. p> According to Merkel, she published the very first video podcast in June 2006 before the World Cup in Germany. In subsequent messages, the politician touched upon and covered in detail the issues of security, culture, digitalization, gender equality in the country.

UFC head gets rid of coronavirus

TMZ: UFC head Dana White said he was cured of coronavirus UFC head Dana White said he was cured from the coronavirus. This is reported by TMZ. The 52-year-old promoter admitted that he feels good. The COVID-19 test was negative, White said. He noted that he got rid of the disease on the fifth day after he passed a positive test for coronavirus. The illness of the head of the UFC became known on December 1. White contracted the infection during the family's Thanksgiving celebration. The American was vaccinated. In August of this year, the head of the UFC spoke about the possible introduction of compulsory vaccinations for fighters of the promotion. The functionary said that he would never force athletes to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The UFC is one of the few sports organizations that held events amid the acute phase of the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, for

UFC head gets rid of coronavirus

TMZ: UFC head Dana White says he has recovered from coronavirus UFC head Dana White has recovered from the coronavirus. This is reported by TMZ. The 52-year-old promoter admitted that he feels good. The COVID-19 test was negative, White said. He noted that he got rid of the disease on the fifth day after he passed a positive test for coronavirus. The illness of the head of the UFC became known on December 1. White contracted the infection during the family's Thanksgiving celebration. The American was vaccinated. In August of this year, the head of the UFC spoke about the possible introduction of compulsory vaccinations for fighters of the promotion. The functionary said that he would never force athletes to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The UFC is one of the few sports organizations that held events amid the acute phase of the coronavirus pandemic. In particular, for international tournaments,

US intelligence predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022

AP: the United States announced Russia's impending offensive against Ukraine in early 2022 The United States announced that Russia was preparing an offensive against Ukraine in the first weeks of 2022. The Associated Press (AP) and The Washington Post wrote about this, citing sources in American intelligence. According to intelligence, up to 175,000 Russian troops may be involved in the invasion, half of which are already on the border with Ukraine. It is noted that Russia is soon preparing to transfer 100 battalion tactical groups to the Ukrainian border along with armored vehicles, artillery and other equipment. Earlier, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov said that Russia would attack at the end of January or At the beginning of February, 92 thousand troops have already been concentrated on the border for this. According to him, a series of psychological operations

WHO announced the start date of testing “Sputnik V”

WHO: an inspection to evaluate Sputnik V will take place no earlier than January 2022 V “will take place no earlier than January 2022. This was reported by the press service of the World Health Organization (WHO), RIA Novosti reports. WHO representatives met with members of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) to discuss the need for additional information on the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine . “The company has pledged to provide a detailed roadmap for submitting data so that WHO can accelerate the evaluation of the vaccine,” the report says. Earlier, the head of RDIF Kirill Dmitriev explained the delay in approval of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus “Sputnik V” by WHO. According to him, the obstacles are purely bureaucratic. At the moment, Sputnik V is registered in 70 countries, with a total population of about four billion people. The drug is manufactured by more than

Former soloist of “Mirage” forced to have two abortions drinking husband

Singer Sukhankina: my husband drank and did not want children, both pregnancies from him ended tragically in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program “The Fate of a Man” that she decided to have an abortion at the behest of her second husband, another pregnancy from him also ended in tragedy. Sukhankina was married to the pianist-accompanist of the Bolshoi Theater. In a conversation with a journalist, the singer admitted that she gave birth to a dead eight-month-old baby from her drinking spouse for the second time. Sukhankina is a mother of two children: daughter Valeria and son Sergei. The singer decided to adopt in 2013, the girl was then three years old, and the boy was four. Their biological mother was deprived of parental rights, and their father was repeatedly convicted. Earlier, singer Sukhankina revealed the secret of losing weight by 30 kilograms in nine months. The singer

Former soloist of “Mirage” forced to have two abortions drinking husband

Singer Sukhankina: her husband drank and did not want children, both pregnancies from him ended tragically in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program “The Fate of a Man” that she decided to have an abortion at the behest of her second husband, another pregnancy from him also ended in tragedy. Sukhankina was married to the pianist-accompanist of the Bolshoi Theater. In a conversation with a journalist, the singer admitted that she gave birth to a dead eight-month-old baby from her drinking spouse for the second time. Sukhankina is a mother of two children: daughter Valeria and son Sergei. The singer decided to adopt in 2013, the girl was then three years old, and the boy was four. Their biological mother was deprived of parental rights, and their father was repeatedly convicted. Earlier, singer Sukhankina revealed the secret of losing weight by 30 kilograms in nine months. The singer