US attacks al-Qaeda leader

Fox News: US drone strikes one of al-Qaeda leaders in Syria US strikes one by one from the leaders of Al-Qaeda ( the group is recognized as terrorist and banned in the Russian Federation ) in Syria. This is reported by the Fox News channel with reference to the official representative of the command of the US Armed Forces, Bill Urban. According to the information received by the TV channel, the attack on the leader of the group was carried out using a drone near Idlib in the north-west of the country. According to Urban, the initial analysis shows the possibility of civilian casualties. An investigation into the consequences of the strike is underway. The channel also noted that it had sent a request to the White House to comment on the information, but did not receive a response. On September 20, it became known that the US military had

Zakharova gave advice to Americans after forecasting Russian invasion of Ukraine

Zakharova: the American press should turn its attention to the aggression not of Russia, but of the United States to aggressive actions not by Russia, but by the United States. This is how she reacted to Western publications about a significant accumulation of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine, her words are quoted by Kommersant. The diplomat considered unfounded the information of the Americans about the allegedly predicted 2022 and ongoing Moscow preparations for the invasion of Ukraine … “The Russian armed forces on Russian territory are the legal right of a sovereign state,” she explained. According to Zakharova, the situation is escalating in the United States. She suggested that American journalists focus on NATO's actions on the border with Ukraine. According to Zakharova, the Western media are again acting according to “classical tactics” – in the new publications of the Americans “only the scale of impudence and lies

The loss of Crimea is linked to the active desire of Ukraine to join the European Union

Analyst Snegovaya: Ukraine lost Crimea in 2014 due to its desire to enter the EU Ukraine lost Crimea in 2014 due to active aspiration to get into the European Union. This connection was highlighted in her article for the National Interest magazine by a researcher at the Atlantic Council, Maria Snegovaya. She is convinced that the “red line” drawn by Russia seven years ago has nothing to do with the possible accession of Kiev to NATO. “There is hardly an option suggesting the independent existence of Ukraine, which would satisfy the Kremlin,” Snegovaya admitted. The analyst also notes in his article that “the Kremlin's appetites will grow” over time. On the eve of the ex-adviser to the US Congress Ariel Cohen said that Ukraine voluntarily gave up Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet to Russia in 2014. According to him, corruption and incompetence prevent the country from “stopping its dependence

Erdogan “renamed” Turkey

Erdogan signed a decree, according to which the new export brand of the country will be the term Türkiye Turkey's new export brand, which aims to increase the recognition of the country's products around the world will become Türkiye. The corresponding decree on renaming the export brand has already been signed by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Prime Agency publishes the text of the document posted in the official edition of Resmi Gazete. From now on, Turkish products will be presented under the single brand Made in Türkiye instead of Made in Turkey. We intend to use this term in correspondence with foreign partner countries. The name Made in Türkiye deeper reflects the culture and values ​​of the people of Turkey, the document explains. With the advent of the innovation, the translation from English as “turkey” will become incorrect. In early December, the Turkish president replaced the country's finance minister

Mother of baby who died from COVID-19 warns parents

Mother of the infant who died from the coronavirus, Rendon: doctors assured that the child would not be infected in the United States, turned to parents with a warning – Angelina Rendon urged to closely monitor who they trust their children, writes The Sun. The woman noted that doctors have repeatedly assured her that the boy is completely healthy and that nothing will happen to him. “I don’t know how many times the doctor told me“ don’t worry, your child will not catch COVID-19, ”however, unfortunately, it did happen,” she said in an interview with reporters from the KCRA3 TV channel. Addressing the parents, she urged to monitor who their children are in contact with. “It can start with a little kiss from someone you know who can be asymptomatic,” she said, adding that the virus “destroyed the body” of her child. The woman clarified that little Tyler died in

The State Duma compared Oksimiron with the poets of the Silver Age

Deputy Drapeko on Oksimiron's new album: the intelligentsia has always been oppositional Oksimiron's studio album (Oxxxymiron, real name – Miron Fedorov) “Beauty and Ugliness”, after which she shared her impressions and compared the performer with the poets of the Silver Age. Her words are quoted by the radio station “Moscow Says.” “He has an unconditional dignity – he is very literary, he is talented. (…) I heard the same thing: this is the beginning of the 20th century, Semyon Kirsanov, Khlebnikov, even Mayakovsky. These are all from this series. Only then it was without accompaniment, “said Drapeko. The deputy noted oppositional motives in the rapper's songs, but called them provocations, which she urged not to succumb to. “The intelligentsia at all times was in opposition to any government – be it tsarist, even Soviet, even modern – this is normal,” the artist explained. In November, Oksimiron released a series of

Mother of baby who died from COVID-19 warns parents

Mother of the infant who died from the coronavirus, Rendon: doctors assured that the baby would not be infected in the United States, turned to parents with a warning – Angelina Rendon urged to closely monitor who they trust their children, writes The Sun. The woman noted that doctors have repeatedly assured her that the boy is completely healthy and that nothing will happen to him. “I don’t know how many times the doctor told me“ don’t worry, your child will not catch COVID-19, ”however, unfortunately, it did happen,” she said in an interview with reporters from the KCRA3 TV channel. Addressing the parents, she urged to monitor who their children are in contact with. “It can start with a little kiss from someone you know who can be asymptomatic,” she said, adding that the virus “destroyed the body” of her child. The woman clarified that little Tyler died in

The State Duma compared Oksimiron with the poets of the Silver Age

Deputy Drapeko on Oksimiron's new album: the intelligentsia has always been oppositional Oksimiron's studio album (Oxxxymiron, real name – Miron Fedorov) “Beauty and Ugliness”, after which she shared her impressions and compared the performer with the poets of the Silver Age. Her words are quoted by the radio station “Moscow Says.” “He has an unconditional dignity – he is very literary, he is talented. (…) I heard the same thing: this is the beginning of the 20th century, Semyon Kirsanov, Khlebnikov, even Mayakovsky. These are all from this series. Only then it was without accompaniment, “said Drapeko. The deputy noted oppositional motives in the rapper's songs, but called them provocations, which she urged not to succumb to. “The intelligentsia at all times was in opposition to any government – be it tsarist, even Soviet, even modern – this is normal,” the artist explained. In November, Oksimiron released a series of

Russian film critic responded to reports about Ridley Scott swearing at him

Dolin's film critic about Ridley Scott who swore at him: I myself ran into rudeness Ridley Scott and said that “he himself ran into rudeness.” He left his comment on the discussion of this situation in the press on his Facebook account. In his message, the film critic was outraged that the situation that happened between him and the director received wide coverage and, in his opinion, excessive attention … He suggested that “the reason that the 'news' was hyped up was the general joy of thousands of people that someone (and a very famous one) had replaced 'this Valley'.” The film critic also revealed the details of an interview with Ridley Scott, in which the director used foul language. According to Dolin, the conversation with the 84-year-old filmmaker took place in September, while Kinotavr was being held in Sochi and the critic took part in the festival. The Valley

Russian film critic responded to reports about Ridley Scott swearing at him

Dolin's film critic about Ridley Scott who swore at him: I myself ran into rudeness Ridley Scott and said that “he himself ran into rudeness.” He left his comment on the discussion of this situation in the press on his Facebook account. In his message, the film critic was outraged that the situation that happened between him and the director received wide coverage and, in his opinion, excessive attention … He suggested that “the reason that the 'news' was hyped up was the general joy of thousands of people that someone (and a very famous one) had replaced 'this Valley'.” The film critic also revealed the details of an interview with Ridley Scott, in which the director used foul language. According to Dolin, the conversation with the 84-year-old filmmaker took place in September, while Kinotavr was being held in Sochi and the critic took part in the festival. The Valley