A man has grown a tooth in his own nose
Doctors have removed a tooth that has grown in his nose Doctors have successfully removed a tooth from a man who has grown in his nose. This was reported in the scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine. Experts noted that a 38-year-old patient went to a New York clinic with a complaint of persistent nasal congestion. The man worried that his right nostril was constantly clogged. The otolaryngologist who examined the patient found that he had grown an extra tooth in his own nose. The study revealed a curved septum and a “hard white mass” located in the depths of the nostril. Computed tomography confirmed that a tooth was the cause of the difficulty in breathing. According to doctors, the appearance of a tooth in an atypical place is an extremely rare disease that occurs in about 0.1 percent of the population. More often teeth grow incorrectly – for