Zakharova accused the United States of creating a threat to aviation

Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova: US Air Force actions have created a threat to civil aviation US Air Force actions have created a threat to Russian civil aviation. This accusation in her Telegram channel was voiced by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She recalled that a catastrophe was averted over the Black Sea, but this does not mean that “the United States and NATO can continue to risk the lives of people with impunity.” “I will repeat again what Russian experts have already stated: the intensity of NATO aircraft flights near the borders of the Russian Federation, including over the Black Sea, creates the risk of dangerous incidents against civil aircraft, “the diplomat wrote. She also cited the official chronology of events on December 3, which was earlier published by the Federal Air Transport Agency. Then, over the open waters of the Black Sea, near

Muscovites predicted a “warm sandwich” in winter

Forecaster Tishkovets: in winter Moscow will have warm December with February and frosty January that in winter Muscovites will have relatively warm December and February, but also frosty January. RIA Novosti writes about this. The forecaster gave a long-term scenario for the development of winter in the capital of Russia, describing it with the phraseological unit “warm sandwich”. “This means that December (positive deviation from the norm plus one or two degrees), and especially February (the heat anomaly plus three degrees above the norm) will be relatively warm, but January – the middle of the “sandwich” – may be frosty for the inhabitants of central Russia (the negative deviation of the average monthly temperature from the norm will reach minus one three degrees) “, – explained the expert. Also, according to Tishkovets, the start of the Arctic invasion will take place on New Year's Eve. Earlier in December, the head

Muscovites predicted a “warm sandwich” in winter

Forecaster Tishkovets: in winter Moscow will have warm December with February and frosty January that in winter Muscovites will have relatively warm December and February, but also frosty January. RIA Novosti writes about this. The forecaster gave a long-term scenario for the development of winter in the capital of Russia, describing it with the phraseological unit “warm sandwich”. “This means that December (positive deviation from the norm plus one or two degrees), and especially February (the heat anomaly plus three degrees above the norm) will be relatively warm, but January – the middle of the “sandwich” – may be frosty for the inhabitants of central Russia (the negative deviation of the average monthly temperature from the norm will reach minus one three degrees) “, – explained the expert. Also, according to Tishkovets, the start of the Arctic invasion will take place on New Year's Eve. Earlier in December, the head

The Russians won gold in the relay at the World Cup in cross-country skiing

Russian skier Stepanova brought the team victory in the relay at the World Cup … This was reported by the correspondent. In the final segment, 20-year-old Veronika Stepanova took the lead. She brought her team to victory in the race. The second place was taken by Swedish skiers. The third place – athletes from Norway. In addition to Stepanova, the first Russian team was represented by Natalya Nepryaeva, Tatyana Sorina and Yulia Stupak.

Saudi Arabia will let the Russians vaccinated by “Sputnik V”

RDIF: Saudi Arabia has approved the entry into the country for those vaccinated by Sputnik V January 1, 2022. This was reported by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), TASS reports. Saudi Arabia has become the 102nd state that approved the Russian vaccine. The country will be able to be visited by believers who make a pilgrimage to the shrines of Islam in the cities of Mecca and Medina. Previously, the Saudi Arabian authorities demanded that pilgrims have a vaccination against COVID-19, registered by WHO, during the annual Hajj. The organization has not yet approved the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. On November 15, Israel opened its borders to foreign tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V, subject to certain conditions, one of which is the requirement that they have not visited in the last 14 days of the country from the “red list” for COVID-19. However, tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V will

Saudi Arabia will let the Russians vaccinated by “Sputnik V”

RDIF: Saudi Arabia has approved the entry into the country of the vaccinated Sputnik V January 1, 2022. This was reported by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), TASS reports. Saudi Arabia has become the 102nd state that approved the Russian vaccine. The country will be able to be visited by believers who make a pilgrimage to the shrines of Islam in the cities of Mecca and Medina. Previously, the Saudi Arabian authorities demanded that pilgrims have a vaccination against COVID-19, registered by WHO, during the annual Hajj. The organization has not yet approved the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. On November 15, Israel opened its borders to foreign tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V, subject to certain conditions, one of which is the requirement that they have not visited in the last 14 days of the country from the “red list” for COVID-19. However, tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V will have

An unexpected version of the appearance of the omicron-strain of coronavirus was announced

Discoverer of the omicron strain: the virus could be transmitted from the owner to his animal and back infected from its host and then infected it with a mutated version. This unexpected version of the emergence of a new variation of a dangerous disease was voiced by the discoverer of the omicron strain, director of the T.H. Harvard School of Public Health. Chana Sikhulile Moyo. Bloomberg reports this “We are still trying to understand how so many coronavirus mutations happened in such a short period of time,” Moyo said. “If you look at the previous strains, you will understand that they have accumulated over time.” longer than usual. Another hypothesis being studied boils down to the fact that the virus was transmitted from a person to his pet, relatively quickly adapted to a new host, after which a reverse infection with an already heavily mutated version occurred. In the meantime,

It became known about the reluctance of Biden to impose sanctions against Russia

US Ambassador to Moscow Sullivan: Washington's decision on sanctions against Russia depends on Moscow policy against Russia. US Ambassador to Moscow John Sullivan said this in an interview with RBC. The diplomat noted that, despite the unwillingness of the American leader to impose sanctions on Russia, Washington's decision will depend on Moscow's actions. Sullivan recalled that the United States imposed sanctions on Russia in areas where there are “fundamental differences”, as well as because of concerns about Moscow’s actions that are incompatible with Washington’s interests. The ambassador also added that the previous administration of the US president “ took significant steps to counter actions with which we deeply disagreed, ”and the Biden administration continues that path. Sullivan stressed that from Biden's conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it became known that the American leader does not want to continue to impose sanctions on the Russian side. “But it depends on

All residents of the DPR will become Russians

The head of the DPR Pushilin announced that all residents of the republic received Russian citizenship The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Tom, that all residents of the region will receive Russian citizenship. He made this statement during a meeting with compatriots in Moscow, Interfax reports. According to him, to date, the number of DPR residents who have received Russian passports has exceeded 350,000. At the same time, Pushilin replied that the issuance of official documents proving the owner's identity would not stop. New passports will be received by other citizens and all residents of the DPR will become Russians. Earlier, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Dmitry Kozak said that the decision to simplify the procedure for granting Russian citizenship to residents of Donbass does not pursue the goal of including the DPR and LPR into Russia. Kozak clarified that not only residents