The investigation will check the version of a fire in a Russian colony due to an unextinguished cigarette butt

The TFR began checking after a fire in the Novgorod colony, where one prisoner died in the Novgorod colony, as a result of which one prisoner died and four were injured. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the department. According to the ICR, the fire in the colony No. 4 in Valdai began in the early morning of December 6. A man born in 1994 was found dead in one of the cells. Four more convicts were hospitalized after the fire. Investigators intend to examine the scene. Based on the results of the inspection, a decision will be made to initiate a criminal case. The fire could have started from an unextinguished cigarette butt, an informed source told Interfax. A version of the ignition of an unaccounted electrical appliance is also being considered. The regional department of the Federal Penitentiary Service clarified that at 6:00 local

Baldwin deletes Twitter account after interview about operator's death

Fox News: Actor Alec Baldwin Deleted His Twitter Account Following an Interview About the Death of Operator American actor Alec Baldwin deleted one of his accounts on Twitter after the release of an interview in which he spoke about the death of cameraman Galina Hutchins on the set of the film “Rust”. This is reported by Fox News. It is known that the artist had two confirmed Twitter profiles, in one of which he published posts more often. Baldwin removed the most active page. Why Baldwin chose to do this is unknown. Representatives of the movie star declined to comment on the situation. On October 22, it became known that during the filming of one of the scenes of the Western “Rust” Alec Baldwin fired a revolver, which was supposed to be loaded with blank cartridges, but they turned out to be live. As a result, cameraman Galina Hutchins was

Worker injured in accident at Ukrainian thermal power plant died in intensive care

An employee of the Burshtyn TPP in Ukraine died of burns received during the accident accident at Burshtynskaya TPP plant worker. The man died from a skin burn, doctors have been fighting for his life since November 28. The incident was reported on the TPP's Facebook page. Related materials 00:01 – 17 November Gazprom and the European Union cannot agree on gas supplies and prices. What will this threaten Russia in a few years? 00:01 – December 3 “Ukraine is always shooting itself in the foot” What will the next aggravation of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev turn into for Ukrainians? The explosion at the station happened on November 28. As a result of the depressurization of the boiler of the seventh power unit of the TPP, a gas-steam mixture was released. The accident was eliminated by the emergency service personnel, the power unit was put out of action.

The most expensive footballer in the world spoke about his future

PSG forward Kilian Mbappe does not rule out that he will refuse to move to Real Madrid French striker Paris Saint-Jean Mbappe talked about his plans for the future. This is reported by The Sun. The 22-year-old striker admitted that he was not disappointed with the fact that he plays for the Parisians, despite the attempts of Real Madrid to lure him away. “Still, I'm not playing in the third division. We have a big club with high ambitions – we want to win the Champions League, “Mbappe said. Mbappe did not rule out that in the future he would refuse to move to Real and remain at PSG. “One thing I can say for sure – I will play in a top club,” the player emphasized. Mbappe is the most expensive footballer in the world. Its transfer value is estimated at 160 million euros. In October it was reported

Russian stock market opened with growth

The Moscow Exchange Index rose 0.59 percent at the opening of trading The Russian stock market opened with an increase in the main stock indices on Monday, December 6. At the opening of the main trading session on the Moscow Exchange, the Moscow Exchange index climbed to 3936.3 points (plus 0.59 percent), the RTS index – up to 1677.57 points (plus 0.56 percent). Among the blue chips “Mosbirzh by 10:08 most of all rose in price for shares of” Yandex “(plus 1.05 percent, up to 5,154 rubles apiece),” Magnet “(plus 0.77 percent, up to 5759.5 rubles) and TCS Group (plus 0 , 66 percent, to 7355.6 rubles). The securities of NLMK (minus 5.48 percent, to 207.38 rubles), Polyus (minus 0.51 percent, to 13,904.5 rubles) and Polymetal (minus 0.26 percent, to 1327.5 rubles) fell in price ).

The deceased Nodar Jinchvelashvili was recognized by the court as a thief in law

In Vologda, the court found thief in law Jinchvelashvili posthumously guilty in the underworld as Shoshiya and who passed away in September. This was reported to “” in the united press service of the regional courts. As the court established, from April 12 to September 19, 2019, Dzhinchvelashvili occupied the highest position in the criminal hierarchy in the Vologda region. He was crowned in 1986 at a thieves' meeting, in which the thief in law Nonikashvili, who was serving a sentence with him in correctional labor colony No. 39 of the Georgian SSR, took part. In 1995, Jinchvelashvili moved to Cherepovets and from there spread his influence over the entire Vologda region and the city of Kotlas in the Arkhangelsk region. He appointed overseers from among the proxies: from 1995 to 2019, Sinitsyn followed Cherepovets and was the holder of the thieves' common fund; in 2019, his close associate Kodua

Maxim Galkin confused subscribers with a snapshot of an unusual pedicure

Maxim Galkin showed a pedicure with the image of Mickey Mouse on Instagram Russian TV presenter and comedian Maxim Galkin shared a picture of an unusual pedicure. Relevant shots and comments appeared on his Instagram page. The parodist posted a photo showing a drawing on the nails, made in honor of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Walt Disney. The above frame shows that the master applied the image of the cartoon character Mickey Mouse on the thumb. “So I decided to congratulate all of us on the anniversary of the classic. Yes, and I have a name day today, ”the man signed the post. Subscribers reacted ambiguously to the new photos of the TV presenter, about which they began to write in numerous comments. So, some fans criticized Galkin. “Don't get carried away”, “This is too much,” “I don't seem to understand the jokes,” “It's somehow not very

The inevitable rise in inflation in Russia was explained

Investstrateg Sergey Suverov explained the rise in prices in Russia by oligopolies and imports of inflation rates of the Central Bank, due to a number of factors that the regulator is unable to influence. The investment strategist of Arikapital Management Company Sergey Suverov said this in a commentary to RIA Novosti. The expert explained that price increases are inevitably “imported” from abroad, where the policy of leading central banks is characterized as ultra-soft. The increase in the cost of logistics, which has been significantly affected by the pandemic, also has an impact. These factors could have less impact, but Russia has problems with its goods. Thus, imports account for 75 percent of the market for non-food products. Even simple foodstuffs such as potatoes and garlic have to be imported, otherwise there will be a shortage. The situation is explained by weak competition in Russia, the dominance of monopolies and oligopolies.

В ВОЗ рассказали, как протекает COVID-19 при омикрон-штамме

Ранее ВОЗ сообщила, что новый штамм пока не вызвал ни одной смерти. «Первоначальные данные свидетельствуют, что люди, заразившиеся “омикроном”, как правило, переносят болезнь легче, но говорить об этом пока очень рано», — сказала Ван Керкхове в эфире CBS. Она пояснила, что это может быть вызвано ранними стадиями заражения пациентов. «Может пройти несколько недель, прежде чем мы действительно поймем, у скольких из этих лиц (заразившихся новым штаммом. — Прим. ред.) разовьется тяжелое заболевание», — отметила эксперт. При этом она предупредила, что даже при легком течении болезни возможен рост числа госпитализаций. «Им (госпитализированным. — Прим. ред.) будет необходимо лечение в отделении интенсивной терапии, и некоторые из них умрут», — предположила представитель ВОЗ. Ван Керкхове считает, что большее число госпитализаций может обернуться ростом смертности. «Мы не хотим, чтобы это произошло на фоне и без того сложной ситуации с распространением “дельты” по всему миру», — заключила эксперт, подчеркнув важность мер по борьбе с распространением инфекции. Новый штамм B.1.1.529 обнаружили в Ботсване и ЮАР в двадцатых числах ноября. Он содержит десятки мутаций в S-белке, необходимом патогену для заражения клеток. По мнению исследователей, многие из новых изменений в геноме SARS-CoV-2 указывают на высокую трансмиссивность этого варианта и устойчивость к защитным антителам переболевших

Russians warned about price increases for New Year's tours abroad

ATOR: the cost of vouchers to Turkish resorts increased by 116 percent higher prices for trips abroad for the New Year. This is reported by TASS. “Indicators of growth in minimum prices for New Year's tours (departure at the end of December) compared to the end – beginning of December look like this: Egypt – plus 104.7 percent, the Dominican Republic – plus 107.6 percent, Turkey (Antalya) – plus 116 percent, Mexico – plus 126.5 percent, Hungary – plus 170 percent, ”the expert said. twice, to the Maldives – by 80 percent, in Sochi – by 65 percent, to Serbia – by 62.3 percent, to Istanbul – by 40 percent, in the UAE – by 26 percent, to Cyprus – by 23.6 percent, to Cuba – by 21.3 percent. At the same time, Lomidze noted that the minimum price for New Year's tours in Sochi is 34.4 thousand rubles, to