Waste collection growth was denied

RER denied the risk of an increase in the tariff for garbage collection due to the new rules on waste transportation the tariff for garbage collection due to new rules on waste transportation, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports with reference to the organization's press service. As the newspaper notes, the new rules for regional garbage operators provide for the redistribution of spending on solid waste transportation (TKO). But payments for the population will remain the same, the RER stressed. At the same time, the transport costs of the operators themselves, on the contrary, should decrease. “The transport leverage will be less and the costs will be reduced,” Director General of REO Denis Butsaev told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. “The regoperator will reduce transportation costs by building waste transfer stations.” The costs will be included in the tariffs of Russians – then they will have to pay for waste disposal by 6-10 percent more. Last

Waste collection growth was denied

REO denied the risk of an increase in the tariff for garbage collection due to the new rules on waste transportation the tariff for garbage collection due to the new rules on waste transportation, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports with reference to the organization's press service. As the newspaper notes, the new rules for regional garbage operators provide for the redistribution of spending on solid waste transportation (TKO). But payments for the population will remain the same, the RER stressed. At the same time, the transport costs of the operators themselves, on the contrary, should decrease. “The transport leverage will be less and the costs will be reduced,” Director General of REO Denis Butsaev told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. “The regoperator will reduce transportation costs by building waste transfer stations.” The costs will be included in the tariffs of Russians – then they will have to pay for waste disposal by 6-10 percent more.

Bus with passengers collided with garbage truck in the Russian region

In the Vladimir region, the bus collided with a garbage truck, eight passengers were injured In the Vladimir region, the bus collided with a garbage truck, eight passengers were injured. This was reported on Monday, December 6, by TASS with reference to the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. All injured citizens were taken to the hospital. Police officers are already investigating the circumstances of the accident. In addition, two minors were injured. Previously, it was established that the driver of the PAZ bus did not provide an advantage in the movement of the garbage truck. Earlier, in Tatarstan, near Yelabuga, a truck and a bus with shift workers collided on the highway, as a result one person died, another 21 were injured. According to the Ministry of Health, one of the victims refused hospitalization, the rest of the Russians were taken to the emergency hospital in

The economist spoke about the structure of financial pyramids

Economist Belyaev on the financial pyramid: those who come later get nothing Mikhail Belyaev told Lenta.ru about how financial pyramids work. When building a financial pyramid, scammers most often conclude contracts with potential victims for the manufacture of some kind of product that is not really of interest to them. explained the economist, calling it a “smokescreen.” a layer that does not receive anything, because, in principle, the number of such people is running out, or, even more dangerous, the pyramid builders simply decide that they have already earned enough money, it is time to stop this activity and transfer funds to accounts that are inaccessible for our contacts rolling bodies “, – said Belyaev. Earlier it became known about the Central Bank's proposal to simplify the procedure for returning funds to citizens who have suffered from fraudulent transactions. According to the regulator, in the third quarter of 2021, fraudsters

The economist spoke about the structure of financial pyramids

Economist Belyaev on the financial pyramid: those who come later get nothing > When building a financial pyramid, fraudsters most often conclude contracts with potential victims to manufacture some product that they are not really interested in, the economist explained, calling it a “smoke screen.” “The principle of pyramids is based on the fact that those who came earlier receive their reward at the expense of those who came later, and in the end there remains some layer that does not receive anything, because, in principle, the number of such people ends, or, what else more dangerous, the pyramid builders simply decide that they have already earned enough money, it is time to stop this activity and transfer funds to accounts that are inaccessible to our regulatory authorities, “Belyaev said. Earlier it became known about the proposal nii Central Bank to simplify the procedure for returning funds to citizens who

The plumber found three thousand bags of money in the wall of the church toilet

During the repair in the toilet of the American mega-church, thousands of bags with money were found In the American city of Houston, Texas, a plumber found thousands of packages with money. Reported by KPRC-TV. The incident took place in the Lakewood Evangelical Church – one of the largest religious institutions in the world, which is attended by more than 50 thousand people a week. In 2014, she became a victim of a theft, after which about 200 thousand dollars (15 million rubles) in cash and 400 thousand dollars (30 million rubles) in the form of checks were lost. Although a reward of 25 thousand dollars (1.8 million rubles) was announced for information about the kidnappers, the crime has not yet been solved. Related materials 00:05 – 5 September 2018 Riddle of a Monk Bloody murder, poison and a jump from the tower. Many mysteries surfaced in the ancient monastery

Lukashenko assessed the likelihood of a Russian attack on Ukraine

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Russia is not going to attack Ukraine Western countries accuse Russia of preparing an attack on Ukraine in order to “thresh” Moscow … This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA informs. He assessed the likelihood of preparations for a Russian “invasion” of Ukrainian territory and stressed that the West, blaming Russia for this, is trying to put a label on it. “Nobody in Russia is going to attack Ukraine. Russia sees perfectly well what is happening in Ukraine. And what is happening there and what NATO and the Americans are planning there is unacceptable not only for Russia, but also for us, because we are close here, ”Lukashenka noted. The head of state added that“ what -that endings “in this direction should be expected after the New Year. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that the military attaché of Ukraine had

Lukashenko assessed the likelihood of a Russian attack on Ukraine

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Russia is not going to attack Ukraine Western countries accuse Russia of preparing an attack on Ukraine in order to “thresh” Moscow … This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA informs. He assessed the likelihood of preparations for a Russian “invasion” of Ukrainian territory and stressed that the West, blaming Russia for this, is trying to put a label on it. “Nobody in Russia is going to attack Ukraine. Russia sees perfectly well what is happening in Ukraine. And what is happening there and what NATO and the Americans are planning there is unacceptable not only for Russia, but also for us, because we are close here, ”Lukashenka noted. The head of state added that“ what -that endings “in this direction should be expected after the New Year. Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that the military attaché of Ukraine had

Omicron-strain confirmed in Russians returning from South Africa

Rospotrebnadzor: two Russians who returned from South Africa were diagnosed with an omicron strain of coronavirus Two Russians who returned from South Africa ( South Africa), confirmed the presence of the omicron strain of the coronavirus. This was reported in Rospotrebnadzor, TASS reports. “As a result of genome-wide sequencing carried out by the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, the omicron strain was confirmed,” the message says.

Myanmar opposition leader sentenced to four years in prison

The military junta in Myanmar sentenced ex-state councilor Aung San Suu Kyi to four years in prison Peace Prize 76-year-old Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in prison for inciting unrest against the military junta and violating anti-coronavirus measures. The South China Morning Post reports on the court's decision. Related materials 00:04 – June 11, 2019 Invisible genocide Thousands of Christians are exterminated throughout the world. But the West does not notice this 00:01 – February 3 Myanmar before the military coup The leader of the opposition junta, the Government of National Unity of Myanmar (PNU), has been in custody since the soldiers of Commander-in-Chief Min Aung Hlaine disbanded the government and arrested President Vin Myin. In addition to the existing sentence, Suu Kyi could face imprisonment on charges of corrupt practices and electoral fraud. According to international human rights activists, if the ex-state adviser is found guilty