Squirrel came: as red rodents are taking over the city
Squirrel came: as red rodents are taking over the city MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Alfia Enikeeva. Squirrels have sharp mind and good memory. From personal experience, they are able to quickly find the hidden nuts. Skillfully predict human behavior and adapt quickly to life in the big cities. As proteins are gaining cities and why it’s better there than in the woods — in the material RIA Novosti. A sharp mind and tenacious memory Watching for two years, from June 2012 to April 2014, as proteins make caches of food, scientists from the University of California at Berkeley came to the conclusion that these animals are able to group the nuts on grades and remember what and where. Researchers have a protein equipped with GPS transmitters and were fed with four varieties of nuts. The animals were spread out different types of nuts in different caches and always