Forest fires in California — the largest in state history. Trump advises to cut down trees

Forest fires in California — the largest in state history. Trump advises to cut down trees Forest fires in Northern California were the largest in state history, said the local fire Department. The flames trying to put out thousands of firefighters, and the US President, Donald trump declared the state of emergency and said that you can eliminate it prevent bad laws. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий According to the Department of forestry and fire protection California fire engulfed 114 800 hectares and is still growing, reports Reuters. The fire was named “Complex of Mendocino” (Mendocino Fire Complex) — the name of a national Park. His education has led the Union of two separate large fires. Prior to this the largest fire in state history was considered the “Thomas” (Thomas Fire), which occurred in the districts of Santa Barbara and Ventura in 2017. In extinguishing the fire involved almost 4,000 people, including firefighters from

In the competition of military drivers Military games participating for the first time the women’s team

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW /Voronezh oblast/, 7 Aug. /TASS/. Competition “Master of tank-automotive equipment – 2018” the international Army games was launched in Voronezh region Ostrogozhsk. The participation of national teams of Russia, China, Venezuela and Egypt, including the first women’s team from Russia, the correspondent of TASS from the event.

Command handwriting. Russian military faster all passed the “Trail scout”

Russian soldiers on the stage of the International military games in Novosibirsk © Cyril Kuhmar/TASS The Russian military has set a new record passage “Trail scout” in competition “masters of reconnaissance” within the International army games — 2018. Eight teams from different countries, including China, Sudan and Zimbabwe, came to the most difficult and spectacular stage of the competition, which takes place in two days at the Novosibirsk site “Koltsovo”. For each of the soldiers, this distance is a real challenge. The test fence and barbed wire “The teams best chance to prove manly qualities: endurance, ability to overcome obstacles and physical training,” — said the chief referee of competition, chief of intelligence of the Land forces Vladimir Marusin. The trail at first glance, rather short — about 800 meters. But it has 22 various obstacles — from the stone fence, moat and plot the contaminated areas to the ruined

The EU promised to promote the company’s expanding business with Iran to counterbalance the US sanctions

The EU promised to promote the company’s expanding business with Iran to counterbalance the US sanctions Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU the European Union would welcome an expansion of European companies doing business with Iran, said in Wellington, the EU high representative for foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini during his visit to New Zealand. The United States on Tuesday restored the restrictive measures against Iran due to the fact that the President of the United States Donald trump has announced the release of Washington from the international deal with Iran on the nuclear issue, known as the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). “We will do everything we can to Iran remained in the framework of the agreement to the Iranian people from the economic benefits agreement, because we believe that it is in the interests of security, not only of the region but of the whole world”, — the diplomat said

A house with a roof made of 32 tons of sea grass put up for sale in Denmark

A house with a roof made of 32 tons of sea grass put up for sale in Denmark The 18th-century cottage can be bought for 400 thousand dollars. Unusual cottage, the roof of which took more than 32 tons of sea grass, sell in Denmark. Cost is a property of almost 400 thousand dollars. The quaint building is located on the island of Forest in the Kattegat. Does, polirani Morten Bruhn (@bruhn) 1 Sir R. 2018 on 9:24 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Fabulous roof, say the owners, provides excellent sound insulation. In addition, sea grass impregnated with salt to protect them from fire. The house has six spacious rooms: two bedrooms, living room, dining room, bathroom and storage room. Cottage surrounded by green lawn and Apple orchard. Located close to forest and beach. Does, polirani Kari (@kariokis) 5 Sir R. 2018 about 5:15 PDT During the

Forest fires in Ireland “opened” message during the Second world war

Forest fires in Ireland “opened” message during the Second world war Giant inscription can only be read from the air. Irish rescue workers flying by helicopter over Bray head, located in the North of County Wicklow, saw the helicopter with the inscription EIRE (“Ireland”), lined with stones. Publication from @skycamireland 4 August 2018 10:06 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Found the message refers to the times of the Second world war. Thus, local residents were given to understand flying bombers, that under them is neutral territory. Earlier along the coast of Ireland was found about 80 of these inscriptions. The new finding was discovered by accident. In this neighborhood a week earlier was a forest fire that burned on the hill of trees and plants, and discovered an inscription from stones. Publication of 6 August 2018 6:38 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Several

The artist makes realistic portraits of hundreds of Rubik’s cubes (photo)

The artist makes realistic portraits of hundreds of Rubik’s cubes (photo) Fantasy and math create real magic. 24-year-old Giovanni Contardi Australian Melbourne in 2010 became the champion of the international competition for the collection of Rubik’s cube. But now the young man uses his skills in art. From Rubik’s cubes Giovanni creates a huge color portraits of celebrities. Publication of Giovanni Contardi (@jvenb) 1 August 2018 10:11 PDT During the download an error has occurred. First, he selects a character and prints his portrait in the right colors. Then divides the image into cells corresponding to one cube, and defines how it is to be collected. When the cubes are ready, he lays them on the baskets and start creating portraits. According to the artist, on average, one portrait he takes from 700 to 730 puzzles and about one and a half hours. Publication of Giovanni Contardi (@jvenb) 26 Jul

In Mumbai at least 150 people suffered burns while bathing

In Mumbai at least 150 people suffered burns while bathing NEW DELHI, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. At least 150 people suffered burns from the poison of Visalia (also known as the “Portuguese ship”) while swimming on the beaches of Mumbai, said on Tuesday the TV channel NDTV. Vitalii who are unable to move independently, be off the coast of India every year during the season of monsoon rains they bring here the current and the tides. NewsFive “aliens” that live in the ocean The owner of one of the stores in Mumbai, told the channel that in the last days of Visalia flooded city beaches and deliver a lot of trouble. According to him, despite the fact that burns from contact with them, usually not fatal for humans, people continue to experience them after a severe pain at least several hours. “On the beach is now full of them.

The United States restored the first block of sanctions against Iran

The United States restored the first block of sanctions against Iran Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU the restrictive action fall of the Iranian companies and foreign firms that do business with Tehran. The United States on Tuesday restored the restrictive measures against Iran due to the fact that the President of the United States Donald trump has announced the release of Washington from the international deal with Iran on the nuclear issue, known as the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD). In the us administration earlier announced that US sanctions against Iran resume on Tuesday at 00:01 Eastern summer time (07:01 MSK). According to the Director for policy planning in the U.S. Department of state Brian hook, these sanctions constitute a first block of the restrictive measures will concern the automotive sector of Iran, as well as trade in gold and other metals. Western media like to specify that by means

Named regions of Russia, where you can change governors

Named regions of Russia, where you can change governors Fund “the Petersburg policy” in the monthly ranking in July 2018 as the regions where the September elections after a possible rotation of governors. MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. Fund “the Petersburg policy” in the monthly ranking in July 2018 as the regions where the September elections after a possible rotation of governors. “After the voting day window of opportunity for the next wave of replacement of heads of regions… Most attention will be focused on the regions, the heads of which is in 2019, completing the term of office. It is noteworthy that of the 33 regional leaders, elected or approved in 2014, your posts to date, retained only 17”, — stated in the Fund’s rating. Among regions with high, in the opinion of the Fund, the risk of rotation of operating heads of regions — Altai Republic, Bashkortostan,