The daughter of the head of the Serpukhov district appealed to Vladimir Putin

The daughter of the head of the Serpukhov district appealed to Vladimir Putin Supporters are in jail the head of the Serpukhov district near Moscow Aleksander Shestun has held a series of pickets in his defense at the entrance to Lefortovo. The politician’s wife Julia told “Kommersant” that tomorrow, August 8, the Basmanny court held a hearing on the question of extending the measure of restraint for mister Shestun. During the picketing, the daughter of Alexander Shestun Maria wrote the letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Chairman of Moscow city court Olga Yegorova. She recalled that her father the second week of hunger strike in Lefortovo, demanding to return him home to the children. Well-known fact that all the processes for changing the measure of restraint a mere formality. My father is not ordinary and has a great resonance in Russia, and therefore I beg you

Serial production of the Mi-26Т2В will start in 2019

Heavy multi-purpose transport helicopter Mi-26Т2В © Alexander Ryumin/TASS ROSTOV-ON-DON, August 7th. /TASS/. Serial production of the modernized heavy Mi-26Т2В is scheduled to begin in 2019. About it journalists were reported by the chief engineer of the company “Rostvertol” (part of the holding “Helicopters of Russia”), Igor Sychev. “State testing is planned to complete in 2019. And since 2019 to run it in serial production for the Ministry of defense,” he said.

The skill, technique and cuisine has helped the Russians to defeat the water stage Armi-2018

Russian soldiers during a pontoon crossing © Sergey Bobylev/TASS “In fact, weather is considered to be the pontoon the rain: in cloudy weather, in combat conditions it is best to build bridges and to transfer technology. And today the heat under thirty, the inside of military vehicles — generally about forty degrees, the climate control was not provided”, — says one of the organizers of the international stage of the competition pontoon-crossing units “Open water — 2018,” Colonel Alexander Grigoriev. “Open water” — it’s like a relay race, only instead of balls and hoops participants forward speed through the water tanks, “Ural” and howitzers. This year the organisers attracted more than 250 soldiers and more than 150 units. Key participant in Murom, Vladimir region, of course, was the Russian team. Muromlyane — soldiers of the 45th guards of the Berlin order of Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Alexander Nevsky and red Star

In the offices of the Belarusian popular media were searched

In the offices of the Belarusian popular media were searched Journalists suspected of stealing information from the state news Agency. Tuesday morning in the offices of the two Belarusian Internet publications- and “BelaPAN” — came the staff of the Investigative Committee. The journalists were charged with unauthorized connection to the news feed of state news Agency “BelTA”. If their fault is proved, the key members of the media may be deprived of the right to occupy his current position, or even arrested. Interlocutors “” in Minsk called the ongoing excuse “to pressure independent and the highest quality media.” About the searches in the offices and “BelaPAN” and publishing house “Belarusian science” first reported the Belarusian office of “Radio Liberty”. News on their website appeared at 6:21 am. Soon on the website of the Investigative Committee of Belarus has appeared a press-release with explanations. “During the inspection, law enforcement

Trump suggested the business to choose between the US and Iran

Trump suggested the business to choose between the US and Iran Moscow. 7 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Tuesday reminded businesses that, after the recovery of the us sanctions against Iran will have to choose with whom to continue to maintain relations with Iran or the United States. “Iranian sanctions formally took effect. This is the most sensitive sanctions ever imposed, and in November they will grow to the next level. Anyone who does business with Iran will not be doing business with the United States,” wrote trump on Twitter, commenting on the restoration of the first block anti-Iran sanctions. His words are addressed primarily to European companies and organizations. In the EU, 7 August becomes effective updated Block the Charter, the provisions of which are aimed at protecting European companies from the impact of extraterritorial US sanctions. Trump emphasized that the goal of his policy toward

In Germany announced the beginning of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”

In Germany announced the beginning of the pipeline “Nord stream — 2” The company-operator Nord Stream AG 2 started laying the pipeline “Nord stream — 2”, said financial Director of the German energy company Uniper (one of the participants of the project) Christopher Delbrück. “Laying the first pipes in Germany began at the end of July” — quoted by “RIA Novosti”. The Russian project “Northern stream — 2” involves the construction of two pipelines from Russia to Germany through the Baltic sea with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year. The building permit has already issued the authorities of Germany, Finland and Sweden, the exclusive economic zone which crosses the pipeline. With permission to strip draws only Denmark. Member of the Board of Directors of the Austrian oil company OMV, Manfred Leitner August 2, said that Nord Stream — 2 AG has developed an alternative route for

Biologists have discovered the “obedience gene” domesticated foxes

Biologists have discovered the “obedience gene” domesticated foxes Biologists have found a gene that is associated with the obedience of the foxes described in Nature Ecology&Evolution. It SorCS1 that encodes the eponymous protein that regulates the transfer of signals between the neurons of the Central nervous system. The common or red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) belongs to the same family of canids, and wolves, a subspecies of the common wolf — dog. But, unlike dogs, which were domesticated about 15 thousand years ago, evidence that ancient people tried to domesticate foxes, no. They began to domesticate recently, and for research purposes. In the late 50-ies of the last century in the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and genetics group genetics Dmitry Belyaev, to find out how did the domestication of dogs, the beginning of the experiment on domestication of silver foxes (rock common). The newsIn Europe, police dogs given shoes The researchers

Ambassador, come forth! Saudi Arabia and Canada have fought over women

Ambassador, come forth! Saudi Arabia and Canada have fought over women Ottawa is trying to put pressure on Riyadh, seeking the release of human rights defenders, but receives a harsh response. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia gave to the Ambassador of Canada day to leave the country. Such a harsh reaction came in response to Ottawa, which in Riyadh regarded as interference in the internal Affairs of the Kingdom. “Open interference in the internal Affairs” On 3 August the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Canada expressed concern about the detention of civil society activists in Saudi Arabia and demanded their immediate release. On Twitter foreign Minister of Canada, appeared the following message: “We are deeply concerned by new arrests of civil society activists and fighters for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, including Samar Badawi. We demand Saudi authorities to immediately release them and all other peace advocates

The Ministry of economic development has prepared a methodology to assess the level of corruption in the regions

The Ministry of economic development has prepared a methodology to assess the level of corruption in the regions The Ministry of economic development prepared a methodology of sociological research of level of corruption in the Russian regions. The relevant draft government decree on approving the methodology, the questionnaire and survey instructions published on The methodology was developed according to the decree of President Vladimir Putin on the national plan of counteraction of corruption for 2018-2020 Its main purpose is “evaluation of structure and specifics of corruption in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures”. The study will provide information needed to develop effective anti-corruption measures, says the Ministry of economic development. Respondents are asked to answer questions about which areas of life is especially prevalent corruption, as well as what and how changes in this area. In particular, respondents are asked