Scientists have named the fastest growing animal on Earth

Scientists have named the fastest growing animal on Earth MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. African fish-Killi were the owners of a very short childhood and adolescence on Earth. They become fully grown just two weeks after birth, researchers report in an article published in the journal Current Biology. “We have long assumed that some populations of these fishes can grow quickly in certain conditions. But we even could not think that such fast growing was not the exception but the norm for Keeley,” says Martin Richard (Martin Reichard) from the Institute of vertebrate biology Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno. Newskiller Whales figured out the trick with the sudden disappearance of a person The speed of growth and maturation of many species of mammals, birds, and other animals varies greatly. For example, elephants, orcas, and human children Mature very slowly, spending a few decades of life, and other animals,

“Mystical” fog has covered the coast of Britain

“Mystical” fog has covered the coast of Britain The photographer managed to capture an unusual phenomenon. British photographer Dan Bourne has witnessed strange and a little frightening natural phenomena while walking with friends along the coast in Cornwall. The photo shows a huge wall of thick fog that “comes out” straight from the sea and seems ready to demolish everything in its path alive. Publication of Stephen Leonard Harvey (@breakingbad1991) Aug 5, 2018 at 12:50 PM PDT During the download an error has occurred. In fact, there is no danger that fog is not. According to meteorologists, this is normal for hot summer days in these parts. A thick wall of fog occurs when mixing hot air from the land and cooler air from the sea.

In Romania, found a fortress from the bronze age of Troy three times more

In Romania, found a fortress from the bronze age of Troy three times more In Romania I found the castle, built about 3.4 thousand years ago, according to the Romanian Insider, citing local portal The citadel was built around the time of the Trojan war, and almost three times more Homeric Troy. In the late bronze age (1600/1500 — 1100 BC) the ancient people who lived on the territory of Romania, were engaged in agriculture, including bred domestic animals, and hunting. They made pottery decorated with an ornament, and be able to mine ore and make bronze, copper and gold artifacts. The then inhabitants of this area built a fairly large settlement, which was probably the regional centres, and other villages, where, apparently, lived during the season or more. Newsarchaeologists have unearthed a wall lost in Novgorod Church of the XIV century Recently, archaeologists found in the North-West of

Diplomats of the Russian Federation in the United States called for arrested for fraud Russians

Diplomats of the Russian Federation in the United States called for arrested for fraud Russians Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — employees of the Russian Consulate in new York met with the FBI detained Russian citizen Maxim Severinin, his health condition is satisfactory, have informed in the Russian Embassy. “On August 7 diplomats of the Consulate General visited in new York the detention center arrested by FBI Russian citizen Maxim Suverina. Currently he is in custody on charges of money laundering and fraudulent conspiracy. The state of his health Coverin described as satisfactory”, — stated in the message, posted to Twitter by the Russian Consulate in new York. Russian diplomats also said that in the near future I plan to meet with the lawyer of the detainee Russian. On Monday, the Russian Consulate General in new York reported that the FBI was arrested in early August, four Russian citizens suspected of

Victoria Skripal announced the intention of the mother of ex-GRU Colonel to visit the UK

Victoria Skripal announced the intention of the mother of ex-GRU Colonel to visit the UK YAROSLAVL, 7 Aug. /TASS/ — the Niece of Sergei Skripal said that she intends to act as a chaperone. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Living in Yaroslavl mother of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal Elena Skripal plans to visit the UK to see my son. About this TASS said the niece Skripal Victoria. Decided to apply on behalf of the grandmother, I as a maintainer. But to me, most likely once again refuse. Victoriapalace former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal She also added that on August 11 to meet with a lawyer to discuss the preparation of documents to apply for a visa. According to Victoria, 90-year-old Elena Skripal hopes that she will be allowed to see my son. “I hope they will show mercy, loyalty,” added Skripal. The UK authorities have repeatedly denied in the spring of Victoria in

Pompeo urged Poroshenko to comply with the IMF

Pompeo urged Poroshenko to comply with the IMF WASHINGTON, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged Kiev to comply with the requirements of the IMF, said state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. Pompeo also, once again, assured Poroshenko that the United States supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine and will never recognize “Russia’s attempt to Annex Crimea”. Poroshenko August 2 signed the regulation of appeal in the law on Higher anti-corruption court, it will ensure the effective beginning of the work of the court and its appeals chamber. The Verkhovna Rada in June adopted a presidential law on the establishment of the Supreme court anti-corruption in Ukraine. Its creation is one of the key requirements for Ukraine from the International monetary Fund for granting the next tranche of the loan. The Verkhovna Rada in mid-July changed

The state Department urged Russia to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia

The state Department urged Russia to withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia WASHINGTON, 8 Aug. /TASS/ — the Head a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert reiterated that the US does not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The United States declared non-recognition of the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and called on Russia to withdraw its military units. This position of the Washington administration once again announced Tuesday the head a press-services of US state Department Heather Nauert during a regular press briefing. These regions are part of Georgia, they are not part of Russia, and the United States continues to support Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.Heather Newartriotgirl press service of the state Department “The United States calls on Russia to withdraw its troops to positions they held before the invasion and before the agreement on ceasefire

Briton creates incredible optical illusion with makeup (photo)

Briton creates incredible optical illusion with makeup (photo) Her photos have to look very carefully. Instagram-blogger RJ from Britain has combined his two passions: makeup and art. In less than two years with the help of YouTube tutorials, she learned not just beautiful makeup but also to create on your face incredible surrealist paintings. His followers (and there are already 88 thousand) RJ admits that, being inspired by the works of great artists. For example, make up the “several persons” were made based on the paintings of Pablo Picasso. Publication from ?RJ? (@cakefacerj) 15 May 2018 10:48 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from ?RJ? (@cakefacerj) Aug 3, 2018 10:35 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from ?RJ? (@cakefacerj) 7 Jun 2018 at 9:00am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from ?RJ? (@cakefacerj) 24 APR 2018 11:05 PDT During the download

Ancient sculpture “turned” in the drummer of the group Kiss

Ancient sculpture “turned” in the drummer of the group Kiss The culprit could face a fine of 150 thousand euros. Spanish police are looking for vandals who turned marble sculpture in the world famous Cathedral of St. Jacob in the likeness of Kiss drummer Eric singer. Does, polirani Albergue Galanas (@alberguegalanas) 7 Sir R. 2018 3:05 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Blue hooligans to finish the statue of the cat whiskers and the eye — makeup recognizable members of the famous American rock band, formed in 1973. Below the “artists” I have added the word Kiss, to make sure their message is clear. Does, polirani Eric Singer (@eric_singer_official) 13 Tra 2016 R. 11:54 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Local authorities called the incident “a cultural atrocity”. The culprit, if caught, face a fine in the amount of 150 thousand euros. The police analyzes data

“The earth seemed plastic — like men go”

“The earth seemed plastic — like men go” As Russian tourists survived the earthquake in Indonesia. Russian tourists have experienced a serious shock in Indonesia. On Sunday there was an earthquake of 7 points. As a result, on the island of Lombok, according to the latest data, has killed more than 100 people. The tremors were felt in the popular tourist resort of Bali, which is 100 km from the epicenter. In the earthquake area were 5 to 6 thousand Russians. However, if he suffered any one of them is unknown. Alexander Rassokhin contacted the Russians, vacationers in Bali, and learned how they survived a natural disaster. The strongest earthquake on the island of Lombok occurred on Sunday at about noon local time. Buildings were literally staggering, tumbling, burying dozens of people. Earthquakes for this area are common. But such strong aftershocks can’t remember and the locals — they were