The Russian team became the best at competition drivers in the international Army games

© The video, the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation VORONEZH, August 8. /TASS/. The Russian military drivers had won in the competition “the Master of tank-automotive equipment – 2018” which took place in Ostrogozhsk Voronezh region in the framework of the international Army games. Told about this TASS in the press service of the Western military district.

A set of measures to curb Donald trump

A set of measures to curb Donald trump At the disposal of “Kommersant” was a bill on sanctions against Russia. At the disposal of “Kommersant” was the bill on new sanctions against Russia, prepared by Republican Lindsey Graham and three of his colleagues. A significant part of the provisions of the document is not so much Russia, but U.S. President Donald trump. He is required to bring into a system already entered earlier sanctions against Russia — from CAATSA to the “Magnitsky act”, to create in the US government “sanctions coordination office” for the agreements with the EU to support sanctions block dollar payments of Russian banks, prohibit the operation to US residents with a new Russian public debt, to create a national center to combat Russian threat, to search the world for the assets of Vladimir Putin and even to solve the issue of the recognition of Russia as

US senators offered to recognize Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism”

US senators offered to recognize Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism” At the disposal of “Kommersant” was the bill on new sanctions against Russia, designed by a member of the Republican party Lindsey Graham and three of his colleagues. Senators propose, in particular, to recognize Russia as “state sponsor of terrorism.” The authors urge the President of the United States Donald trump to support efforts to combat interference “from the government of Russia or other foreign players in the activities of the U.S. government and in democratic processes in the country.” The senators also believe that we need “to publicly call on the government of Russia to return Crimea under the control of the government of Ukraine, and also to call to abandon support for violence in Eastern Ukraine from separatists”. In addition, the draft law States that Moscow should abandon support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In the economic

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition called the attack on Maduro as a “farce”

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition called the attack on Maduro as a “farce” Julio Borges said that the video of the assassination attempt was mounted to the persecution of opponents of the authorities. Member of National Assembly (Parliament) from the opposition, Julio Borges called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro as a “farce”. About this he wrote on his page on “Twitter”. “No one in the country and around the world do not believe in the authenticity of the attack. This is nothing more than a farce. We all know that the video of the assassination attempt was mounted in order to prosecute those who oppose your dictatorship,” — said in a statement, quoted by TASS. The assassination of Venezuelan President using drones happened during his speech in Caracas at a ceremony in honor of the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National guard. Aircraft were destroyed, with

Greek Consulate without explanation, denied the priests of the ROC visas

Greek Consulate without explanation, denied the priests of the ROC visas MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. Several priests of the Russian Orthodox Church stated that they refused to grant Greek visas without explanation. They believe that this is due to complication of diplomatic relations between Russia and Greece. “At the beginning of the year my family bought a tour. I wanted the kids to show Athos from the sea. And of course secretly had the desire to spend a couple of days on the Holy mountain. We applied for a Schengen visa for the whole family. I, mother and six children, one of them three years. The mother and children were immediately given a visa, but I received a waiver saying that there is no justification for the stay on the territory of Greece. Despite the fact that the ticket purchased and fully paid the tour”, — told RIA

The Ministry of economic development criticized the demands of the “Spring package” to the equipment

The Ministry of economic development criticized the demands of the “Spring package” to the equipment MOSCOW, Aug 7 — RIA Novosti. The economic development Ministry has criticized the draft order of the Ministry of communications on approval of requirements to the equipment for storage of Internet traffic companies on the “Spring package”, the conclusion, published on the portal of projects of normative acts. As noted in the conclusion, following consideration of the project and discussion with industry participants identified a number of observations. In particular, according to the Ministry of economic development, the project is contrary to the current legislation, and the purchase of necessary equipment and software and hardware will require significant financial costs. In addition, the Ministry of economic development points to the lack of equipment in accordance with the requirements specified in the project. As noted by the Ministry of economic development, the proposed requirements impose on

Property Petrosyan and Stepanenko was arrested

Property Petrosyan and Stepanenko was arrested Khamovnichesky court of Moscow arrested all marital property humorists Elena Stepanenko and Evgeny Petrosyan as part of their divorce proceedings. It is reported TASS with reference to the defender of the actor Sergey Zhorin. The lawyer explained that the court had taken such action, the couple couldn’t sell before the official decision. “All the cultural values handed over for safekeeping Stepanenko”, — said the Zhorin. Marital status humorists is estimated at 1.5 billion rubles. Over the years of marriage, the artists have purchased apartments in the capital, and also a large number of Antiques and other valuables. Stepanenko filed a claim for divorce and division of property on 4 July, but this became known only a month later. The Joker demanded that the wife give her about 80 percent of jointly acquired property. Petrossian filed a counterclaim with the requirement to divide the property

Medvedev instructed the Ministry of environment to prepare a programme for the solution of problems with water in the Crimea

MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of environment until September 10 to develop a program to eliminate the shortage of water in Crimea and other regions of the country. The relevant document at the meeting on socio-economic development of Crimea and Sevastopol held on 30 July, published on the website of the Cabinet on Wednesday.

The CEC approved the issues of the three action groups for the pension referendum

The head of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, 8 Aug. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia has recognized the relevant law, the wording of the questions, which three of the initiative group created by spravoross Ilya Sviridov in Moscow, volunteers in Moscow and the Communists in the Altai region, I propose to put to a nationwide referendum against raising the retirement age. The relevant decision taken on Wednesday at a meeting of the Commission. The question of the initiative group, established in the capital the head of the municipal district Tagansky, the candidate in mayors of Moscow Ilya Sviridov, worded as follows: “for You to the age established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on pension provision as at 1 July 2018, at which there is a right to pension for old age, not changed?”.