Tired of playing in the mud Chelyabinsk children built a sand box

Tired of playing in the mud Chelyabinsk children built a sand box In Chelyabinsk the children had built in the backyard sandbox, not under program improvement. This was reported by a user of a public “Overheard CTZ (official) Chelyabinsk” Vkontakte. To post attached two pictures which show the area, consisting of one iron slides right under where the puddle. Nearby is a sand pit, lined with bricks, with compartments for sand and molds. “Where to watch the housing office?” — interested in the author frame. In reviews, users praise children for wit and abuse of workers housing. In response to a joke about “severe Chelyabinsk children,” someone observes that they are rather hard and the city to them. According to the user, this is the courtyard outside the Tank. The photo shows the house number — 193a. Local portal 74.ru asked for comments to supports the district management company “ZHILKOMSERVIS”.

How Russia could respond to new U.S. sanctions

© EPA-EFE/MAXIM SHIPENKOV The sanctions are Washington’s “case Skrypalia” can be the toughest since the cold war. In the framework of the law on the counter-sanctions Russia has reason to not give a less sensitive response. And while the Kremlin called the talk about the premature response, the Russian foreign Ministry promises to act in a mirror. MFA: what sanctions, this is the answer The Russian side will be engaged in developing responses to yet another unfriendly step of Washington, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

In Arkhangelsk the police shot the man attacked the bear

In Arkhangelsk the police shot the man attacked the bear S.-PETERSBURG, 10 AVG — RIA Novosti. Traffic police officer shot and killed the bear who attacked man in Arkhangelsk, reports a press-service UMVD of Russia across the Arkhangelsk region. Wild bear noticed in Arkhangelsk last night. “About 80 3.45 at the house on the Waterfront of the Northern Dvina river a bear attacked a man born in 1996 that tried to capture the wild beast on a mobile phone. To save the life of a citizen by the police shots were fired in the air to ward off the bear from the man, after which officer fired a few sighting shots into the beast and neutralized it,” the message reads. A man with lacerations of the hands and head was taken to the emergency room where he was given necessary help. Currently, his life and health threatens nothing, according to

Church of the assumption of the XVIII century in Karelia was completely destroyed by fire

Church of the assumption of the XVIII century in Karelia was completely destroyed by fire PETROZAVODSK, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The building of the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Kondopoga in Karelia burned down completely, told RIA Novosti the GUMCHS the Republic. Previously, the Agency reported that information about the fire came in Friday at 09.33, dead and injured there. On the spot has 24 employees, six vehicles, and left an additional fire departments. An employee of the temple explained that the fire began to spread from the porch. “Burned down completely. The fire engulfed the whole building completely,” — said the representative of management. The Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God located on the territory of the former village of Kondopoga, marked the beginning of the town of Kondopoga. The Church stands on a small promontory jutting into Chupa lip

“This place will be burned”: in southern California arrested the arsonist forest

“This place will be burned”: in southern California arrested the arsonist forest In southern California on suspicion of arson arrested 51-year-old Forrest Gordon Clark. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий It the police believed the culprit of the fire in the mountains of southern California. This center is one of the three epicenters of the California fires — called “Holy” because the flames in this area rises to the heavens, Recalling the biblical fire. “Holy” has already destroyed more than 9.6 thousand acres of forest. The court decided to elect him a measure of restraint in form of detention and has called the extremely high amount of potential bail — $ 1 million. As reported by officials of orange County, Clarke sent an email to the chief of the local volunteer fire brigade letter with the threat. “This place will be burned,” read the email. Clark resisted the arrest, so he was charged with not

Pamfilova asked not to produce the initiative group for referendum on retirement age

Pamfilova asked not to produce the initiative group for referendum on retirement age Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU. The head of the Central election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova has asked not to produce many of the initiative group on referendum on raising the retirement age as it reduces the chances of it holding. “I want to hear the initiators of the creation of such initiative groups, sorry for the tautology, for the referendum. Please don’t procreate further the same in essence but different in form questions. Well, there is already a group. The more of these groups, the more we make decisions, the less likely it is generally that someone comes to this referendum,” — said Pamfilova at the meeting of the Central election Commission on Friday. Unite has, there are already questions. And now we still have two bids to consider. This is more than enough.

The CEC approved two alternatives for the wording of the question for the pension referendum

The CEC approved two alternatives for the wording of the question for the pension referendum Moscow. August 10. INTERFAX.RU — Russia’s Central election Commission approved the wording of two questions about raising the retirement age for making them in the all-Russian referendum, the correspondent of “Interfax”. According to the accepted on Friday the CEC decisions, questions from the regional subgroups of initiative groups in Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda regions “correspond to the requirements of article 6 of the Federal constitutional law “On referendum of the Russian Federation”. Thus, in Russia for five action teams who will register in more than half of subjects of the Russian Federation to organize a referendum on raising the retirement age. However, according to legislation in one region can be registered in only one of them, as the questions are all similar. The options of question Proposed in the Nizhniy Novgorod region the question is:

Dmitry Medvedev has compared the pension reform with a bitter medication

Dmitry Medvedev has compared the pension reform with a bitter medication Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting with the staff of the Kronotsky reserve in Kamchatka has said that the bill on pension reform is a painful but necessary measure. According to the Prime Minister, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will also Express their opinions in the final stages of debate. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during a meeting with the staff of the Kronotsky reserve in Kamchatka has said that the bill on pension reform is a painful but necessary measure. “This is now the most difficult question which is causing great debate in society. Such changes in the pension legislation, even if the person wants to work, most people are not happy, — quotes the Prime Minister TASS.— As rightly noted by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, no one is pleased with and among members

More than half of office workers in Russia are sleeping in the workplace

More than half of office workers in Russia are sleeping in the workplace Experts “AlfaStrakhovanie” canvassed hundreds of Russian large companies and found that 57% of office employees periodically sleeping on the job. As a rule, the respondents asleep during the lunch break (36%) or immediately after it (28%). 19% of respondents are falling asleep closer to the end of the day, 15% off at meetings. 6% of office workers are locked in the bathroom to sleep. NewsScientists said about the dangers of excessive sleep More than half of respondents (54%) said that their sleep because lack of sleep and fatigue, 24% — because of illness, 8% due to jet lag after returning from a business trip or vacation, and 5% due to the lack of urgent work tasks. In the office, often sleeping men (52%) than women (44%). Some large companies, e.g. Google, RusHydro, Sberbank, has a special room