Boer interest

Boer interest Why the white population of South Africa is also eyeing Russia as a possible place to migrate. The recent summit of the BRICS leaders in Johannesburg, there were numerous Protocol overlays. Almost new meme became a joint photo, where plates with the name of the country, placed on the floor for placement of participants did not match the flags of the powers behind them. For example, over-the-shoulder current President of South Africa Cyril Matamala Ramaphosa was clearly visible… the Russian tricolor. On this lot was joking, but went highly symbolic: today, a considerable part of the white population of South Africa — descendants of European immigrants — are seriously considering our country as a possible destination for migration. First of all we are talking about the Boers who at home are threatened with the loss not only of ownership but also (alas, this is reality) life itself. The

Scientists have found living contemporaries of dinosaurs on the Earth

Scientists have found living contemporaries of dinosaurs on the Earth MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Modern corals were contemporaries of dinosaurs, their ancestors and the symbionts appeared in the Jurassic period and survived several mass extinctions of animals. To such conclusion genetics, published an article in the journal Current Biology. “Previously, we assumed that modern corals appeared about 50 million years ago. Our analysis indicates that it happened much earlier, the ancestors of the polyps and algae began to live together at the dawn of the age of dinosaurs, about 160 million years ago. They’ve been through some of the most powerful cataclysms, almost completely erasing them from the face of the Earth,” said Todd Lagunes (Todd LaJeunesse) from the University of Pennsylvania (USA). Corals are one of the most ancient and primitive invertebrate creatures, whose ancestors appeared during the Cambrian explosion. In the distant past they were predators,

CEC plans to approve two more initiatives of the pension referendum

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The Central election Commission of Russia at session on Friday plans to recognize the relevant requirements of law for two similar formulations of the questions proposed by several initiative groups for submission to the national referendum against the increase in retirement age. This follows from the draft regulations prepared for the meeting.

The “fire Carr” in California on the plane, through the fires of hell

The “fire Carr” in California on the plane, through the fires of hell Several fire aircraft C-130 flying through a real Inferno — forest, blazing in Northern California. During the download an error has occurred. We will remind, not so long ago in California broke out the disaster, called “Carr” — the largest and most destructive fire in the history of the state. Began July 23, the fire has turned to ashes 71 600 hectares of land, destroyed more than 1,000 homes and caused the death of 8 people, two of whom were firefighters. But disaster does not subside, and two weeks later, it retains its destructive potential. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий

When shooting in the canadian Fredericton killed four people

When shooting in the canadian Fredericton killed four people When shooting in the canadian city of Fredericton on the East of the country killed at least four people. On 9 August, local police said on Twitter. Citizens are asked to avoid places where shooting occurred, and local residents — lock doors and not to go outside. Please continue to avoid the area of Brookside Drive, between Main and Ring Road. An incident has resulted in at least four people killed. More information will be available when we can confirm. — Fredericton Police (@CityFredPolice) August 10, 2018 No details while are unknown. Fredericton — the capital of the province of new Brunswick. The city’s population of about 60 thousand people.

The type 96 is the “Rapid dragon” Chinese trump card in the “Tank biathlon”

© Russian defense Ministry The main contenders for victory in the “Tank biathlon” are traditionally Russian tankers. A chance to challenge the leadership have teams of Belarus and Kazakhstan, acting on T-72B3. However, the most dangerous opponent looks to be the Chinese team on the tanks of its own production Type 96В. The rest of the crew also competes at the limit of their capabilities and can compete with the leaders of the team classification. TASS estimated the chances of success of the Chinese Type 96, and to understand its features helped the General-the major in resignation Nikolay Motrin in the recent past Vice-President of the International Federation of tank biathlon, and coach teams of DOSAAF of Russia in the “Tank biathlon” and “Suvorov onslaught”. Soviet roots Their ancestry Type 96, like many other examples of Chinese military equipment, leads from the Soviet prototypes. So appeared the first collected in

Andrei Belousov said on anecdote Vladimir Lisin

Andrei Belousov said on anecdote Vladimir Lisin Presidential aide Andrei Belousov told “Vedomosti” that his initiative to withdraw “profits” from the mining, chemical and petrochemical companies needed to align the tax burden in Russia and not to carry out the new decrees of. Tax maneuver in the oil industry and the VAT increase, according to him, the affected oil industry workers, the population and business but not chemists and metallurgists. Fans tell jokes I want to remind the main law of capitalism: “it is necessary to Share”Andrew Belousovova President Earlier on the request of “sheets” comment on the proposal of Andrei Belousov said the joke Vladimir Lisin, owner of NLMK, included in the list of assistant to the President. Mr. Belousov stressed that it is not about the proposal to “withdraw” the metallurgists and chemists 0.5 trillion rubles., and on the elaboration of such a mechanism. The issue will be

The European University in St. Petersburg returned the license

The European University in St. Petersburg returned the license MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The European University in St. Petersburg returned the license to conduct educational activities should be of the order of Rosobrnadzor. “To provide Autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education “European University at St. Petersburg”… the license for realization of educational activity”, — stated in the order, a copy of which is available to RIA Novosti. The document reads: “on the day of issuance of this order to amend the register of licenses for implementation of educational activities recording on the granting of the license”. At the end of September last year, the University received an email notification of the service on the refusal to issue an educational license, and in December 2017 based on the last inspection by the Rosobrnadzor, the University has refused for the third time. After that, the University has lost in

A workaround to immortality: old age tried to treat hydrogen sulfide

A workaround to immortality: old age tried to treat hydrogen sulfide Researchers from the University of Exeter found that if you gently deliver a little bit of hydrogen sulfide to the desired point inside the cell, you can double to slow the aging process. Modern theories of aging — and unfortunately, so many that most will inevitably be wrong — can be divided into two groups. Theories of the first type based on the fact that the aging-the result of the natural deterioration of cells under the action of environmental factors or the inexorable flight of time. If so, then to be saved from old age, you just have to learn to protect your body from these factors. Another group comes from the fact that ageing is programmed: those environmental factors don’t just ruin the cage, and run it built-in mechanisms that prevent suffering from cell to spoil the life

Stepanenko denied reports that he wants to sue the Petrosian 80% of the property

Stepanenko denied reports that he wants to sue the Petrosian 80% of the property The artist asks the court to charge in favor 57% of the property, told Business FM one of the employees of the law office that represents her interests in court. Comedian Elena Stepanenko denied information according to which it intends to sue her husband Yevgeny Petrosyan more than 80% of the property. About this Business FM said one of the employees of the law firm “Zabralova, Krylova and partners”, which represents its interests in court. “How can you assert the requirement of 80% of the property if the owner of court documents where it is stated that E. G. sought to recover in its favor 57%,” — said the lawyer. The lawyer explained that 7% is half of the value of the “extracted” from the family budget Petrosian property.