Looks like the most picturesque alley in Ireland (photos)

Looks like the most picturesque alley in Ireland (photos) Like the backdrop for the film. Near the village of Armoy in County Antrim in Northern Ireland is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the country. That’s a tree tunnel “Dark alley”. Publication of Turismo Irlanda (@turismoirlanda) 6 August 2018 at 8:15 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The alley consists of a large and intertwined beech trees, planted in this place about 300 years ago. The family of Stewart beeches planted in 1750 to impress the guests coming to their mansion. Now instead of the estate there is a huge Golf club, but the “Dark alley” still amazes numerous tourists, who come here solely for her. Publication of Atlas Obscura (@atlasobscura) on 26 May 2018 at 1:40 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication from ☆ TheBest_Capture™ ☆ (@thebest_capture) 17 APR 2018 8:31 PDT

To write a thesis at the University will be impossible

To write a thesis at the University will be impossible Students ‘ theses in the universities can begin EN masse to test with the help of the Antiplagiat. As stated by the rector of the Higher school of economy Yaroslav Kuzminov, “a very good indicator, which invited colleagues from Rosobrnadzor”. — We dissertations know how to do it, let’s diplomas do. The proportion of non-self-written works immediately show how serious the University is working with his students — he stressed. The idea in the University community to discuss more than one year. The Internet is full of ads like “course in order to help with the diploma.” The average price tag — nine thousand rubles, and applications are accepted 24 hours a day. Ready to work on any topic will bring “tomorrow”. To write off the thoughts of others from the Internet the student can and without help, and many

Putin sent in Aktau, where, after 22 years of negotiations, will be assigned the status of the Caspian sea

© Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS MOSCOW, August 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin at the invitation of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev sent on Sunday in Kazakhstan, where in the city of Aktau will host the fifth Caspian summit, reported the press service of the Kremlin. The leaders of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan will consider key aspects of cooperation in the Caspian region in various fields, will discuss the implementation of decisions taken at previous meetings of the heads of States of the “Caspian five”. However, the key event of the meeting would be the signing of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was conducted in 1996. “The Central event will be the signing at the highest level of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was conducted in 1996”, – said the press service. History Dialogue in the format of

Iran announced the return of Russia in the second batch of enriched uranium

Iran announced the return of Russia in the second batch of enriched uranium MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. In the near future Russia will deliver the second batch of enriched uranium, said the official representative of the atomic energy Organization of Iran, behrouz, Kamalvandi. According to him, after signing a deal on the nuclear issue, the Iranian side stopped producing 20 percent nuclear fuel and exported its surplus in storage in Russia of about ten parties. Thus, Kamalvandi noted that Tehran had received the first batch of about seven months ago. “Any of these parties can be used throughout the year, so we have 20% fuel for the research reactor of Tehran at least seven or eight years,” — said the representative of the organization, quoted by the Fars News publication. He also said that Iran agreed to stop production of enriched uranium on the condition that the nuclear

Behind trump: how NATO conspired without US President

Behind trump: how NATO conspired without US President The final document of the NATO summit was agreed upon before it begins without a trump. The final document of the NATO summit could be signed before the launch and without direct participation of the President of the United States Donald trump. Thus, American and European diplomats hoped to avoid a repetition of the scandalous G7 summit, when trump refused to sign the final communiqué. According to The New York Times, the initiator of the idea to agree on a document behind trump was his Advisor for homeland security John Bolton. The final document of the NATO summit, which took place in Brussels 11-12 June, was agreed before the meeting. This writes The New York Times, citing the words of five unnamed us and European officials familiar with the discussions. According to the newspaper, the document was agreed before the NATO summit

Shoigu reminded the Germans lead in talks with Russia “from a position of strength”

Shoigu reminded the Germans lead in talks with Russia “from a position of strength” MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Russia will not tolerate a conversation from a position of strength, stated in an interview with TV channel “Russia 24” Minister of defense Sergei Shoigu. He commented on the statement of the Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen, who in April stated the need for a hard line in relations with Russia. Shoigu advised a German colleague to remember the history. The Minister also reminded what the consequences cited such statements. “Ask the grandparents: what is it like to talk with Russia from a position of strength. They’ll probably be able to tell you,” he said. In summary, Shoigu noted that Russia remained open to any contacts and equal cooperation. Recently, some European countries are encouraged to build a dialogue with Russia with the “position of strength”.

In Germany, the police rescued the man from the obsessive squirrel

In Germany, the police rescued the man from the obsessive squirrel In a desperate attempt to get rid of the attention of the animal man began to panic. An unusual call came in the morning to the police in the German city of Karlsruhe. “Help, I’m stalking squirrel”, is begging the unknown man. Law enforcement officers sent a patrol to the scene. As it turned out, one of the residents of the city really was stalking little squirrel. During the download an error has occurred. In a desperate attempt to get rid of the obsessive male animal already started to panic. But the stubborn squirrel was so tired, I even fell asleep. The police “took custody” of the animal, called him Karl-Friedrich and declared their mascot. “We wish the baby all the best!” — they said. Now the squirrel is in the animal rescue centre, where he’s well cared for.