The crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship

The crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship The crew of the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin”, blocked in the port of Kherson, stopped two attempts of illegal entry into the ship, the report said the operator of the vessel LLC “V. F. Tanker”. “On 16 August at 13:30 a group of six persons who introduced themselves as employees of the security Service (SBU) and the State border service of Ukraine, tried to get on the ship with the intention to verify, without explaining its objectives and without presenting documents. On the ship the group was not allowed”, — is spoken in the message. After that, says the company, the tanker arrived, a group of people who introduced themselves as environmentalists, consisting of 11 people. “”Ecologists”, a paper was presented on the basis of which was supposed to carry out checks on observance of

US suspected China of preparing attack

US suspected China of preparing attack The Chinese military is preparing “likely to strike” on the United States, they began to spend more training with the bombers. This is stated in the report of the Ministry of defense on China’s military. “Over the past three years, it [the people’s liberation army of China] extended overwater operations of its bombers, gaining experience in complex sea areas, and probably trains for attacks on the United States and its allies,” say the authors of the report. The United States believe that China wants to learn how to strike at us military bases and armed forces in the Pacific, including GUAM (not included in the United States, but is considered to be their possession — approx. “Of the tape. ru”) . The Chinese army is increasing their ability to “hit targets far from China as possible,” the report said. Flights of bombers can be

WT: in the United States protested the supply of jet engines from Ukraine to China

WT: in the United States protested the supply of jet engines from Ukraine to China US experts urge us authorities to put pressure on Ukraine, which supplies China with jet engines of its own production. This writes the newspaper The Washington Times. According to the newspaper, the Ukrainian company “Motor Sich” in 2016 signed with China a contract under which Ukraine will supply to the Chinese partners 250 engines for combat training aircraft JL-10 in the amount of $380 million, it is Noted that in 2016 Ukraine has sent to China 20 such engines on aircraft equipped with them the Chinese are going to teach their pilots to land on aircraft carriers, he added in the paper. William Triplett, a former adviser to the U.S. Senate Committee on foreign relations, said that the Ukrainian deliveries help Beijing solve the problems with manufacturing jet engines. According to him, the Ukrainians “take

The rating of the most dangerous to the health of Russians countries

The rating of the most dangerous to the health of Russians countries The insurance company ERV has made a rating of the countries in which the Russians often sought medical help in the first half of 2018. It is reported by the Association of tour operators of Russia (ATOR). Leading position in the number of insurance claims has taken the most popular among Russian tourists in the direction of Turkey. Here for medical care was treated almost half of travelers (46 percent). Followed by Vietnam, Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Tunisia. Also in the top 10 included India, Spain, Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates. The most common reasons for contacting the insurance company had the flu and viral diseases — 40 per cent of the total number of claims. In second place were the injuries and poisonings 20 percent. And last heart attacks (5 percent). The company also ERV

Blind from birth, the mice regained vision

Blind from birth, the mice regained vision Scientists were able to recover one type of light-sensitive receptors in the eyes of mice that was partially restored sight to totally blind to this animal. For this purpose the experts for the first time were able to use the regenerative potential of müller cells in the retina. The results presented in the journal Nature. It is known that fish zebrafish and amphibians special type of auxiliary nerve cells — müller cells — participates in the regeneration of damaged neurons of the retina and restoring vision. However, in mammals these cells can turn into neurons themselves. Nevertheless, such a treatment system must exist, as the retinal damage to some extent stimulate cell division of müller and limited reproduction of the nerve cells. NewsBiochemists informed about the dangers of blue light for vision Scientists from the school of medicine Ikana centre mount Sinai hospital

The Meteorologist talked about the weather for September

The Meteorologist talked about the weather for September Warm weather can be expected in early autumn in most parts of the Central Federal district, southern and North Caucasus, as well as Samara and Saratov regions. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +19° 60% 756 mm Hg. article 2 m/s For Moscow, Norma Sep is 11 degrees Celsius in the beginning of the month the average temperature will be approximately 14 degrees, which is about 18 day and 10 degrees at night. In the Saratov region of 14 degrees during the day, in the Rostov 17 degrees. News“Portal to hell”: Moscow has covered a huge cloud of Beyond the Urals would be cool. In the Ural Federal district and most of Siberia is projected to be around September and below normal. Cold September, with temperatures below normal, forecasters predict in the Central districts of the Krasnoyarsk territory and Tomsk region. In Tomsk the

Izvestia: Putin and Erdogan can hold separate talks at the summit in Tehran

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 17. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may hold a separate meeting in Tehran in early September. About it writes on Friday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

In the East of Ukraine “found” traces of the Russian army

In the East of Ukraine “found” traces of the Russian army Ukraine will present the facts of their appearance in the Donbass latest Russian electronic warfare systems (EW), who had previously recorded the OSCE. This is stated in the statement of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry. According to authorities, a special monitoring mission of OSCE recorded in the Donbas four EW systems that are in service with the Russian army. The foreign Ministry considered this a testimony that Moscow “has resorted to escalation”. Earlier on 16 August, the chief of the General staff of the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) Viktor Muzhenko said that Ukraine is ready to repel “a full-scale aggression” from Russia. According to him, the solution to the armed conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the country is in the political arena. The armed conflict in the Donbas began in the spring of 2014 after Kiev

The su-24 bombers will bring in a separate mixed regiments

The su-24 bombers will bring in a separate mixed regiments Front-line bomber su-24 will be kept in a separate mixed regiment, told “Izvestia” in the defense Ministry. Each will have a one-two squadrons of su-24M or su-24M2, one will complement the reconnaissance su-24MR aircraft. In 2018, this regiment deployed on the basis of 4-th separate reconnaissance squadron of the 6th army of VVS and PVO of the Russian space forces (based at the airport Shatalovo in Smolensk region). The organizational structure of new compounds was influenced by the experience of combat use of these machines in Syria. Modified the su-24 got a new life thanks to modern electronics. Speech including goes about specialized computing subsystem SVP-24 “Gefest”, which significantly improved the accuracy of bombing.

The US will be the analogue of the Russian “Dagger”

The US will be the analogue of the Russian “Dagger” The company Lockheed Martin received a contract from the U.S. air force to develop hypersonic aeroballistic missiles ARRW (Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon), reports Defense News. The development of new weapons is estimated to amount to 480 million dollars, although final terms of the agreement have not yet formulated. ARRW as hypersonic missile HCSW (Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon), the contract for the creation of which $ 928 million dollars, Lockheed Martin received in April of this year, should be ready by 2021-mu. In contrast to the HCSW, ARRW involves the use of the latest experimental technology (“promoting the art of the possible”). New weapons should be the US response to hypersonic development of Russia and China. Also Lockheed Martin, according to Space News, received a contract from the air force on the creation of three new generation satellites, infrared detection of