What is known about the Austrian foreign Minister, to the wedding where Putin travels

What is known about the Austrian foreign Minister, to the wedding where Putin travels Wedding 53-year-old foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl is unlikely to be noticed in Russia, if not one circumstance — among the guests of the celebration will be Vladimir Putin. Bi-bi-si tells what is known about official will personally come to congratulate the President of Russia. The forthcoming visit of Vladimir Putin to Austria for the second time this summer — was a surprise. The media never wrote about the fact that the Russian President is close friends with Kneisl or her lover, 65-year-old businessman Wolfgang Malingerer. Such invitations Putin takes infrequently — for example, in 2015, he didn’t come to the wedding of his press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, although his wife Tatiana Navka told me that the head of state called for the occasion. For the wedding, which will take place in the South of

The number of cameras on the roads of the Russian Federation will double by 2024

The number of cameras on the roads of the Russian Federation will double by 2024 Until 2024 the number of complexes of fotovideofiksatsiey on the Russian roads has doubled in size, told “Izvestia” in the Ministry of transport. Also, the Ministry plans to change the location of the cameras and to write a technique on how to do it right. The increase in the number of traffic cameras provided in the working version of the national project “Safe and high quality roads”. She was sent to the regions letter signed by Deputy Minister of transport Nikolay Asaul (“News”). Now on the Russian roads more than 9 thousand complexes of fotovideofiksatsiey. According to the plans of the Ministry of transport, the number of cameras on the roads will increase gradually. By the end of 2019 should be greater than 11%, 2020 — 33%, 2022-th — 66%, 2023-th — 88%.

Roskoshestvo drafted the standard school uniform

Roskoshestvo drafted the standard school uniform Roskoshestvo has prepared a draft standard for a school uniform, told “Izvestia” in the organization. According to the plans, in 2019, the document must be included in the program of standardization, approved and confirmed. In it is based on safety standards, we are talking about such parameters as permeability and their ability to absorb moisture. This will help to avoid the “suit effect” characteristic of substandard products. Work on the draft of the standard has involved experts of several organizations, including the Ministry of industry and trade and industry associations. Based on their comments a first draft will be presented to the technical Committee of Rosstandart in the fall. As explained in the press service of the Ministry of industry and trade, based on GOST standards Roskoshestvo on individual items of children’s clothing, such as pants, tunics, shirts. Sports clothes for children left outside

Named an unexpected benefit Breakfast

Named an unexpected benefit Breakfast MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. Researchers from the University of Bath in the UK found that eating Breakfast before exercise promotes the burning of carbohydrates and helps to digest food after physical activity. With the findings of scientists can be found on the website MedicalXpress. For the study were recruited group of volunteers, half of the participants fed with the morning milk porridge, and another part was sent on an empty stomach to the gym. After loads and a three-hour rest scientists tested the level of glucose in blood and glycogen in the muscles of the subjects. Breakfast before exercise, as it turned out, greatly increases the rate of metabolism of carbohydrates and removing glucose from the blood after exercise, and also influences changes in the level of blood sugar within two hours after a meal. In other words, healthy Breakfast before a workout

In Chile detained a possible author calls about bombs in airplanes

In Chile detained a possible author calls about bombs in airplanes MEXICO city, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. Chilean law enforcement agencies detained in the night of Friday, the alleged author of calls about the alleged bombs in the planes of the two national airlines, according to the portal 24 Horas. Total affected 11 flights carriers Latam and Sky both inside Chile and abroad. One plane was forced to make an emergency landing. According to preliminary data, the suspect 29-year-old man was arrested in Antofagasta and has already been delivered to Santiago. The motive for his action could be revenge for the loss of a suitcase during the flight, the portal says. Arose a tense situation in the whole industry led to the arrest of another man at the airport in Santiago, the publication adds. A man passing through a security framework, apparently jokingly told the man that his hand

TFR will verify the information on the abandoned police station with passports

TFR will verify the information on the abandoned police station with passports Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow to check the information about the abandoned police Department and the Federal migration service (was abolished in 2016, and entered the Ministry of internal Affairs) with documents and passports, told “Kommersant” in the Ministry. By results of check the procedural decision will be made. According to “Kommersant”, most likely, a criminal case of negligence (article 293 of the criminal code of Russia). The test also has the Metropolitan police Department. The blogger Lana Sator has published in Instagram pictures of the abandoned police Department and the FMS. In the building in Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya street stored documents, passports and criminal and administrative cases. “A tremendous amount of abandoned documents — statements with copies of various certificates, boxes of old internal and foreign passports of citizens of Moscow, criminal and administrative

In Austria, commented on Putin’s invitation to the wedding of the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs

In Austria, commented on Putin’s invitation to the wedding of the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. The presence of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the wedding of the Austrian Minister for foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl does not affect the foreign policy of Austria, told the news Agency APA, the representative of the Austrian foreign Ministry. Earlier, the Deputy of Parliament from party “Green” Michel Raymond urged Kneisl to resign. According to him, if the head of the Austrian foreign Ministry will not do it voluntarily, the Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has to offer her resignation to President Alexander van der Bellano. “First and foremost this is a private event and a private visit, this does not mean no change of foreign policy positioning of Austria”, — said the representative of the Austrian foreign Ministry. While the Ministry said that Putin’s

Moskalkova appreciated the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet

Moskalkova appreciated the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova supports the idea of liberalization of punishment for extremism in the Internet and believes that this issue must be addressed through legislation, in the usual way. “I support the idea of liberalizing of this article and believe that it is important for us not to artificially expand the number of citizens with a criminal record, because it radically changes a person’s life. But the violation of constitutional norms is seen Here… this issue needs to be addressed in a completely usual channel through legislative activity,” — said Moskalkova to journalists, answering the question, if she plans to apply to the constitutional court for clarification on the penalty for reposts in social networks, does support the idea of liberalization of punishment

The foreign Ministry protested to the US state Department because of the issues of departmenti

The foreign Ministry protested to the US state Department because of the issues of departmenti The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia expressed a protest to the U.S. state Department for violations of international law against Russian diplomatic missions and consulates located in the United States, declared in a press-Department service. “Continuing flagrant violation of the United States of international law concerning diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Russian Federation on the territory of the USA the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation expressed the State Department a strong protest by sending through diplomatic channels a respective note”, — stated in the message. Representatives of the foreign Ministry conveyed a message to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on 18 may of the current year to prepare a report on the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Last year, the U.S. government closed the Consulate General of