The majority of Russians are against the destruction of stray animals, but do not know how to help

The majority of Russians are against the destruction of stray animals, but do not know how to help Citizens believe that the animals must be vaccinated chipped and try to arrange in a shelter or in the family. But only 13% ever support animal protection foundations or shelters. Russians often take stray dogs and cats from the street, than buy Pets in pet stores. And nearly 80% of pet owners consider them part of my family. These data revealed in the survey, who conducted the service Good Mail.Ru on the eve of world stray animals day. The researchers interviewed more than 3,000 Internet users and conducted in-depth interviews with pet owners, volunteers, employees of shelters, and people who do not have their Pets. It turned out that more than half of Russians believe the pack of street animals threat. And 65% believe that animals have no place on the streets.

Generation of Sampo: why women in South Korea don’t want kids and relationships

Generation of Sampo: why women in South Korea don’t want kids and relationships In South Korea, more and more women decide not to marry, not to bear children, and often does not enter into intimate relationships with men. This phenomenon even has a special name — “Sampo generation”. The word “Sampo” means the failure of three things: sex, marriage and children. The birth rate in South Korea is the lowest in the world, and if the situation does not change, the nation may be on the verge of extinction. It is projected that by 2065 the population of the country, where she now lives more than 50 million people, could be reduced by about 10 million. NewsSouth Korean President wants to create a single economic community with North Korea “I’m not planning on having children now or in the future, says 24-year-old Yong-Hwa. I don’t want to experience the pain

The airline mistakenly sent the passenger to the Arctic

The airline mistakenly sent the passenger to the Arctic Flying more than two thousand kilometers in the wrong direction, the man not even upset. Christopher Petkau, Director and wildlife photographer of the canadian Winnipeg, was about to fly from Yellowknife, a city in the North of Canada, in Inuvik, located three hours North-West. In the day of the flight at the airport of Yellowknife was a computer glitch and the airline employees processed the information manually. Near the gates, Petkau found that in the moment, ready to fly three flights, and walked away with his ticket for a crowd of passengers, who, he thought, must go with him. Petkau, sensed something was wrong when after a few hours the plane landed for refueling in the Inuit village of Rankin inlet. It’s official. Just call me “Winnipeg man who flew 3000 km in wrong direction” I may not ever live this

“The poorest in the world, the former President” was abolished and the pension

“The poorest in the world, the former President” was abolished and the pension Former President of Uruguay Jose Mujica dubbed “the poorest President in the world” for a modest lifestyle, said he did not want to retire a Senator. Mujica has worked in the Uruguayan Senate in 2015. This post came after the end of his term. On Tuesday, he left the post of Senator. The former President could stay in that Senate seat until 2020, but did not, by writing the letter requesting retirement, “tired after a long journey”. “Despite this, while my mind still works, I can’t abandon solidarity and ideological struggle,” the letter says ex-President to the President of the Senate lucía Topolansky, wife, Mujica, who is also Vice-President of the country. Muxika 83. About 14 years he spent in military prison. Modest wit Jose Mujica, known for his direct, sometimes harsh statements, apologized to “those colleagues

Damn August. Five naive questions about default and the crisis of 1998

Damn August. Five naive questions about default and the crisis of 1998 The events of 20 years ago Russians remember forever. The country has defaulted — this meant a sharp increase in the price of everything and unemployment. Formally, Russia could not service its debt. But whether it was possible to avoid it? 33фотографии33фотографии33фотографии Twenty years ago the government of Russia announced a technical default of our country are unable to cope with your debt. 17 August 1998 the Central Bank announced a transition to floating the ruble — the national currency fell (in early August, one dollar was 6 rubles a month — 21%). The devaluation sparked severe inflation products rose in price almost every day, businesses went bankrupt one after another, and thousands of Russians were left without work. The government of Sergey Kiriyenko and the management of the Bank of Russia has resigned, Russia’s state debt rose

Drone saved a drowning woman in Spain

Drone saved a drowning woman in Spain MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. Woman, swept away by the current in the sea off the coast of Spain, saved by a drone. Footage of camera mounted on the drone, was posted on YouTube. The incident occurred near the Spanish town of Sagunto on the Mediterranean coast. To help the woman that she could not return to shore, rescue workers used a drone. The operator of the drone had sent him to the injured, bringing her and support her life jacket. Thanks to this woman was able to survive on the water before the arrival of rescuers on jet skis. They pulled the victim to the beach in tow. See also: Police new Jersey saved from the flood, the bride in her wedding day Headlines from rescuers in Stavropol Krai funny Russians During the download an error has occurred.

Canned in zamarski. That stock up for the winter aliens

Canned in zamarski. That stock up for the winter aliens Talking about the principles of creating dishes of the highest quality, the most eminent chefs in the world speak primarily to the seasonality of the product. That is the best taste can be achieved in a period when it is possible to purchase seasonal, local and not imported products, collected unripe. In August to follow this principle is very easy: the most popular vegetables and fruits is not only supplied to the shelves ripe and delicious, and accessible only in a year. Russia is a strong tradition to make stocks for the winter. But do so not only in the Nordic countries in Europe also a lot of recipes that families have enjoyed for centuries. TASS learned from chefs from France, Serbia, Georgia, Greece and Italy which the workpiece is popular in their homeland. France. Recipe of orange marmalade from

Than crooked forest in Poland attracts hundreds of tourists (photo)

Than crooked forest in Poland attracts hundreds of tourists (photo) His story still remains a mystery. Near the town of Gryfino in the Pomerania region in Poland is an amazing place — the crooked forest. Pine grove area of 1.7 hectares was planted in 30-ies of the last century. In this area there are about 400 curved trees, the trunks of which at a height of 20-25 cm from the ground, make a sharp bend at an angle of about 90 degrees in a northerly direction, and then re-straightened, forming a beautiful arc. Publication of R U S M A R G O L I N (@travel2unlimited) 25 Jul 2018 1:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. I wonder what the other trees around the curve of the forest grow perfectly normally. Because of this, theories about why these pine trees have such a fancy look, a great

A giant carpet of flowers appeared in the centre of Brussels

A giant carpet of flowers appeared in the centre of Brussels In the capital of Belgium began the traditional colorful festival. The Grand-place in Brussels has grown into a spectacular flower carpet. The size of the living canvas is 24 to 75 metres and covers an area of 1800 square meters. This year the flower carpet is dedicated to Mexican culture. It depicted scenes and characters from the region of Guanajuato, known for its rich floral culture and traditions. The colorful festival of “Flower Carpet” (“Carpet of flowers”) is held every two years, starting from 1971. Giant canvas bring together more than 100 experienced gardeners and volunteers in only seven hours. In total for creation of carpet is used by more than 500 thousand flowers: it is begonias, dahlias, grasses and bark. This year the event becomes more complicated because of the intense heat, but the volunteers who water the

Putin and Merkel discuss Syria and Ukraine, bilateral cooperation and energy issues

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 18. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday to Berlin, where he will hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel. In the German capital, as expected, the leaders of Russia and Germany to discuss the issue of the Syrian settlement, the situation in Eastern Ukraine, cooperation between the two countries, in particular in the energy sector.