Media reported about the arrival of Putin to the wedding in Austria with the Cossack choir

Media reported about the arrival of Putin to the wedding in Austria with the Cossack choir MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin will present as a gift to the wedding, the foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl songs in the performance of the Cossack ensemble, said on Friday the Austrian edition Kurier, citing sources. According to the publication, together with Putin for the wedding will arrive 10 people from the Ensemble of the don Cossacks, who will perform the song for the newlyweds as a gift from the Russian leader. Earlier, the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Putin August 18, plans to attend the wedding of the head of the Austrian foreign Ministry. According to him, the President received a wedding invitation Kneisl during his recent visit to Vienna. The wedding will take place in the restaurant Gasthaus Tscheppe an der Weinstraße

“Everyone escaped as could”

“Everyone escaped as could” Direct speech: you as default experienced? 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий August 17, 1998, the state acknowledged the inability to pay its debts. Central Bank and the government announced the expansion of the currency corridor from 6 to 9.5 rubles/$, the three-month moratorium on the payment of Bank debt to foreign creditors and freezing all payments on t-bills and Federal loan bonds before the end of the year. Immediately after that, the dollar rate in exchange offices increased from 6.2 to 9-10 rubles/$. And the banks were unable to timely fulfill obligations to depositors. “Kommersant” has asked businessmen and financiers, as they have experienced a default. Vladimir Shcherbakov, President of “Avtotor”invest: — This day we went bankrupt. In late 1997, we have built in the Kaliningrad plant and began to produce cars Kia. It went well. We had $150 million European and Korean loans, we believed that the calm will

New optical illusion brought from the mind

New optical illusion brought from the mind Netizens praised the new optical illusion created by a psychology Professor from Japan, Akiyoshi Kitaoka (Kitaoka Akiyoshi). The video is available on his Twitter page. The frame is a piece of paper. It depicts a black gradient that changes color from dark to light. Kitaoka was also put on a small sheet of grey paper, and began to move it left and right from the center. The audience had the impression that the paper completely changes the tone depending on its location. A demo of lightness perception — Akiyoshi Kitaoka (@AkiyoshiKitaoka) August 12, 2018 “Demonstration of the perception of illumination,” wrote the psychologist. His post has gathered more than 20 thousand retweets and about 55 thousand likes. The trick Kitaoka has surprised many users who never found a logical explanation for optical illusions. “What sorcery is this?” — surprised one of the

Expert: Putin’s trip to the wedding of the head of the Austrian foreign Ministry will have a political context

MOSCOW, August 18. /TASS/. The invitation of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the wedding of the Austrian Minister for foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl is a political sign, the reaction to which in the Western world will be heterogeneous. Such opinion in conversation with TASS was expressed by the expert of the international discussion club “Valdai” Andrey Bystritsky.

The death toll in the collapse of a bridge in Genoa increased to 41 persons

The death toll in the collapse of a bridge in Genoa increased to 41 persons ROME, August 18 — RIA Novosti, Sergei Elders. The death toll in the collapse of a road bridge in Genoa rose to 41 people, said rescuers are continuing search operation at the scene of the tragedy. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографийпод the rubble they found the car, which was the family of three — father, mother and their nine year old son. Earlier it was reported 38 dead. According to local authorities, in hospitals are ten wounded, nine of them in serious condition. Two people are still considered missing. The tragedy in Genoa Around noon on August 14 dvuhsotmetrovyj the span of the bridge across the Genoa motorway A-10 fell on houses and Railways. At the time of emergency on the bridge were more than 30 cars. Today is declared national mourning. The Prosecutor said that the tragedy occurred

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, has promised to help the crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin”

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, has promised to help the crew of “the Mechanic Pogodin” MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The representative of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ukraine has promised to deal with the situation of illegal detention of the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” in the Ukrainian port of Kherson, according to the website of the shipping company “VF Tanker”. According to information on the website, the ship “Mekhanik Pogodin” unsuccessfully attempts to get permission to exit the area. The seventeenth of August on the website it was reported that over the past day the list of complaints about the ship or the shipowner has not been granted, a request for approval of the release neither customs nor border service still has not responded. The captain of the port to exit the port refused, citing a letter to the border service,

The captain of “the Mechanic Pogodin” filed a protest because of the retention of Ukraine

The captain of “the Mechanic Pogodin” filed a protest because of the retention of Ukraine MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Captain detained in Ukraine, the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” expressed protest in connection with the unlawful detention of the vessel, which is fully ready to sail, the crew filed a third application for a departure, however, the response from the port authorities was not followed, said the shipowner. It also became known that the team is “the Mechanic Pogodin” thwarted a third attempt of the Ukrainian inspection illegally to get on Board of the vessel, according to the website of the company-shipowner LLC “V. F. Tanker”. As noted in the company, in his attempts to Board the tanker “inspectors” re not presented the documents confirming the authority for verification. “The seventeenth of August, the boat arrived on the port control to validate anonymous complaints about the “poor condition of

The End Of “The Beginning”. Mystery of the top of the hero DiCaprio

The End Of “The Beginning”. Mystery of the top of the hero DiCaprio Few years, fans of the film were arguing, she tried spinning top Cobb in the final. Actor Michael Caine told reporters that he learned the true idea of Nolan at the Director. Famous British actor Michael Caine revealed the mystery of the popular movie “inception”, told reporters about his conversation with Director Christopher Nolan. The words of the actor cites the website of the TV channel Fox News. NewsHmayak Hakobyan: the trick father opened a foreign spy at the reception of Khrushchev Kane said that after reading the script, do not fully understand the ending: where the dream ends and where reality begins. This he directly asked the Director Christopher Nolan. And he told him that the events shown in all the scenes with Kane happen in reality. So the character Leonardo DiCaprio did in the real