Lavrov told about the secret ban of the UN to participate in rebuilding the Syrian economy

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lebanon Gebran Bassil and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, August 20. /TASS/. The UN Secretariat secret Directive banned the structures of the world organization to participate in any projects aimed at the restoration of the Syrian economy before the country will be made a political transition. This was stated on Monday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov following talks with Lebanese counterpart Gibran bassil a.

Sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father

Sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Three sisters Khachaturyan pleaded guilty to the murder of his father and gave detailed statements to investigators, told RIA Novosti on Monday, the lawyers of the accused. The murder happened on July 27 in Moscow in an apartment on Altufevskoe highway. “Mary gave testimony that can be considered grateful. But now we give more detailed testimonies, which tell the events preceding it, starting from birth, you can say… in her hands was a knife. She claims that she struck no more than five strokes. The average of the sisters struck. Examination has not yet been undertaken, so early to say who struck and what was deadly,” the lawyer told the youngest (17 years old) of the sisters of Yaroslav Pakulin. The lawyer’s older sister — Christine — told the Agency that his client also

Policemen attacked with knives and cars

Policemen attacked with knives and cars In Chechnya, committed a series of terrorist crimes. In Chechnya there have been a number of attacks on guards. In Grozny alleged terrorist threw an explosive device at police officers and then knocked the guards on the machine. Two intruders, armed with knives, attacked the police Department in Shali. In addition, before reaching its target, exploded a suicide bomber. Wounds and injuries of varying severity, according to preliminary data, received by five police officers, four of the attackers killed. During the download an error has occurred.Material for persons over 18 yearsShow Almost simultaneously attacks were committed in Grozny and Shali. In one case, someone Ali Akhmatkhanov, passing by the police post, was thrown into the traffic police was an explosive device that didn’t work. After that, the city was declared the plan “Interception”. However, driving through the infamous square Minute, the attacker was hit

In Chechnya, two unidentified men attacked the police Department

In Chechnya, two unidentified men attacked the police Department MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Two unidentified men armed with knives tried to enter the territory of the Russian Federation OMVD on Shalinskomu district of Chechnya, wounding two policemen, the attackers destroyed, the press service of the interior Ministry of the Chechen Republic. “Two men, armed with knives, tried to enter the territory of Russia OMVD Shalinskomu area of the Chechen Republic and inflicted injuries to two police officers who were on duty. Returning fire, the attackers were killed. Currently, the scene works operative group”, — stated in the message.

Iran called on the EU, Russia and China to save nuclear deal

Iran called on the EU, Russia and China to save nuclear deal The European Union, Russia and China should make efforts to preserve the Iranian nuclear deal, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry of Iran Bahram qasemi. “The Europeans and other signatories to the agreement (China and Russia.— “B”) tried to salvage the deal, but the process was slow. It needs to be accelerated”, — quoted Mr. qasemi Reuters. Recall, July 14, 2015 Iran, USA, France, UK, China, Russia and Germany signed a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD), which provides for the freezing of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. May 8, 2018 US President Donald trump has announced the release of the deal, saying that it was “based on lies”. In early August, Donald trump said he was willing, without preconditions, to engage in direct negotiations with Iran. Tehran has rejected this initiative, demanding

Vasilyeva has not approved the initiative to ban on adoptions of more than three children

Vasilyeva has not approved the initiative to ban on adoptions of more than three children MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Minister of education of Russia Olga Vasilyeva declared that categorically against legislation reducing the allowable number of adopted a family of children to three. Document about tightening of adoption was not agreed neither with the Minister nor with the Ministry of education, she said. Earlier it became known that the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation is preparing a legislative initiative on toughening of requirements to the candidates for adoptive parents and reduce the allowable number of adopted a family of children. “I am categorically against reductions up to three children specified in the project. This is the wrong approach, and he and the rest of the document as a whole, has not been agreed neither with me nor with the Ministry of education, whose composition is

Khasbulatov told about regards to the meeting Yeltsin to escape to the U.S. Embassy during the coup

Khasbulatov told about regards to the meeting Yeltsin to escape to the U.S. Embassy during the coup Former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation Ruslan Khasbulatov confirmed that Russia’s first President Boris Yeltsin tried to escape to the American Embassy during the coup of 1991. He told this to RBC. Khasbulatov said that he himself told about it the former Vice-President of Russia Alexander Rutskoi. It is a fact already known. Correctly says Rutskoi, the only witness was me. He [Yeltsin] was trying to convince me to run with him. When I refused, he too was forced to withdraw. [Yeltsin] will not just offer [to run] and persuaded: “Give, and not what will kill us in half an hour the storm” — and so on.Ruslan Hasbulatova-the head of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation He added that he had proposed to Yeltsin to leave, but he

Zhirinovsky has found an original way to stop the brain drain

Zhirinovsky has found an original way to stop the brain drain LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that the study of foreign languages in schools should be paid not to sponsor the brain drain from Russia. He reported about it on the page in Facebook. The politician said that in Western countries, there is an excellent system poaching experts from other countries. “Brilliant scientists, engineers, programmers, or doctors trained in countries with good education system. Such as Russia or India. Then prepared, in which the state invested for 15 years, because that’s a great salary in the United States or Europe”, — said Zhirinovsky. According to him, it is to facilitate “stealing minds” around the world have imposed compulsory study of foreign languages in schools. As explained by the leader of the liberal democratic party, most educated people are not from English-speaking countries for twenty years mastering this language and ready