The United States blocked assets in Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars

The United States blocked assets in Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. Washington blocked the Russian assets in the country hundreds of millions of dollars, said the Deputy head of the U.S. Treasury Seagal Mandelker. Upstairs The statement was released shortly before her speech to Congress. Mandelker responsible for sanctions in the Ministry of Finance, shall report to the Senate banking Committee on the sanctions pressure on Russia. Washington also made the list of cybersense two Russians and one company. Under the restrictions were Anton Nagibin born in 1985 and Marina Tsareva was born in 1973 as related already under sanctions by the company “Dayvtekhnoservis”. In addition, Washington made the list of sanctions on North Korea two Russian companies and six vessels. Under the restrictions were companies “Hudson shipping” from Vladivostok and “Vela Marin” from St. Petersburg, as well as the court’s “Bella”,

Moskalkova called impossible exchange for Russian prisoners Sentsov Ukraine

Moskalkova called impossible exchange for Russian prisoners Sentsov Ukraine Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Exchange of Oleg Sentsov on the Russian prisoners in Ukraine is impossible, since he is a citizen of both Russia and Ukraine, said the Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova. Upstairs “As for Sentsov, (Dmitry) Sterlikova and so on, they did in fact dual citizenship. And according to the Ukrainian Constitution, their citizens cannot be extradited to the territory of Russia — as well as us citizens shall not be extradited to another area,” — said Moskalkova at a press conference on Tuesday. “Therefore, we need to look for some new legal form”, she added. According to the Commissioner, between Russia and Ukraine should be concluded a bilateral agreement on the status of persons with two nationalities. “We can’t ignore the fact that today a large number of people simultaneously have passports,”

Where is the longest residential building in the world (photos)

Where is the longest residential building in the world (photos) To visit friends from next door, you need to drive a couple of bus stops away. Upstairs Unique multi-storey residential building, which is recognized as the longest, not only in Europe but in the world, is located in the small Ukrainian city of Lutsk. The longest house in the world is in luck. Total length (on the yellow line) is almost three kilometers! — Andrey Maksimchuk (@maksimchuk_a) August 3, 2015 Designed by architects Vasily Malawian and Rostislav Metelnick, it resembles a honeycomb and combines the 40 houses of different heights: from 5 to 9 floors. The length of this construction is 1750 meters, and if you add and count all its branches, length of 2775 meters. The house, which was started in 1969 and was completed in 1980, is located on two streets: street Youth and the prospect of

An eyewitness told about the landing of the Tu-124 on the Neva river 55 years ago

An eyewitness told about the landing of the Tu-124 on the Neva river 55 years ago 55 years ago the pilots of a passenger airliner Tu-124 was able to land the plane in the Neva river, in this case, none of the passengers was hurt. About this unique event “Газете.Ru” told him the witness, the writer Yuri Tuisk. Upstairs New passenger airliner Tu-124 took off from the airport “ülemiste” in Tallinn in the early morning of August 21, 1963 at 8:55 and headed for the Moscow airport Vnukovo. The aircraft commander was the Victor Bridge, the second pilot — Vasily Chechenev. Together they flew not for the first time. On Board were six crew members and 45 passengers. After takeoff, the crew found that the nose landing gear jammed. With the rise in Tallinn the aircraft lost ball bolt (his then raised on the runway). To land in Tallinn was

Became known winners of the MTV Video Music Awards

Became known winners of the MTV Video Music Awards In the United States hosted the prestigious MTV Video Music Awards — 2018, is celebrated annually the most significant works in the field of music and chipmaking. The main winners of the ceremony this time were rappers KARDi B. and Childish Gambino, took three statues of the man in the moon. Upstairs Last night in new York at the concert hall of Radio City Music Hall hosted the 35th awards ceremony of MTV Video Music Awards, one of the brightest events of the year in music and lipopolysaccha. The highest number of nominations at this time received a hip-hop performer KARDi Bi — 25-year-old native of the Bronx claimed just ten awards including the most prestigious (“artist of the year” and “Video of the year”). By the way, that KARDi (real name — Alkalis Almanzar) was entrusted to open VMA-2018, it

Manafort was found guilty on eight counts

Manafort was found guilty on eight counts WASHINGTON — RIA Novosti. The former head of the election headquarters of Donald trump by Paul Manafort was found guilty on 8 counts of 18, told television channel MSNBC, citing the jury’s decision read out by the judge. Upstairs The jury found Manafort guilty to tax fraud. The judge declared invalid accusations on 10 points for which the jury has not come to an agreement. Manafort accused of Bank fraud and tax evasion. The verdict in the case will be rendered later. The conviction means that Manafort likely to be sentenced to a prison term.

In the United States, the court denied the co-owners of Alfa-Bank’s claim against the author of the dossier in trump

In the United States, the court denied the co-owners of Alfa-Bank’s claim against the author of the dossier in trump In the United States, the court denied the co-owners of Alfa-Bank Mikhail Fridman, Pyotr Aven and German Khan in libel suit by a former employee of British intelligence Christopher Touch, which prepared dossiers on Russian relations U.S. President Donald trump, writes The Guardian. In making this decision, judge Anthony Epstein referred to the law on the protection of freedom of speech in the United States. Upstairs The court ruled that the owners of Alfa-Bank are unable to prove that Steele knew about that published information contains the lie that he acted “with reckless disregard” to false information. “The law allows to consider claims of defamation if the defendants alleged defamatory statements will provide evidence that they will benefit the process. The plaintiffs have not provided such evidence,” the court concluded.

Shoigu showed seized from militants in Syria, the weapons of the Third Reich, were armed with the SS

KUBINKA /Moscow region/, August 21. /TASS/. The Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army Sergei Shoigu inspected the weapons of the militants fighting in Syria, among the seized samples tested machines of the Third Reich, which was armed SS units in 1944, the correspondent of TASS. The exposition presented in the International military-technical forum “Army-2018”.

In the Kremlin told about the recent talks between Putin and Merkel

In the Kremlin told about the recent talks between Putin and Merkel Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the recent negotiations discussed the consumption of gas in Europe, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Topics included forecasts of volumes of consumption of gas on the European continent,” — said Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. He noted that there are conflicting predictions. “There are different concepts. It is obvious that the consumption will increase, but to what extent — the issue for further development”, — said Peskov. He recalled that the President of the Russian Federation stated about the preservation of the transit of gas through Ukraine. Earlier it was reported that Putin and Merkel agreed of the need to protect “Nord stream-2” from the attacks of third countries. See also: European media “lost” Angela Merkel