Source: shock UAV “Hunter” for the first time rises into the air in September

© Vitaly Timkivi/TASS KUBINKA /Moscow region/, August 23. /TASS/. Russian heavy strike unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “Hunter”, which is in part artificial intelligence will become a prototype fighter to the 6th generation, was the first to take to the air in September 2018. This was reported by TASS on the sidelines of the exhibition “Army-2018” a source in the aviation industry.

China initiates proceedings in WTO because of duties USA

China initiates proceedings in WTO because of duties USA China intends to initiate proceedings in the world trade organization (WTO) in connection with the imposition of US duties on Chinese imports totaling $16 billion. Upstairs In early July, US Department of Commerce has submitted an additional list of goods affecting imports of goods from China to $200 billion, and Donald trump instructed the United States representative for trade negotiations Robert Leitheiser to increase the estimated size of fees from 10% to 25%. The Chinese government announced it was ready to impose retaliatory duties on imports from the U.S. $60 billion if Washington imposes new duties. Read more about this in the publication “Kommersant” “the Trade war with elements of asymmetry”.

Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force

Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force BEIJING, 23 Aug — RIA Novosti. Reciprocal duties of China on American goods came into force on 23 August at 12:01 Beijing time one minute after the imposition of U.S. duties, according to China Central television. Upstairs “The Chinese side in response to the U.S. introduction of the high duties of 25% on imports of Chinese goods with a volume of $ 16 billion on August 23 at 12:01 Beijing time officially brought into force the decision to impose 25% duty on the import of American goods with a volume of 16 billion dollars”, — stated in the message channel. The tariff Commission of the state Council of the PRC on 16 June announced that China in response to the actions of Washington will impose a 25 percent import duty on 659 items imported from the US goods worth $

In the United States came into effect additional tariffs on imports from China worth $16 billion

In the United States came into effect additional tariffs on imports from China worth $16 billion Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — China has protested and imposed the same duties on American goods. Upstairs In the United States on Thursday entered into force the import duties on goods from China worth $16 billion, as previously planned, warned Washington. Beijing announced a similar step in respect of imported American goods. U.S. customs has confirmed that from 00:01 (07:01 GMT) on Thursday goods from China worth $16 billion, in accordance with the established list will be taxed at 25%. The Ministry of Commerce of China issued a statement in which he emphasized that “in this regard, China maintains a strong protest and forced to continue to take retaliatory steps.” At the same time the statement said that China in response to the actions of the United States will submit a claim to arbitration,

The main colors. Russia can not choose a flag for a thousand years

The main colors. Russia can not choose a flag for a thousand years The debate about which flag has more rights to be considered mainly in Russia, has been ongoing for half a century. UpRed, yellow, blue — choose anything! The history of the origin and evolution of the Russian state flag rather confusing. Until the second half of the XVII century flag, which could be considered a state, did not exist. NewsWhat color is almost there in the state flags Since the end of X century the rulers of Ancient Russia used their own banners predominant red color, but the consistency was not there. In addition to red, met banners yellow, green and even black. In XII—XIII centuries on the banner appears the image of the cross, and later the Russian brigade participating in the battles under the red banner with the face of the Savior. “Great banner” Ivan

How would look the characters of famous paintings at a music festival (photos)

How would look the characters of famous paintings at a music festival (photos) Hungarian photographer has placed the heroes of classical paintings in modern realities. Upstairs Photographer Martone. Nemani recently visited one of the largest music festivals in Europe — Sziget in Hungary. Making a lot of great reportage shots from the event, Martone. imagine that in modern realities fit well the characters of famous paintings. With the help of imagination and photoshop he moved the Mona Lisa, Adam and the other heroes of classical paintings on the site of the music festival. And it looks very harmoniously. The publication of Marton Nemenyi (@mook1d) Aug 17, 2018 at 4:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Francesco Hayez: A csók (1859) + Colosseum mellett, 20:10 Published Long Story Short Thursday, August 16, 2018,During the download an error has occurred. Eugène Delacroix: A szabadság vezeti a népet (1830) + Nagyszínpad,

In Namibia, opened the hotel, simulating a shipwreck (photo)

In Namibia, opened the hotel, simulating a shipwreck (photo) And this makes sense. Upstairs In the early summer in the National Park skeleton Coast in Namibia opened an unusual eco-hotel called the Shipwreck Lodge. Wooden houses-rooms, surrounded by white Sands, reminiscent of ships beached by the storm. Publication from coletrickle (@coletrickle__) 9 Jul 2018 10:04 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The hotel was designed by the architectural firm Nina Maritz Architects and designer Melanie van der Merwe, which was inspired by the place — skeleton Coast got its name due to the large number of shipwrecks with loss of life. Shipwreck Lodge operates on solar batteries. Inside each cabin is a bedroom, bathroom and small lobby. In a separate building there is a common room and a restaurant on the upper “deck” overlooking the sandy plain, to meet with the ocean. According to the rules of the

Kadyrov said that the order to attack police in Chechnya was given from abroad

Kadyrov said that the order to attack police in Chechnya was given from abroad Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU — head of the Republic wrote about the personal responsibility of parents, not sledushij for teenagers. Upstairs Teenagers, August 20 committed several attacks on police in Chechnya, have received orders from abroad through social networks, said Wednesday the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. “There is no doubt that the team attack the police received from abroad on social networks. This is a real conspiracy not just against those who stand on guard of law and order, but against the entire Chechen people”, — he wrote on his page in “Vkontakte”. “Attracting youths with a fragile psyche to commit serious crimes is deeply thoughtful and focused. Recruiters have set a goal to call in the Russian society lack of confidence to teenagers, every child 10-12 years have seen a potential terrorist and

Britain will present a plan in the event of failure to reach deals on Brexit

Britain will present a plan in the event of failure to reach deals on Brexit LONDON, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti, Natalia Kopylova. British Minister for Brexit Dominic Raab on Wednesday will present a plan of action of the authorities and recommendations for citizens just in case London and Brussels fail to reach agreement on the terms Brexit, announced the British government. Upstairs It is expected that the Minister will give a speech to introduce the first part of technical advice to business and citizens in case a deal is not reached. The report notes that, although the government is confident that the agreement most likely, the authorities must be ready for any outcome of the negotiations, including the option of “no deal” under which the parties will not be able to 29 March 2019 to negotiate the terms “divorce”. We must be willing to consider an alternative. We as