Pete Doherty ate a giant Breakfast at 4000 calories and got on the Board in cafe

Pete Doherty ate a giant Breakfast at 4000 calories and got on the Board in cafe The leader of the British band the Libertines Pete Doherty has ensured that his name appeared on the “wall of fame” of one of cafe of Margate in Kent. To do this, the musician had to cope with a huge Breakfast less than 20 minutes. Upstairs According to the rules applicable in the café if Breakfast to eat for 20 minutes, then the visitor will not have to pay for it. In addition, attendee name, cope with such an ambitious task, will be recorded with chalk on the “wall of fame”. If the visitor will not have time to meet in 20 minutes, he will have to pay for the Breakfast of 17.5 pounds sterling (about 1500 rubles). Megazarak at cafe Brand Ezequiel serves four eggs, four slices of bacon, four sausages, a Burger,

Biologists have discovered why the eggs are blunt and sharp end

Biologists have discovered why the eggs are blunt and sharp end MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The eggs of many birds are pointed at one end so that they are not “rolled” from nests located on an uneven surface. This is the conclusion of biologists who observed the life of Arctic birds and published his findings in the Journal of Experimental Biology. Upstairs The eggs of many birds, in contrast to crocodiles, dinosaurs and other reptiles, often have a conical and very elongated shape. Then, how did such an unusual feature of the egg and the role it played in the evolution of birds has long been concerned about not only the Lilliputians from “Gulliver”, but scientists. For example, recently they found that the General shape of an egg and its degree of elongation does not depend on the size of the bird, and how well it can fly

The police conduct special operation in the suburbs of Paris

The police conduct special operation in the suburbs of Paris PARIS, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The police conduct special operation in the town of Trappe of the Department Yvelines in the suburbs of the French capital. Upstairs “Trapp. Conducted police operation… Please avoid the area of operations and keep a security perimeter,” — said in the account of the local police in Twitter. ⚠This[ALERTE] ‘opération en cours de police, rue Camille Claudel à #Trappes, merci de bien vouloir avoid le secteur et de respecter le périmètre de sécurité. — 78 Police Nationale (@PoliceNat78) August 23, 2018 According to media reports, the reason for the RAID was unknown, lashed out with a knife people. It is reported that one person was killed and at least two were injured.

Native Skripal suspect that it is not alive.

Native Skripal suspect that it is not alive. YAROSLAVL, Aug 23 — RIA Novosti. Relatives of the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal suspect that it may not be alive, told RIA Novosti his niece Victoria Skripal. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The last time the daughter of Sergei Skripal, Julia was in touch with his family the birthday of grandmother Elena Yakovlevna, at the end of July. Then she told me that dad is on the mend, but in his throat a tracheostomy, which he cannot speak. The girl promised that the handset will soon be removed, and the father will call the families. Since then, calls from Skrobala not been reported. According to Victoria’s family began to suspect that Sergei is dead or his condition is very heavy. Why do we believe? Because Julia said that after three days the Pope will be able to call that he has great desire. We are

Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for “high expectations”

Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for “high expectations” The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko apologized to the Ukrainians for their unfulfilled promise to quickly complete the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the Donbass, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. Upstairs “More than four years ago, I said that anti-terrorist operation will last hours, not months. Now it is not so important, the context in which those words were spoken… I regret that gave rise to high expectations. I sincerely apologize for giving hope, that’s not true. It’s a shame, I made a promise that has not happened. Ask pardon for that,” said Poroshenko in the river during the ceremony of raising state flag of Ukraine. The armed forces of Ukraine started anti-terrorist operation beyond the control of Kiev, the South-Eastern part of the country in April 2014 On completion of the ATO was announced in April 2018, instead of the Ukrainian authorities began operation of

The Network launched the flash mob #soaringeagle in honor of the Russian flag

The Network launched the flash mob #soaringeagle in honor of the Russian flag MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian users of social networks, which today celebrate flag Day, launched a flash mob #soaringeagle and post a picture of the various items folded Russian tricolor or simply publish your photos with the flag. Upstairs The initiator of the action this year was Oleg Gazmanov. He managed to raise the flag out of the helmets and caps. With FLAG Day! The Russians! Took over #soaringeagle from scrap materials. Gathered from tour gifts! Pass on – share your photos with the hashtag. All #vesnyani #gettingit #Gazmanov #flag #flagrancia?? Publication of oleggazmanov Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov) 22 August 2018 12:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The flash mob was joined by singer Zara. “I’m happy to live in this historic time, when #Hasflag, proudly flying over the expanses of our planet, instilling

“Find the snake”. Users of the Network suggested to solve an unusual puzzle

“Find the snake”. Users of the Network suggested to solve an unusual puzzle Almost no one lost mystery. Upstairs In the community of the hunters snakes from the Australian state Queensland Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 Facebook there was an interesting photo. The photo shows two chairs, but the signature to it was intriguing. You find the snake! This cheeky guy was caught today in one of the houses, Nigeri. Extra points for anyone who can determine what it is. Members enthusiastically began to look for the snake in the photo, but it did not work at all. More precisely, almost all have failed. Spot the Snake! Time for another game of spot the snake. This cheeky customer was removed from a home in Ninderry today! Extra points for the species! Lockie Published by Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 Monday, 20 August 2018,At boot time the error occurred. People were

Scientists: all the wolves of the world happened from ancient Siberia

Scientists: all the wolves of the world happened from ancient Siberia The habitat of the ancestors of modern wolves covered Eastern Siberia, Alaska and part of Canada. Upstairs All the wolves living in the world today came from the ancient region of Beringia, which included the territory of Siberia, reports TASS with reference to the study of the Royal Institute of natural Sciences of Belgium. NewsScientists have found living contemporaries of dinosaurs on the Earth Experts conducted DNA of wolves from different parts of the world and found that they all, with the exception of Tibetan wolves, lived in the same area during the Quaternary period. The habitat of the ancestors of modern wolves covered Eastern Siberia, Alaska and part of Canada. At this time, the regions have not yet been separated by the Bering Strait. The wolves who inhabited at that period the territory of modern Europe extinct in