VTSIOM: raising the retirement age can be a factor in the decline of voter turnout on 9 September

VTSIOM: raising the retirement age can be a factor in the decline of voter turnout on 9 September MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. Planned changes in the pension legislation, in particular raising the retirement age, may be one of the factors that have a negative impact on voter turnout in regional elections on 9 September. This opinion was expressed on Thursday at a round table the head of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) Valery Fedorov. Upstairs One of the factors in the low turnout at regional elections he called “electoral fatigue after a big election.” “People today do not want to hear anything related to the election, whether to decide to vote. It is generally not associated with high competition or low competition, due to the fact that we all have experienced this spring is very important, and intense campaign,” said Fyodorov, referring to the past in

Rogozin said about air leak on the ISS

Rogozin said about air leak on the ISS MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Russian Soyuz spacecraft leaked air, said the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin. Upstairs He noted that the emergency situation on the ship docked to the Russian segment of the ISS occurred last night. According to Rogozin, had taken all necessary measures to identify the location of the leak. The head of Roscosmos said that all six cosmonauts, including American crew, were in the Russian segment. “Then alternately place the overlap of the compartments, to understand where really what happened,” — said Rogozin. Appropriate action, he said, helped to locate the leak and isolate the problem. The head of Roscosmos said that in a vehicle compartment detected a hairline crack the size of a half millimeter. According to the designers, it could be due to the impact of a micrometeor. There is no threat Rogozin also

In the Arctic ocean found a “heat bomb”

In the Arctic ocean found a “heat bomb” The climatologists found that in the lower layers of water in the Canadian basin (Western part of the Arctic ocean) accumulate a large amount of warm water. Upstairs As reported in the journal Science Advances, its sources are surface waters of the Chukchi sea, which become very hot in recent years. If the warm waters reach the surface, they can melt the ice that covers the region most of the year. NewsHelmets, barrels and kungas: what can be found during cleaning on a desert island One of the more obvious consequences of global warming — the melting of the polar ice sheets and the increase in the average level of the world ocean. One of the most vulnerable regions is the Arctic in the Russian part of the melting accelerated by about half during the last decade. Mass of water from melted

In New Zealand decided to ban domestic cats

In New Zealand decided to ban domestic cats The power of the new Zealand city of Omaui has proposed a ban on cats to protect native birds and other animals. This publication reports The Guardian. Upstairs If the plan is approved, all cats will be registered, sterilized and supplied with the chip. When they die, their owners will not be able to get a new pet. As a result, after a few years on new Zealand’s South island, there will be no cats.Articlebody Language of cats. Understand that he wants to say pet The authors of the plan believe that it is necessary for the preservation of birds that are found only in New Zealand. “We are not of those who hate cats, — said the representative of the conservation organization of the city of Omaui John Collins (John Collins). But we are for the responsible possession of Pets. Here

The activity of Putin on a post of the head of state approved 70% of Russians

The activity of Putin on a post of the head of state approved 70% of Russians Moscow. August 30. INTERFAX.RU the approval Rating of President Vladimir Putin in August grew slightly, at the same time approximately the same values reduced the number of Russians who believe that the country is moving in the right direction, according to a survey by “Levada-center”, submitted on Thursday to “Interfax”. Upstairs According to sociologists, the President’s activity approve, 70% of Russians, while in July this opinion was shared by 67% of respondents. The opposite view is held by 30% of respondents (July — 32%). The activities of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with approval are 28% of Russians (July — 31%). Not approve of the job the head of the government 71% of respondents (in July and 69%). According to the survey, a third of Russians approve of the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers

55 years ago, was established a “hot line” between the USSR and the USA

55 years ago, was established a “hot line” between the USSR and the USA August 30, marks 55 years since the establishment of the “hotline” between the US and the Soviet Union, designed to prevent potential conflicts, and to serve as a channel for the exchange of opinions in emergency situations. For many years the line was one of the tools for the preservation of peace in the era of the cold war. Upstairs “The Cuban crisis has highlighted the need for reliable technical means of communication between Moscow and Washington,” wrote about installing a direct connection between the Kremlin and the White house the Soviet Ambassador to U.S. Anatoly Dobrynin. The Ambassador recalls that a proposal to establish a direct line of communication between the two countries were the United States. A contract for its installation was signed during talks in Geneva in June 1963. Despite the fact that

Kiev has prepared for the termination of the Agreement on friendship with Russia

Kiev has prepared for the termination of the Agreement on friendship with Russia The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has prepared all the necessary documents for the termination of the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia. On Thursday, August 30, said the foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin, reports “UKRINFORM”. Upstairs “These documents have been prepared, the entire package. We can say about it. It has always been our position, so we handle it. In the coming days, we will submit it formally,” — assured the Minister. Klimkin also said that Moscow has “violated all that is possible” in this agreement, beginning with the preamble. He added that on Friday will publish a post which will talk about all the violations by Russia of its Treaty obligations over the past four and a half years. 29 Aug Klimkin said that the contract will be terminated before 30 September of

Reactive birds: opened surprising fact about penguins

Reactive birds: opened surprising fact about penguins They migrate vast distances, although this is not necessary. Upstairs Thick-billed penguins are able to overcome 80 km per day, scientists of the University of Otago in New Zealand. Does, polirani Dave & Lizzie (@slowlanetravellers) 23 Fox R. 2017 on 5:52 PST During the download an error has occurred. Researchers have attached satellite trackers to ten males and seven females of these species crested penguin, to follow the behavior of birds from November to March. The results were impressive. They are published in the journal PLOS One. Scientists managed to establish that by growing Chicks, thick-billed penguins begin to migrate from New Zealand to the South-West. Some of them should be South of Tasmania, which is located in the subtropical zone and the other in the subantarctic zone. In these places the penguins restore power, hard eating, and then migrate back. Does, polirani

“I gave the song the full Monty”: the deaths of Joseph Kobzon

“I gave the song the full Monty”: the deaths of Joseph Kobzon As we remember the real folk artists. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий 30 August in Moscow on 81 year of life died Joseph Davidovich Kobzon. There is no sense of duty with “bereavement” — care Kobzon, the last of the great Soviet artists, is not just a sad fact of history. Kobzon was not just a singer, businessman, politician, teacher, philanthropist. Joseph Davidovich was one of the symbols of Russia, a living legend, those without whom it is impossible to imagine cultural and political landscape of the country changing, in the last sixty years. A real people’s artist, a real Man with a capital letter. The portal iz.ru remembers what was Joseph Kobzon. News“And we have in the yard” and “Victory Day” — best songs of Joseph Kobzon Joseph Kobzon was born on 11 September 1937 in the town of chasov Yar

“And we have in the yard” and “Victory Day” — best songs of Joseph Kobzon

“And we have in the yard” and “Victory Day” — best songs of Joseph Kobzon The artist must serve his people, said Joseph Kobzon. And always toured a lot, played at different venues. He admitted that he had not performed the music that it touches. All songs Kobzon was worried about listeners, taking the deserved popularity. Наверх16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий”And we have in the yard” With this work the composer Arkady Ostrovsky and the poet Lev Oshanin began a long and brilliant career Kobzon. Simple and touching, simple song about first love was his first everything — first record on radio and TV, the first record. During the download an error has occurred. Premiere of “A u NAS vo Dvor” took place in the morning program in the spring of 1962. And immediately a huge success. On radio she received many letters asking about the sequel, the audience wanted the development of the