Attack nuclear submarine entered the Mediterranean sea

Attack nuclear submarine entered the Mediterranean sea Nuclear submarine USS Newport News us Navy equipped with cruise missiles “Tomahawk” entered the Mediterranean sea. This is evidenced by the us portal Sentinel Strategic analyses of foreign policy and national security. Upstairs “It was seen as a multi-purpose submarine USS Newport News yesterday entered the Mediterranean sea”, — quotes the message of the TASS portal. In addition, the site monitoring service Navy Vessels that monitor the movements of US warships, 4 September, it was reported that Newport News had left Gibraltar and headed into the Mediterranean sea. The us authorities have not commented on the move of the submarine and not announced of operations. On 1 September it became known that powered attack submarine Newport News class Los Angeles went to Gibraltar. The Pentagon said at the time that this technical visit, which was planned in advance. In March after entering the

The British “ganged up” on the smiling guy on the subway

The British “ganged up” on the smiling guy on the subway And pelted him with negative comments. Upstairs Big cities full of stress and public transport in General is very sad and uncomfortable place. Decided though a little to correct the situation and add a positive in the gray days of London resident Glen Freeman organized a campaign called #SmilesOnTheLines (“Smile in the subway”). Day positive he chose the 25th of September. Publication of Smiles On The Lines (@smilesonthelines) Sep 2, 2018 12:54 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The idea of Glenn’s simple — he wanted to make the world a little kinder and more fun, to see people smile to each other, and their mood improved. The guy was making a page in social networks, self-made posters with explanations and the right hashtag and went to subway. Some British people supported him and talked about the

The appearance of holes in the side of the “Union” suspected astronaut

The appearance of holes in the side of the “Union” suspected astronaut State Duma Deputy, former astronaut and member of expedition to ISS consisting of Maksim Suraev in an interview to “Moscow speaking” said that the lining of the spacecraft Soyuz in Earth orbit could damage a crew member. Upstairs In his opinion, the damage was not so great. It was possible as-that to compensate, but then obviously had to make an early descent to Earth people. “Maybe just someone’s bad and tired, that they drilled this hole and wanted to go home early,” said Suraev and urged to await the findings of the Commission. The former cosmonaut did not rule out that this incident can be the conflict that arose between people in orbit or mental problems on one of them. We had a serious good powerful system, which was called psychological selection of astronauts, cosmonauts compatibility, compatibility of

Weight loss called dangerous for older women

Weight loss called dangerous for older women American scientists have found that moderate weight loss can have negative consequences for older women. Upstairs In an article published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, says that among older women who for 20 years have lost nine pounds and more weight, the mortality risk was 74 percent higher and the risk of hip fracture and General deterioration of physical condition — several times higher. Newslow-Calorie diet can be life-threatening Usually in medical studies the weight reduction considering only the positive side: as an effective means to prevent obesity and related diseases (type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases). However, such studies rarely take into account the age of the participants, although individual work, saying that the risk of, for example, diseases of the heart and blood vessels are not much reduced with weight loss in the elderly. To test the hypothesis

Bloody murder, poison, and jumping from a tower. In the ancient monastery brought up a lot of mysteries

Bloody murder, poison, and jumping from a tower. In the ancient monastery brought up a lot of mysteries On July 29 the Abbot of one of the oldest monasteries died on the threshold of his cell under mysterious circumstances. While investigators were trying to solve the Church intrigue, abode stunned new news: on the eve of the defrocked monk took poison, and his friend jumped from the tower (both still alive). Upstairs “” figured in a detective story worthy of the pen of Dan brown. The body of Bishop Epiphanius found at dawn on July 29. The Abbot of the Coptic Orthodox monastery of Saint Macarius the Great was lying in a pool of blood near his chambers. It was clear that the accident could not be considered. The attacker crept up to the old man behind, when he went to Church, and bashed his head with a heavy object.

In Britain, announced the names of Russians suspected of poisoning Skrobala

In Britain, announced the names of Russians suspected of poisoning Skrobala MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. The crown prosecution service of Britain has called the names of Russians suspected of attempted murder Sripala is Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. This is stated in the message Department, at the disposal of RIA Novosti. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The Russians accused on four counts, including attempted murder and police Skrobala nick Bailey, conspiracy to commit murder, intentionally causing serious bodily injury and the “use and possession “Newcomer” in contradiction to the law on chemical weapons”. “Prosecutors from the counter-terrorism division of the crown prosecution service reviewed the evidence and found that there are reasonable grounds for sentencing,” — said the Agency. It is noted that the Agency will not ask Moscow for their extradition for the arrest of both men issued a European warrant.

Japan was hit by the strongest Typhoon in 25 years: photo gallery

Japan was hit by the strongest Typhoon in 25 years: photo gallery Typhoon “Jebe”, which struck the Western Japan, was the strongest over the past 25 years. Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Victims of the Typhoon of steel no less than ten people, and about 300 were injured. Due to strong winds, the tanker crashed into a bridge that connects the Kansai airport to the mainland. The result flooded the runway of the airport. Other airports canceled hundreds of flights, rail and ferry service has been temporarily suspended. More than two million people were left without electricity. In some areas, the prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Ehime authorities recommended to evacuate more than a million inhabitants. The Typhoon damaged buildings and overturned cars. In the city of Osaka eyewitnesses removed on video as the Ferris wheel rotates because of the strong wind. 観覧車回ってる。#台風21号#海遊館#観覧車 — たくと (@tsutsumi1999022) 4 Sep 2018

Russian aircraft attacked the “al-Nusra”* in Idlib

Russian aircraft attacked the “al-Nusra”* in Idlib MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. Four aircraft from the air base Hamim 4 Sep struck with precision-guided munitions on the terrorist group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” * in the Syrian province of Idlib, said the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs Two fighter-bomber su-34 is bombed warehouses of the terrorists, which collected and stored the drones, and explosives to them. These drones, as said Konashenkov, were used for attacks on the Russian air base Hamim and villages in the provinces of Aleppo and Hama. In addition, multi-purpose fighter su-35S high-precision munition destroyed a warehouse with portable anti-aircraft missiles of the terrorists. All air force strikes caused solely by the proven targets of terrorist groups away from villages and towns, said the representative of the Ministry of defense. Konashenkov also said that the night staff of the

Russia can double social tax deduction

Russia can double social tax deduction The Deputy of the state Duma Ivan Sukharev has prepared amendments to the Tax code, according to which the social tax deduction will be increased twice. It is reported by RT. Upstairs The MP noted that established in 2007 the maximum amount of tax deduction lost its relevance and has no significant support for the trainees. He also added that existing to date, the mechanism of social tax deduction offers the right of return of the amount of money spent is not more than 15 600 rubles. for the annual tax period. The proposed changes will allow students to return to 31 200 RUB over the same period. Sukharev said that the proposed changes will be motivation for higher education.

British ex-military predicted “disaster” in the Royal Navy

British ex-military predicted “disaster” in the Royal Navy The former head of the naval staff of the Royal naval forces (naval forces) of great Britain, Lord Alan West said that the patrolling of its own borders after Brexit will result in a “catastrophe” for the country. He said this to the Independent newspaper. Upstairs Vest said that the recent collision of French and British fishing vessels in the English channel suggests that the Royal Navy does not have enough ships to patrol their territorial waters. This situation, says West, demonstrates the shortcomings in the organization of work of the military services. According to him, the court coordinate the various departments, although it should deal with a single service. He stressed that after the British exit from the EU, the country will have their own to patrol the exclusive economic zone, and that, given the state of the British Navy, can