The cat fell from the eighth floor on the head of a passerby

The cat fell from the eighth floor on the head of a passerby The victim filed a lawsuit against the owner of the animal. Upstairs In Turin, Italy, a man filed a lawsuit against the owner of the cat and the animal fell from the balcony of the eighth floor directly on his head. The cat weighed almost 6 kg the Italian suffered a serious neck injury and injured his vertebrae. The animal unfortunately died. Mistress of cats, already fined by the municipal authorities. 56-year-old man, whose name was not called, will also seek compensation for damages. A woman should be in court next week. She is accused of causing harm by negligence. “This story sounds surreal, but it really happened — the newspaper notes La Repubblica. — No one expects to end up in the hospital because of the cat that fell from the apartment on the eighth floor”.

The bus nearly demolished the house that survived the Great fire of London

The bus nearly demolished the house that survived the Great fire of London The building will try to save. Upstairs In the British capital bus crashed into a unique building that survived the Great fire of London. Bus crashes into the only building that survived the Great Fire of London on the Strand — Metro (@MetroUK) 7 September 2018 The house, which is now a Thai restaurant, brought in security lists like the only building on the strand that survived the disastrous fire of 1666. It burned 13,500 houses, 87 churches, most of the government buildings. The fire was deprived of shelter 70 thousand people, out of a population of Central London in 80 thousand. The strand is a street in Central London, which connects the districts of Westminster and the city. It starts at Trafalgar square. Bus crashes into the only building that survived the Great Fire of

The Moscow city court reduced a two-year sentence the former head of Rosgranitsa

The Moscow city court reduced a two-year sentence the former head of Rosgranitsa MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. The Moscow city court reduced the sentence to the former Director of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, sentenced to nine years for stealing almost 500 million rubles, reported RIA Novosti his lawyer Boris Kozhemyakin. Upstairs The decision of the appellate court took, counting the time spent by him in custody during investigation and trial, based the day in jail for one and a half in prison. “My client was detained for four years in connection with the conversion, they are considered as six years,” the lawyer explained. Thus, Bezdelov left to serve another three years. “He already has the right to ask for parole, but that it needs to send to the colony, it is necessary to wait for the characteristics, and so forth,” — said Kozhemyakin.

Telegraph: suspected of poisoning Skrobala called the businessmen for obtaining a visa

Telegraph: suspected of poisoning Skrobala called the businessmen for obtaining a visa LONDON, September 7. /TASS/. The suspects in the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was posing as businessmen from St. Petersburg to obtain visas to enter the UK. On Friday told the newspaper the Daily Telegraph with reference to sources from the security of the UK. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий On Wednesday, the head of the British government, Theresa may informed the Parliament about the findings of the investigation on the incident in Salisbury, stating that the attempted Skrobala two Russians suspected that the British intelligence agencies believe GRU agents. According to the British investigation, they came to the United Kingdom with Russian passports under the names Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov. The publication’s source claims that the suspects told the British authorities about their activities in the field of international trade and provided the

Erdogan said that it is impossible to leave Idlib to the mercy of Assad

Erdogan said that it is impossible to leave Idlib to the mercy of Assad Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Syrian province of Idlib should not be “at the mercy” of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said Friday the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Upstairs “We should not give the region the Assad regime”, — he said at the summit in “Astana format” in Tehran. The Turkish leader noted that “any attack (Idlib) will lead to disaster, murder, and great tragedy”. According to Erdogan, Idlib is considered an important factor not only for the future of Syria, but also to ensure the security of Turkey, as well as in the region and the world. “We don’t want the Idlib turned into a bloody lake, and as your friends want you to also support these efforts,” Erdogan said at the beginning of the trilateral meeting on Syria with the participation of

The DNR gave all the power to the Board

The DNR gave all the power to the Board Denis Pushilin became acting head of the Republic and could win the election on November 11. Upstairs The self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) has replaced the acting head. After the Prosecutor General’s office declared illegal the appointment of former interim leader — Dmitry Trapeznikov, the people’s Council of the DND has appointed the new speaker of the Parliament and representative of the Republic in Minsk contact group Denis Pushilin. In addition, the people’s Council decided the issue of early elections. And the DNI, and the neighboring self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic (LPR), they will be held on 11 November. Former commander of the armed forces DND Igor Strelkov said “Kommersant”: the result of the vote is a foregone conclusion, and Denis Pushilin, the DNI will lead on a permanent basis. Instead of appointing a new temporary head of the Republic on Friday

Fled to Russia comrade Zakharchenko has been enriched by hundreds of millions of rubles

Fled to Russia comrade Zakharchenko has been enriched by hundreds of millions of rubles The Ministry of incomes and fees of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) on the personal order of the head of Department Alexander Timofeev was awarded the property of one of the largest agricultural enterprises of the Republic of “spike D”. About Donetsk news Agency said the Director of the company Vadim Savenko. Upstairs He noted that Timofeev used the confidence of senior leadership. “That’s why he was entrusted with such a serious matter as the tax and revenue management in the young Republic. He, in fact, have used high office for personal enrichment and strengthening of his own authority,” — said Savenko. According to him, Timofeev seized property “Kolos D” in November 2017 for a total amount of 850 million rubles. “On the territory of the enterprise was a group of armed men, headed by

Twitter staged a flash mob on “fattening the Muscovites”

Twitter staged a flash mob on “fattening the Muscovites” The trigger was the message anonymous user from Yekaterinburg, who has complained that people in the regions “survive”, and Muscovites “every day showered with metro stations and zaryadami”. Upstairs A user with the nickname “Genomes” describes an almost apocalyptic picture of life in the regions. Either you’re a “corporate rat” and kill the health for a salary of 20-30 thousand, or work anywhere, almost begging, starving, but at least “LIVE.” At the same time Moscow, according to Genomes, “awash in opportunities and prospects”. The reaction is obvious: some argue or agree, but most of them just jokingly describe luxury life of ordinary Muscovites. On the train from Khimki to Moscow when you enter, then immediately the climate control in the car turn on, hoarse guitarists alternate on the string Quartet, the conductors carry the champagne. — useless generation (@ryc9ka) 5 Sep

The man ran away from police, but was in “captured by the algae”

The man ran away from police, but was in “captured by the algae” He had to ask the guards for help. Upstairs When Abraham Duarte was running from police in the city of Cape coral, Florida, he went through something worse than detention. During the download an error has occurred. Duarte was speeding on the highway, but refused to stop on request of police. For some time the patrol chased the intruder. The driver, seeing that is unable to outrun the cops, ditched the car and jumped into the channel, hoping to escape quickly out of sight. The longer Duarte tried to swim, the worse his position. In the end he had to ask the police for help. The channel was inhabited by cyanobacteria is a large blue-green bacteria, which have previously been erroneously referred to as algae. Some species are toxic and lead to fish kills, poisoning of animals

Moscow — the rubber? Is there life outside Moscow? Awkward questions to Muscovites and guests of the capital

Moscow — the rubber? Is there life outside Moscow? Awkward questions to Muscovites and guests of the capital Rubber is Moscow? To rent or buy housing in the capital? What distinguishes Muscovite? Does everyone have the apartment from her grandmother? Is there life outside Moscow? Upstairs Muscovites in category “Awkward questions” tell rubber or Moscow, to buy in the capital or real estate to remove, is there life outside Moscow and what has changed in recent times. During the download an error has occurred.