Ukraine revealed expectations from the talks between Putin and Biden

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba does not expect “breakthroughs” in the talks between the leaders of the Russian Federation Putin and the United States Biden Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba revealed expectations from the talks between the leaders of Russia Vladimir Putin and the United States, Joe Biden, saying that he does not expect “breakthroughs.” He spoke about this on the air of the ICTV channel, RIA Novosti reports. “I think that tomorrow each side will declare its maximalist vision of the logic of further actions, and then different teams will work to further develop the situation,” – said the Foreign Minister, expressing confidence that Biden will give “very clear signals” what Kiev's partners will do if the Russian Federation “goes on a military operation against our state.” According to Kuleba, Kiev understands that NATO is not will fight for Ukraine, but the member states of the alliance can “do a

Ukraine recognized the lack of benefits for Russia in the event of an “invasion”

Economic expert Skarshevsky: It makes no sense for Russia to attack Ukraine which Russia could get in the event of an allegedly planned invasion of Ukraine. “No one will attack us, because Russia does not need this headache, Russia has no point in attacking, it is now happy with everything in geopolitical terms, the only thing is now a showdown, competition between the United States, Russia and China. Now the rates are really increasing and everyone wants to bargain for themselves more and Ukraine is secondary in this context, ”the expert said. In addition, he noted that the country's authorities make a large number of statements that contradict each other. In his opinion, this suggests that people making such statements do not communicate with each other. Earlier, the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Svyatoslav Piskun explained why such hysteria is taking place in the country on the topic of a

Ukraine recognized the lack of benefits for Russia in the event of an “invasion”

Economic expert Skarshevsky: It makes no sense for Russia to attack Ukraine Economic expert Viktor Skarshevsky admitted the lack of profit on the air of NASH TV channel, which Russia could get in the event of an allegedly planned invasion of Ukraine. “No one will attack us, because Russia does not need this headache, Russia has no point in attacking, it is now happy with everything in geopolitical terms, the only thing is now a showdown, competition between the United States, Russia and China. Now the rates are really increasing and everyone wants to bargain for themselves more and Ukraine is secondary in this context, ”the expert said. In addition, he noted that the country's authorities make a large number of statements that contradict each other. In his opinion, this suggests that people making such statements do not communicate with each other. Earlier, the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Svyatoslav

Duma apparatus has prepared rules for admission to parliament on covid certificates

Head of the State Duma Staff Igor Dyveikin presented to Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin proposals on & nbsp; organization of access control at & nbsp; entrance to parliament & nbs; & nbs; QR code (available at & nbsp; at the disposal of Kommersant). The speaker gave such an instruction at the & nbsp; plenary meeting on November 17 & nbsp; in & nbsp; reply to the & nbsp; remark of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The Liberal Democrat asked government representatives to come to the & nbsp; Duma meeting room vaccinated, and & nbsp; he was supported, adding that & nbsp; since & nbsp; the government introduced bills on & nbsp; the use of QR codes in & nbsp; public places and & nbsp; on & nbsp; transport, then its representatives should & nbsp; start with & nbsp; yourself. Later, he & nbsp; clarified that

Russians began to get sick more with influenza and SARS

Rospotrebnadzor warned of an increase in the incidence of influenza and SARS in 54 regions the incidence of influenza and ARVI. Epidemic thresholds have been exceeded in all of them, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the department. “In the 48th week of 2021 (November 29 – December 5), the level of acute respiratory viral infections increased compared to the previous (47th) week. The number of Russian regions with an excess of the epidemic thresholds for influenza and ARVI in the total population has increased by 10, ”experts warned. The department stressed that Russians have become more sick with influenza and ARVI in 54 regions of the country. Exceeding weekly morbidity thresholds is observed among adults and adolescents. “The incidence of influenza and ARVI is mainly due to the circulation of respiratory viruses of non-influenza etiology, while the share of influenza viruses in the total structure

Russians began to get sick more with influenza and SARS

Rospotrebnadzor warned of an increase in the incidence of influenza and SARS in 54 regions the incidence of influenza and ARVI. Epidemic thresholds have been exceeded in all of them, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the department. “In the 48th week of 2021 (November 29 – December 5), the level of acute respiratory viral infections increased compared to the previous (47th) week. The number of Russian regions with an excess of the epidemic thresholds for influenza and ARVI in the total population has increased by 10, ”experts warned. The department stressed that Russians have become more sick with influenza and ARVI in 54 regions of the country. Exceeding weekly morbidity thresholds is observed among adults and adolescents. “The incidence of influenza and ARVI is mainly due to the circulation of respiratory viruses of non-influenza etiology, while the share of influenza viruses in the total structure

Ukraine named three “fuses” against Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine

Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Piskun explained hysteria on the topic of a possible “invasion” of Russia Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Svyatoslav Piskun explained why there is such hysteria in the country about a possible “invasion” of the Russian military. He named three “safety devices” thanks to which Moscow will definitely not attack Kiev. “” You know that “Putin will attack” – this was done on purpose only so that protest moods would not arise inside the country I give 100 percent that Putin will not attack if we do not have a coup d'état, secondly, if we do not have an offensive by our military on the territory of Donbass or Crimea, and thirdly, if we do not have missiles with atomic warheads of NATO countries – these are three fuses, “- said the ex-prosecutor general. Earlier it became known that the official representative of the US Department

Ukraine named three “fuses” against Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine

Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Piskun explained the hysteria on the topic of a possible “invasion” of Russia explained why there is such hysteria in the country about a possible “invasion” of the Russian military. He named three “safety devices” thanks to which Moscow will definitely not attack Kiev. “” You know that “Putin will attack” – this was done on purpose only so that protest moods would not arise inside the country I give 100 percent that Putin will not attack if we do not have a coup d'état, secondly, if we do not have an offensive by our military on the territory of Donbass or Crimea, and thirdly, if we do not have missiles with atomic warheads of NATO countries – these are three fuses, “- said the ex-prosecutor general. Earlier it became known that the official representative of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) John Kirby at

In Russia, it was proposed to give banks access to data on the spouses and children of borrowers

Izvestia: RF banks want to provide access to data on spouses and children of borrowers and children of potential borrowers. For this, the use of the “Digital Profile” is being considered, Izvestia reports. Information from the unified state register of the registry office was required by financial organizations after the corresponding marks in the passport became optional. Information about children and marriage is required to assess a citizen's spending and ability to pay. In addition, there are risks of challenging transactions and difficulties in identifying heirs. It is noted that work on the withdrawal of information through the “Digital Profile” is being carried out by the Ministry of Digital and the Federal Tax Service. It is planned to expand this list. Andrei Yemelin, President of the National Council of the Financial Market, noted that most banks will connect to the system after 2022. According to him, the Central Bank supports

In Russia, it was proposed to give banks access to data on the spouses and children of borrowers

Izvestia: RF banks want to provide access to data on spouses and children of borrowers and children of potential borrowers. For this, the use of the “Digital Profile” is being considered, Izvestia reports. Information from the unified state register of the registry office was required by financial organizations after the corresponding marks in the passport became optional. Information about children and marriage is required to assess a citizen's spending and ability to pay. In addition, there are risks of challenging transactions and difficulties in identifying heirs. It is noted that work on the withdrawal of information through the “Digital Profile” is being carried out by the Ministry of Digital and the Federal Tax Service. It is planned to expand this list. Andrei Yemelin, President of the National Council of the Financial Market, noted that most banks will connect to the system after 2022. According to him, the Central Bank supports