Duma apparatus has prepared rules for admission to parliament on covid certificates

Head of the State Duma Staff Igor Dyveikin presented to Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin proposals on & nbsp; organization of access control at & nbsp; entrance to parliament & nbs; & nbs; QR code (available at & nbsp; at the disposal of Kommersant). The speaker gave such an instruction at the & nbsp; plenary meeting on November 17 & nbsp; in & nbsp; reply to the & nbsp; remark of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

The Liberal Democrat asked government representatives to come to the & nbsp; Duma meeting room vaccinated, and & nbsp; he was supported, adding that & nbsp; since & nbsp; the government introduced bills on & nbsp; the use of QR codes in & nbsp; public places and & nbsp; on & nbsp; transport, then its representatives should & nbsp; start with & nbsp; yourself. Later, he & nbsp; clarified that & nbsp; new rules for admission to the Duma should begin to operate after the regional week (it ended on 5 & nbsp; December) and & nbsp; will not concern & nbsp; only members of the government.

Out of my mind: what threatens the use of someone else's QR -code

According to the suggestions of the head of the Duma apparatus, one-time passes to the & nbsp; meeting room are issued by the responsible departments of the apparatus with & nbsp; attached certificates printed from the & nbsp; portal of public services on & nbsp; vaccinations against COVID-19, medical contraindications to & nbsp; vaccination or about & nbsp; & nbsp; transferred disease, as well as & nbsp; & nbsp; negative PCR tests done not & nbsp; earlier than 48 hours before & nbsp; meeting. The passage to the & nbsp; building with & nbsp; one-time and & nbsp; temporary passes is proposed to be preceded by the control of QR codes and & nbsp; passports of visitors at the & nbsp; pass bureau. And & nbsp; for & nbsp; to pass through the & nbsp; lists of participants in events held in the Duma by factions and & nbsp; committees, and & nbsp; other organized groups, written applications with & nbsp; attachment of certificates for & nbsp; each participant are required.

“ Persons who have not & nbsp; provided certificates or provided false information are not & nbsp; admitted to the & nbsp; Duma buildings & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says & nbsp; this paragraph of the document. QR codes will also be checked with & nbsp; & quot; officials of third-party organizations who have the right to enter & nbsp; Duma buildings using & nbsp; their official IDs & quot ;.

With & nbsp; this, the & nbsp; document does not & nbsp; say anything about & nbsp; checking the codes of & nbsp; employees of the Duma apparatus and & nbsp; deputies. “ If the deputy is not & nbsp; allowed into the & nbsp; hall without & nbsp; QR code, then & nbsp; it will be a scandal & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; explains the interlocutor in the & nbsp; Duma. Another source close to the & nbsp; leadership of the chamber notes that & nbsp; to check the codes of apparatchiks and & nbsp; deputies is not necessary, because & nbsp; all this data & nbsp; is already in & nbsp; apparatus. In addition, according to & nbsp; he said, the number of vaccinated among them is growing.

According to & nbsp; opinion of the deputy from the & nbsp; Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Aleksey Kurinny, it is illegal to introduce local measures to enter the & nbsp; Duma by & nbsp; codes, when the corresponding law has not yet been adopted at the & nbsp; federal level. Recall that government bills allowing regions to enter QR codes for & nbsp; visiting public places and & nbsp; using air and & nbsp; railway transport, the Duma plans to consider in the & nbsp; first reading on December 16 & nbsp;.

The State Duma did not confirm plans to issue QR certificates by antibody level

On November 23 & nbsp; Vyacheslav Volodin reported that 97% of the staff and & nbsp; 92% of the deputies were vaccinated or ill. According to & nbsp; his data, on & nbsp; 16 & nbsp; November in the & nbsp; LDPR faction, all deputies were vaccinated, in & nbsp; & laquo; United Russia & raquo; 4.8% remained unvaccinated, in & nbsp; & nbsp; & quot; Fair Russia & nbsp; & mdash; For & nbsp; truth & raquo; (SRHR) & nbsp; & mdash; 17.9%, in & nbsp; KPRF & nbsp; & mdash; 31.6%, in & nbsp; & laquo; New people & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; 33.3%. True, the leader of the SRHR Sergei Mironov said that & nbsp; in & nbsp; his faction was not & nbsp; vaccinated only one deputy (from & nbsp; 28).

Igor Diveikin sent his proposals to the speaker on November 25 & nbsp; however, the final decision on the & nbsp; implementation of the new system in the & nbsp; Duma has not yet been & nbsp; adopted. & nbsp; at & nbsp; & nbsp; this week will begin to discuss the scheme & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said “ b '' the interlocutor participating in the & nbsp; discussion. He explains the delay by the fact that & nbsp; & quot; too many approvals and & nbsp; interests & quot ;. to try and & nbsp; work in it for a month or two, says political analyst Alexander Pozhalov: “ In & nbsp; including, at this stage, to identify all procedural difficulties, and & nbsp; also to technically implement initiatives to & nbsp; mitigate the QR code mode & nbsp; & mdash; such, for example, the issuance of codes for & nbsp; a certain level of antibodies, the recognition of certificates of & nbsp; vaccinations made abroad, and & nbsp; so on & raquo ;.

Maria Makutina

