The OPCW will make a “Newbie” to the list of prohibited substances

The OPCW will make a “Newbie” to the list of prohibited substances Members of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) approved a proposal to include nerve agents “Newbie” to the list of prohibited substances. The decision was taken after the initiative of the USA, the Netherlands and Canada. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий “Today, the OPCW Executive Council agreed to include two classes of highly toxic chemical substances (including the substance that was used in Salisbury) in the Annex to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons,” tweeted the permanent representative of Canada to the OPCW, Sabine Nolke. She noted that Russia did not support the proposal. The Creator of the “Newbie” told how poisoned with this substance Nina Ricci and spy scandal “Beginner” from Nina Ricci We will remind, the Russian citizens of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia was poisoned in March in Salisbury. The UK

“Sacred” workplace: who and how to pay a salary from the Church

“Sacred” workplace: who and how to pay a salary from the Church MOSCOW, Jan 14 — RIA Novosti, Alexander Filippov. “The Church lives on donations. The temple is not working, and a sacred place” — these arguments are in favor of changing the legislation heard by the state Duma and the President, but in the community caused a mixed reaction. Is it true that religious organizations can now not pay staff even a minimum wage, how much on average receive in Orthodox churches and are there jobs there, told RIA Novosti representatives of the legislature and of the Church. “The priests no salary” The magnificent white-stone Church of the Moscow Saints is one of the largest in the capital. Serve here, except of the Abbot Sergiy Rybko, seven priests and two deacons. Father Sergius, along with three priests and two deacons also serve in the temple of the Holy spirit

No pants and hat: new York subway was a traditional flash mob

No pants and hat: new York subway was a traditional flash mob NEW YORK, January 14 — RIA Novosti, Irina Andreeva. Annual 18th event “travel without pants in subway” was held in new York on Sunday, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Several hundred participants came into the subway cars, and then removed his pants and remained in his underwear, while the top was dressed as usual in this time of year — coats, jackets, sweaters, scarves, hats. Sunday in the Big Apple was -2 and Sunny, however, “feels”, as reported by forecasters, it was -7. From seven members to several thousand The first such event organized by the collective Improv Everywhere, which specializiruetsya in playful flashmobs were organized in 2002, then the event was attended by only seven people. Over the years, more people have decided to take this strange experiment in the cold season. The annual “No pants subway”

In the MOE made recommendations for bathing in the ice hole

In the MOE made recommendations for bathing in the ice hole The Ministry said that cold water is dangerous to be longer than a minute, and after bathing, to RUB oneself with a towel and wear dry clothes. MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. Main Department of EMERCOM in Moscow recalled the basic rules that will help avoid hypothermia in Epiphany bathing, stressing that it is dangerous to be in the hole more than a minute. “Epiphany — one of the greatest feasts of the Orthodox Church. Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow reminds the basic rules when bathing in the Baptism it is impossible to be in the hole for more than one minute to prevent General hypothermia,” said TASS in the press-service of the Department, noting that after bathing, to RUB oneself with a towel and wear dry clothes. “To strengthen the immune system you should drink hot

In St. Petersburg, check the video with the “shooting” fireworks

In St. Petersburg, check the video with the “shooting” fireworks Any statements and complaints to the police this fact was not reported. The police of St. Petersburg checks posted online a video in which three men are “shooting” fireworks, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Moi for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. On Sunday evening in social networks was published video in which three men gave a kind of shooting fireworks. “The police are checking the information that appears on the Internet, however, any statements and complaints to the police this fact was not reported,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

High-rise collapse in the Mines collapsed part of the house

High-rise collapse in the Mines collapsed part of the house What is known about the gas explosion in the Rostov region. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Two floors of an apartment building collapsed in the town of Shakhty, Rostov region. Presumably, from-for explosion of household gas for the same reason two weeks ago a tragedy happened in Magnitogorsk. According to the latest data, as a result of emergency in the Mines killed a woman, her daughter and husband were hospitalized. The fate of a man remains unknown. Read more in the article “Izvestia”. What happened The explosion in high-rise buildings in the city of Shakhty in the street Habarova, 16, happened around six Monday morning, January 14. Information about

Medvedev responded to the claim of Lukashenka due to the tax maneuver

Medvedev responded to the claim of Lukashenka due to the tax maneuver Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Russia understands the concerns of Belarus about the tax maneuver in Russia, but remind that Moscow never promised Minsk to offset taxes from this income, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “We certainly understand their concerns, and negotiations on this subject are continuing. I want to reiterate that, first, we never promised to compensate for lost revenues in other countries, even the most loved ones,” he said at a meeting with Deputy Prime Ministers. Russia provides Belarus with the larger credit assistance in circumstances where she was denied access to Western financial markets, and Minsk should appreciate that, Medvedev said. According to him, this amount exceeds 6.5 billion dollars, not counting the associated loan for the construction of nuclear power plants. “And we demand, of course, the return of these loans, we are

The Prosecutor General’s office and the Ministry of communications did not support the bill on fake news

The Prosecutor General’s office and the Ministry of communications did not support the bill on fake news Moscow. 14 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Prosecutor General’s office does not support the bills on fake news and responsibility for disrespectful statements online to the representatives and symbols of power, said Deputy head of the legal Department of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Artamonova. “From our point of view, the wording of these bills, they certainly are of a technical nature, and decision-making will be impossible without the linguistic expertise that will take time,” said Artamonov at the enlarged meeting of the state Duma Committee on information policy, Informtechnologia and communications on Monday. NewsKlishas saw the risk of abuse of laws on fake news and insulting the authorities In addition, she continued, there is a lack of adequate criteria for the implementation of extrajudicial blocking of sites. “I’m talking about

Klishas saw the risk of abuse of laws on fake news and insulting the authorities

Klishas saw the risk of abuse of laws on fake news and insulting the authorities The author of the amendment pointed to the progressive approach of the Supreme court, which looks at the practice of the ECHR. A member of the Federation Council Andrei Klishas said during discussion of draft laws on punishment for publishing fake news in the media and insult the power of the Internet, there is always the risk of abuse of articles of the law on the part of law enforcement. The Senator noted that possible problems are resolved in the courts and pointed to “the progressive approach of the Supreme court”. Klishas addressed the participants of the extended meeting of the Duma Committee on information policy with a request to propose the bills necessary changes. The head of the Committee Leonid Levin noted that innovations should not restrict freedom of speech and the rights of

Turkey tightens rules for transportation of tourists

Turkey tightens rules for transportation of tourists MOSCOW, 14 Jan — RIA Novosti. From January 2019, the Ministry of transport of Turkey has implemented an online system U-ETDS, which will remove from the market the transportation of tourists unlicensed “private owners”, says ATOR. According to Turkish media, to combat the illegal transportation of passengers in Turkey, the Ministry of transport of the country has developed and implemented since January 2, 2019 government online system U-ETDS mandatory to all vehicles that carry foreign tourists. Access to it will receive only those Turkish transport companies, which are licensed D-2 (license to carry passengers). As told the representatives of the Turkish tourist industry, tour operators work with all major and “white” Turkish host companies, so it is expected that this innovation will likely not affect either the price or the business processes of receiving and sending tourists. However, the new system needs to