Dmitry Peskov: I Never went to Facebook, was not in the “Classmates”

Dmitry Peskov: I Never went to Facebook, was not in the “Classmates” Press Secretary of the President of Russia in an exclusive interview with “AIF” — about the finances of Vladimir Putin, sanctions, and social networks. In the edition of “AIF” has been the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Questions to him and the journalists and readers of Newspapers have accumulated a lot, which is not surprising: Vladimir Putin was and remains the main newsmaker of the country. AIPPI publishes the first part of the conversation, which was so great that I had to split it into two materials. “AiF”: — Dmitry Sergeyevich, and you can just about the money? If the President gets a pension, if so, what kind? And how can he pay this money? Dmitry Peskov: I will remind you: when you have entered the first sanctions, for some reason the Americans decided

Sad New year: a record number of Russians do not like the holidays. Graphics

Sad New year: a record number of Russians do not like the holidays. Graphics According to VTSIOM, more than a quarter of Russians remained dissatisfied with how they spent Christmas and new year holidays. It’s a record. Long new year holidays Russians for the first time in 2005. After 14 years, a record number of respondents — 27% — said poll, that unhappy holidays which lasted for 10 days from 30 December to 8 January. This is the largest percentage of dissatisfied since 2006. The previous “record” was set in 2016, when the holidays did not like the 25% of respondents. VCIOM has been conducting this survey since 2006, that is, the observation covered almost all of the long new year holidays. Happy holidays Russians in 2.5 times more than dissatisfied. But their number is reduced. Holidays, according to the latest poll, like 69% of Russians, and the maximum was

The chamber has assessed the availability of the system-112 in Russian

The chamber has assessed the availability of the system-112 in Russian Currently, the system 112 can fully take advantage of only 28% of Russia’s population who live in the 15% of the country. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the accounts chamber Vera Chistova, whose word brings the press service of the Ministry. These data were obtained on the audit of the Federal program “Creation of a system providing emergency call services under uniform number “112” in the Russian Federation for 2013-2017″, which come from the budgets of all levels allocated more than 14 billion rubles. As a result of check it was found that in 73 regions of Russia-112-deployed completely. “At present its possibilities to fully benefit from can only 28% of the population living in the 15% of the country”, — are reported words of the Deputy Chairman of the accounts chamber of the Finishing Faith. According

The onf has denied a ban on homemade food in school

The onf has denied a ban on homemade food in school New rules and regulations for school meals do not forbid the children to bring food to school from home, said the head of the Executive Committee of the popular front Mikhail Razvozhaev after the meeting of experts of the popular front with the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. Previously, the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” reported that the CPS has prepared a new draft sanitary rules and norms for nutrition of children. Public resonance was caused by one of the provisions of the project, which has been interpreted to prohibit children to bring to school a home-cooked meal. “Today, we invited Anna Yurievna (Popov) in the people’s front to give a clear answer to the interpretation of the draft Regulations, which were published. No restrictions, from the perspective of a home-cooked meal, which my parents every day give kids in school,

In Japan, declared the immutability of the position regarding the peace Treaty with Russia

In Japan, declared the immutability of the position regarding the peace Treaty with Russia TOKYO, January 15. /TASS/ — the meeting in Moscow the parties “specifically outlined their views, there was a serious exchange of views”, said the Secretary of the Japanese Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The position of the government of Japan concerning the peace Treaty with Russia and supplies the southern part of the Kuril ridge has not changed. This was stated on Tuesday on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga, commenting on yesterday in Moscow negotiations of the head of the Japanese foreign Minister Taro Kono and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. “The legal position of our government remains unchanged,” he said in response to the question, does Tokyo still Islands of the southern Kuril ridge “primordial territories of Japan”. At the meeting in Moscow

She lost 50 pounds to son was teased in kindergarten

She lost 50 pounds to son was teased in kindergarten Now she is going to participate in the competition fitness bikini. 33-year-old Julia from Chelyabinsk Slabco never experienced problems because of her weight even at that time as a mark on the scales showed 112 pounds. But she decided to take him after she heard that her young son is teased in kindergarten because the “fat mom”. View this post in Instagram Publication from Julia Slabko (@juliaslabko) December 8, 2018 at 1:52 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Julia Slabko (@juliaslabko) Dec 2, 2018 6:16 PST During the download an error has occurred. The child did not hesitate in the future, Julia decided to act. First she changed her diet and the diet: eating five times a day in small portions. She also completely refused from sweet and fried and started

Robbie Williams annoys his neighbor Jimmy page music Black Sabbath

Robbie Williams annoys his neighbor Jimmy page music Black Sabbath Famous British singer Robbie Williams recently made a habit of full power cut in the street near his home Black Sabbath. So he tries to annoy his neighbor, the equally famous guitarist Jimmy page. According to the complaint, received by the local Council, former lead singer of Take That Williams and former guitarist for Led Zeppelin, page had a falling out over plans for Williams to expand your home. Robbie William after five years of struggle with the local bureaucracy received permission to extend the basement of their home in London’s Holland Park and have a pool. In the neighboring house for 46 years, lives Jimmy page, who feared that the construction of the underground swimming pool could cause damage to his house, built in 1875. In the complaint obtained by the administration of the Royal borough of Kensington and

Scientists have found in the museums of new species. And he’s already extinct

Scientists have found in the museums of new species. And he’s already extinct These sharks have not seen one in the wild or in the markets since 1934. Scientists from the U.S. and Australia found in Museum collections a new species of gray sharks in the wild the species was not met with the 1930-ies, so that, according to scientists, Carcharhinus obsolerus, or, as they called it, the lost shark, could become extinct. Article on the study published in the journal PLOS ONE. NewsSurfer tripped over the shark and fell In 1897-1934 years in Vietnam, Thailand and on the island of Borneo found three very young sharks caught in up in the Zoological collections of museums in Austria and the United States. Scientists found it difficult to clearly define a species: superficially they resembled grey shark Carcharhinus porosus, but this species is found only in North and South America. Given

Polish Russophile: the mayor of Gdansk died after the assassination attempt

Polish Russophile: the mayor of Gdansk died after the assassination attempt The mayor of Gdansk died from stab wounds in the attack. In Russia, expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, known for his sympathy for Russia. The mayor, who led located near the Kaliningrad region the city has made many efforts to develop Russian-Polish ties. He also established the tradition of laying flowers to the graves of Soviet soldiers who died for the liberation of Poland. The mayor of the Polish city of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich died from stab wounds inflicted in an attack. The attack on the meeting happened on January 13 during WOŚP charity concert in Gdansk. Armed with a knife, the man attacked the mayor of the city and struck him several blows, including the heart. The doctors tried to save the meeting, but he died in hospital. The assailant,

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in the Mines had increased to two

The number of victims of gas explosion in the house in the Mines had increased to two MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/ — From under the debris recovered the body of a woman. A gas explosion in the town Mine. Operational информация8 (863) 239 99 99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov obectionable EMERCOM of Russia in the Rostov region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Rescuers at analysis of blockages on a place of explosion in an apartment building in Shakhty in the Rostov region found the body of a woman. About this TASS reported the EMERCOM of Russia. “The death toll has increased to two people. Found the deceased woman, believed to be from 72nd apartment,” — said the representative of the MOE. At the moment, remains unknown fate of three people. According to the MOE, the explosion of domestic gas in the nine-floor house in