In the United States decided to fight for sanctions against RUSAL

In the United States decided to fight for sanctions against RUSAL In the U.S. Congress will be submitted a new resolution which will not allow the Ministry of justice to lift sanctions against companies RUSAL, En+ and “EvroSibEnergo” the Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska. This was announced by the Congressman-Democrat Stanny Hoyer, reports Bloomberg. He indicated that he understands the decision of the Ministry of justice, aimed to reassure the world aluminum market, however, the solution raises questions. In addition, according to him, the speech of the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin in front of Congress last week “raised more questions than answers”. TASS reports that Hoyer has already made in the house of representatives a resolution to abolish the decision about the lifting of sanctions. He pointed out that Congress should be able to thoroughly check any kind of settlement on Deripaska. Hoyer added that when asked Mnuchin to postpone

The US demanded Russia to destroy missile 9М729

The US demanded Russia to destroy missile 9М729 MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. During the meeting on the INF Treaty in Switzerland, the US demanded to destroy the Russian missile 9М729 (SSC-8). This is stated in the statement of U.S. Undersecretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson, common us permanent mission at the UN in Geneva. “Our message was clear: Russia should destroy their not corresponding to the contract missile system”, — stated in the message. Thompson noted that the meeting in Geneva called Washington’s “disappointment”, since “Russia’s continued material breaches of the contract and not willing to explain how she plans to return to its full and verifiable compliance.” The Position Of Russia In turn, Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that the United States came to the meeting on the INF Treaty with a pre-prepared summary. According to him, Washington has no

In China, there is a hotel-illusion (photos)

In China, there is a hotel-illusion (photos) At its creation designers were inspired by the work of Maurits Escher. Architectural Studio Studio10 led by designer Zhou Shi came up with an unusual room for a boutique hotel The Other Place, located in the city of Guilin in southern China. View this post in Instagram Publication from The Other Place Litopia Guilin (@theotherplace.guilin) 18 Dec 2018 6:04 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Studio10 十间设计工作室 (@studio10design) November 22, 2018 at 6:53 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Mohmmad Ebrahim Abadi (@mohammad.eaa) Jan 14, 2019 at 9:55 PST During the download an error has occurred. Two rooms under the name Maze (“Maze”) and Dream (“Dream”) was designed so that inside the building create an optical illusion of infinity. There are a lot of stairs,

The rich do not recommend to bring the poor to the extreme

The rich do not recommend to bring the poor to the extreme Psychologists have found that people have different opinions of the injustice events happening to good and bad people. In most cases, people tend to help those who have suffered unjustly — but assistance will be small and not too burdensome help. Real chance that will punish unjustly profited, much less — but the punishment can be much more serious. Researchers from the University Carnegie Mellon in the United States published in the pages of PLoS ONE article, which described a series of experiments with participation of volunteers. The experiments took place online and was a variation on the popular (among whose psychological experiments on people) game where one party receives a certain amount of money and divides it in varying proportions at its discretion. Then the second can either accept the decision of the first and proposed to

Chinese probe conducted a biological experiment on the moon

Chinese probe conducted a biological experiment on the moon BEIJING, January 15 — RIA Novosti. Chinese vehicle “Chang’e-4”, which previously made a soft landing on the dark side of the moon, successfully performed the first in human history, biological experiment on the lunar surface, reported China Central television. Camera on Tuesday sent pictures with the biological test load. Images show that the existing seeds of the cotton plant has emerged sprouts. This means that “Chang’e-4” carried out the first in the history of mankind of a biological experiment on the moon’s surface. For the experiment, samples were selected six species, including cotton, canola, potatoes, reshoved tal, as well as Drosophila and yeast. 【嫦娥四号完成人类首次月面生物实验】北京时间1月15日,嫦娥四号上搭载的生物科普试验载荷发布最新试验照片,照片显示试验搭载的棉花种子已长出嫩芽,这也标志着嫦娥四号完成了人类在月面进行的首次生物实验。这株植物嫩芽后续还将继续生长,有望成为月球上的第一片绿叶。#科技中国 #嫦娥四号 — 中国新闻社 (@CNS1952) January 15, 2019. The last received from the device the pictures show that germination of seeds of cotton, good growth. It is noted, that the first shoots that grow on the moon

Interior Ministry opened a case of fraud with Selena Gomez concerts in Russia

Interior Ministry opened a case of fraud with Selena Gomez concerts in Russia Investigation Department of internal Affairs on East district of Moscow in November 2018, a criminal case of fraud in the organization of the tour, singer Selena Gomez in Russia. On Tuesday, January 15, citing its own sources, reports RBC. According to investigators, the organization of the four concerts of the singer in 2013, more than 8 million rubles were transferred to accounts of shell companies. Later performances have been cancelled: organizers said they do not have time to issue visas. In the preparation of documents, the organizers announced the order of the first Deputy culture Minister Vladimir Aristarkhov that it is forbidden to issue an invitation to the creative groups that are engaged in commercial activities. 27 December 2018, it was reported that the court sentenced a former Director of the Krasnoyarsk regional Philharmonic society by Yulia

Patrushev: In 2018 in Russia committed one act of terrorism

Patrushev: In 2018 in Russia committed one act of terrorism The trend of a decline in terrorist activity in the world in an exclusive interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” said the Secretary of Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev. Terrorism occupies a special place among the contemporary challenges to global security, primarily because of its global nature. Moreover, Russia was faced with him one of the first in the mid-nineties. The impact of terrorist threats was so strong that it created a real opportunity not only to serious destabilization of the situation, but also the destruction of the Russian statehood. That is why the country was created the national system of combating terrorism. In their appeals to the international community Russia has repeatedly called for joint efforts in combating this evil, to develop under the auspices of the UN common approaches to the assessment of terrorist threats, eliminating the double standards

Arizona highway filled with chocolate from the overturned tank

Arizona highway filled with chocolate from the overturned tank About 20 thousand liters of liquid chocolate spilled on a highway in Arizona from overturned in the accident tank. On 15 January, according to CNN. The accident occurred near the town of Flagstaff, which is located in the Northern part of the state. According to the channel ABC, a truckload of chocolate were sent from Canada to Nevada. According to CNN, in accident nobody suffered. But to clear the highway from chocolate, it took about four hours. All this time the highway was blocked. The Department of public security of the state tweeted that it was “sweet maid”. . There is a river of chocolate blocking/flowing in the westbound lanes of I-40 at milepost 211, east of Flagstaff. A tanker truck carrying 40-thousand gallons of liquid chocolate rolled over. This will be a sweet cleanup! — Dept. Public Safety (@Arizona_DPS)

Erdogan approved the withdrawal of American troops from Syria

Erdogan approved the withdrawal of American troops from Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers proper withdrawal of American troops from Syria, as Washington has no serious interest in ending the conflict. “The US withdrawal from Syria is a step in the right direction, because the Syrian crisis can only be resolved by those countries in which the healing of wounds Syria will benefit, and their groove — harm”, — the politician wrote in the column “b”. In his opinion, the decision on the withdrawal of troops was supposed to help end the Syrian crisis. Mr. Erdogan added that opponents of the withdrawal were trying to exert pressure on US President Donald trump, stating that after the departure of the Americans, “Turkey will destroy the Kurds”. Such claims he said “bezosnovnymi”, but he stressed that Ankara will not allow “the existence of any elements that pose a threat to national

In the security Council spoke about the missile, which Russia is accused of violating the INF Treaty

In the security Council spoke about the missile, which Russia is accused of violating the INF Treaty MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. The missile range 9М729 where the United States accused Russia of violating the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), the test did not exceed 476 km at the allowable 500, said Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. “According to Americans, Russia is violating the terms of the Contract. Violations they associate with allegedly pursued by Russia tests missile with range over 500 kilometers. They mean our new rocket 9М729 with improved performance, range which in tests did not exceed 476 miles, what the American side was informed and could make,” said Patrushev in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. He reminded that according to the Contract each of the parties should not have a ballistic missile ground-based medium-range missiles (between 1,000