Chinese probe conducted a biological experiment on the moon

Chinese probe conducted a biological experiment on the moon

BEIJING, January 15 — RIA Novosti. Chinese vehicle “Chang’e-4”, which previously made a soft landing on the dark side of the moon, successfully performed the first in human history, biological experiment on the lunar surface, reported China Central television.

Camera on Tuesday sent pictures with the biological test load.
Images show that the existing seeds of the cotton plant has emerged sprouts. This means that “Chang’e-4” carried out the first in the history of mankind of a biological experiment on the moon’s surface.

For the experiment, samples were selected six species, including cotton, canola, potatoes, reshoved tal, as well as Drosophila and yeast.

【嫦娥四号完成人类首次月面生物实验】北京时间1月15日,嫦娥四号上搭载的生物科普试验载荷发布最新试验照片,照片显示试验搭载的棉花种子已长出嫩芽,这也标志着嫦娥四号完成了人类在月面进行的首次生物实验。这株植物嫩芽后续还将继续生长,有望成为月球上的第一片绿叶。#科技中国 #嫦娥四号

— 中国新闻社 (@CNS1952) January 15, 2019.

The last received from the device the pictures show that germination of seeds of cotton, good growth.

It is noted, that the first shoots that grow on the moon after such a harsh test environment, such as low gravity, strong radiation and a big difference in temperature.

