In the Railways told how passengers profitable to buy non-refundable ticket

In the Railways told how passengers profitable to buy non-refundable ticket MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. To buy the so-called non-refundable ticket costs to passengers who are 100% sure of your plans, consider the lower price a top priority and are traveling without small children, to the clarification of the “Federal passenger company” (FPC, “daughter” of Russian Railways on the transport of long-distance), seen by RIA Novosti. FPC will begin to sell the first non-refundable tickets from 20 January 2019 for trains departing April 19. Such travel documents in a pilot project to buy in a two-story sit-740/739 train Moscow-Voronezh and compartment cars of trains 26/25 Moscow-Izhevsk. Of the total number of seats in cars to be sold as non-returnable will be only part of the tickets. That is, passengers will be able to buy these trains and the usual return tickets. “To buy tickets at non-refundable rate is

“Swan lake” too rowdy

“Swan lake” too rowdy What is behind the conflict Sergei Polunin with the Paris Opera. The Paris Opera has not yet announced whether to look for a replacement suspended from the performance of the dancer, Sergei Polunin. The press service of the waiting list of new compositions. Officially, the scandal is over, but its consequences we hear — says Maria Sidelnikova. Your double anniversary season — the 350th anniversary of the Paris Opera and the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Opera Bastille is the main French theatre began with a double scandal. First on the main staircase of the Opera Garnier has rolled out two giant tractor wheels in gold, made by the artist Claude Lévêque. Art contemporain à l’opéra Garnier : “On est certain de faire hurler le grand public” — Master Piece (@Piece_and_l0ve) January 15, 2019. The installation is called “Saturnalia” and will stay the

Sisters Indian girls pretended to be boys to earn money

Sisters Indian girls pretended to be boys to earn money Women’s work in the country in high esteem. A story worthy of a bollywood film happened in a small village in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Two sisters, 18-year-old Jyoti and 16-year-old neha Kumari, four years was forced to hide her gender and pretend to be boys, to be able to work. Their father Dhruv Narayan owned a small barbershop, which is supporting his family. But in 2014 he became very ill and no longer able to work. Then his two daughters had decided to take matters into their own hands and began self-cutting customers and conduct business. But the problem was that in India a woman can only work at home or in the factory, surrounded by other women. After the girls opened a Barber shop of his father, they stopped coming clients, and in the address they

Ukraine told as it gets Russian oil

Ukraine told as it gets Russian oil It became known as the Ukraine gets oil from Russia. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of “temporarily occupied territories” and internally displaced persons Georgy Tuka on air of TV channel “112 Ukraine”. He stressed that his country has no oil. “We have to buy a large amount of fuel, which is used by the whole country, Belarus, which is, of course, it produces from Russian crude, but it is beneficial to us,” said Tuck. According to the official, Kiev can instead buy European oil, but the state can hardly afford it. Earlier it was reported that the Ukraine gas fields “presented” friend of the President of Petro Poroshenko. Chitayte also: Tymoshenko related to the increase of heating in Ukraine 15 times in 10 years

Chinese boss forced subordinates to crawl along the street on his knees

Chinese boss forced subordinates to crawl along the street on his knees “Motivation” to work better. A strange video appeared online: on the streets in China crawling on his knees girls in costumes, and in front marched a man with a flag. In appearance it resembled an art performance, but the truth was harder. During the download an error has occurred. When the police arrived, they heard a strange explanation of what is happening. It turned out that these women — employees of one of the companies, and they have not fulfilled the work plan. The man with the flag explained the guardians of the rule of law that what is happening is a motivational training. Thus he wanted to encourage his workers to work harder. Police this explanation is not satisfied, and training had to stop. The boss issued a warning for public punishment and humiliation of its employees,

Looks like the most beautiful girl in the world-the trucker

Looks like the most beautiful girl in the world-the trucker This Japanese woman is a real star of Instagram. Rino Sasaki a few years ago worked as a dance teacher, and now drives a huge truck all over Japan. But to change the profession she chose because of unfortunate circumstances. View this post in Instagram Publication of rino sasaki (@sr8x4volvo) Jan 6, 2019 at 4:42 PST During the download an error has occurred. Seven years ago her dad, who worked as a trucker, very sick. Then Reno decided to go with him to spend more time together, take care of it and replace it when he is tired. She got a driver’s license and learned to repair the machine. And that she liked it so much that she finally gave up dancing and now works with his father constantly. She also leads an Instagram account, which shows the usual routine

Men EN masse complained about the insulting compliments from women

Men EN masse complained about the insulting compliments from women Men are from Reddit, the massively complained about the inability of women to give a compliment. Their claims they made in a separate thread, which is a few hours gained popularity and beat out the top resource. “Don’t girls compliment guys because they can take it neoplatonically. In turn, boys take it neoplatonically because it happens so rarely that they don’t know how to handle it,” — said the initiator of the discussion under the name Showerthoughts. NewsBen Affleck again depressed (and once again became a meme) With this explanation agreed more than 88 thousand users of the resource. Men complain that women don’t know how to make compliments, and if they notice changes in their appearance, give only offensive phrase. “When I was a lonely awkward sixth grader, I rode the bus and a cute girl I didn’t for

Medvedev instructed to optimize execution of similar tasks in the projects

Medvedev instructed to optimize execution of similar tasks in the projects MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the ministries to optimize execution of similar tasks in various national and Federal projects, according to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. “Dmitry Medvedev gave instructions to optimize the execution of the same tasks contained in the various national and Federal projects”, — stated in the message. According to the report, the Ministry of construction instructed to analyze the results of all national and Federal projects related to the creation and reconstruction of capital construction objects, to explore joint use of buildings and structures for the needs of various projects. Also the Ministry of communications is mandated to perform the projects associated with the development of departmental information resources, the creation and purchase of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies,

Tokyo agreed to hold talks about the renaming of the sea of Japan

Tokyo agreed to hold talks about the renaming of the sea of Japan The Japanese authorities agreed to discuss the issue of renaming the sea of Japan with representatives of South Korea and North Korea. According to the newspaper Sankei Shimbun, consultations will be held in the spring of 2019. Call to find a compromise with Seoul and Pyongyang to Tokyo approached the international hydrographic organization (IHO). Report on the results of the consultation, before the IHO, the parties will have in 2020. Koreans call the sea of Japan the East sea. In the early 90-ies of Pyongyang and Seoul have demanded to change the name, stating that it imposed to the world community, the Japanese regime in the early twentieth century and is “a consequence of Japanese colonialism”. Tokyo refuses to rename the waters, claiming that the geographical term was adopted on the initiative of the European cartography in

“Batman Prime Ministers”. Network joke on the speech of the British politician

“Batman Prime Ministers”. Network joke on the speech of the British politician All because of a mistake in the subtitles. On the eve of environment Minister of Britain Michael Gove in his speech in Parliament criticized the leader of the labour party Jeremy Corbyn, and said that in any case he cannot be allowed to be Prime Minister. But usually it turned into a lot of jokes in social networks. And all because during the live broadcast of the speeches by bi-Bi-si in subtitles on the screen instead of “that man” (“this man”) show “Batman” (“Batman”). Brexit shambles? In our darkest hour, we need the Dark Knight… #BatmanforPM — Nohman Shah (@NohmanShah) 16 Jan 2019. Skirmish on bracito? In the darkest hour we need a Dark knight. Of course, such a mistake could not go unnoticed, and after a few hours Twitter has a new hashtag #BatmanForPM (“Batman Prime