In Russia the temperature drops to minus 30 degrees and below

In Russia the temperature drops to minus 30 degrees and below In the Central regions this week begins with a weak frost: in a day expected minus 6-11 degrees. This also applies to the capital region. Now in Berlin: Berlin: -3° 86% 763 mm Hg. article 3 m/s But already on Tuesday, January 22, as told to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” the head of the laboratory of hydrometeorological center of Russia Lyudmila Parshina, at night the thermometer drops to minus 12-17 degrees, in the afternoon will be minus 9-14, possible light snow. January 23 is also light snow, at night to minus 20 degrees. Day minus 10-15 degrees. This weather will continue until the end of next week — until the weekend. It is five degrees colder than normal, said forecaster. And in the South Central district in the afternoon from minus 1 to minus 8. Heavy snow is possible. In Tambov

“Let you lie down!” The remains of red army WWII three years stored in the garage

“Let you lie down!” The remains of red army WWII three years stored in the garage The remains were found of a red army soldier Rudakov three years stored in the garage. Between search engines, and officials disagreement about the place of burial of a marine who died liberating Taganrog in 1942. Correspondent Aify find out why marine, heroically fallen 76 years ago at the height of the farm Kopani, can not find his last earthly shelter. The last battle marine Rudakova Search engine Gennady Calogirou comes out of the garage bag with the inscription “47 token 25.12.15”. In a plastic bag are the remains of the soldier and his belongings next to him — a gas mask box for cartridges, the key to the rifle for disassembly and lubricating the arms, the buttons with the star from his tunic. The text on the bag means that a soldier found

The most popular physical exercise was dangerous

The most popular physical exercise was dangerous One of the most popular exercise — twisting — it turned out travmoopasno than others. More than a third of the people who “crunches”, get to the hospital. To such conclusion the doctors and researchers, the data analysis leads the Daily Mail. It is noted that the twisting can lead to serious injuries that patients generally for some time may lose the ability to move. It is mainly on injuries of the spine in the lumbar region: intense and too tight muscles can pull your lower back forward, and the pelvis at the same time to turn back, which causes injury and is quite painful. Doctors advise to replace the twisting on the bar, which also helps to bring the abdominal muscles into shape. With this exercise, the spine is in a natural position, and it is, according to them, the more effective.

Scientists have recreated the primary matter of the Universe

Scientists have recreated the primary matter of the Universe Russian and Finnish physicists have discovered an unusual quantum structures in superfluid liquid helium-3 is the coldest liquid on Earth. Russian and Finnish physicists have discovered an unusual quantum structures in superfluid liquid helium-3 is the coldest liquid on Earth. In their properties they resemble the primary matter of the Universe, said in the journal Nature Communications, reports online edition According to one of the researchers, initially it was assumed that these structures will disappear once the liquid will make it even more cold. They found that if you cool helium to half of millikelvin, they survive and turn into a nontopological the wall. In the beginning of its existence the universe was filled with liquid of various subatomic particles interact with each other on a quantum level. This primary matter of the universe, the so-called quark-gluon plasma, is not

The Minister of Economics of Germany sees no reason to discourage the “Nord stream-2”

The Minister of Economics of Germany sees no reason to discourage the “Nord stream-2” The Minister of economy and energy in Germany Peter Altmaier, presented the government’s position on the project “Nord stream-2”. He told the newspaper Handelsblatt that “the gas pipeline has advanced considerably, the pipes laid on for miles into the sea.” “The Federal government will not interfere in this process because there are no legal grounds”, — said the Minister. Mr. Altmaier said that “this project is not a whipping boy”. We will remind, Washington has moved to the point of threats of German business for supporting the project of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. The US Ambassador in Berlin Richard Grenell sent out letters to local companies, inviting them to assess project-related risks. On sanctions in the United States say more and more often, since Germany continues to consider the pipeline is a commercial project. To run

Learned how and where to watch the lunar Eclipse on January 21

Learned how and where to watch the lunar Eclipse on January 21 VLADIVOSTOK, January 20 — RIA Novosti. The inhabitants of the European part of Russia will be able to observe the lunar Eclipse of 21 January to the naked eye, but it would be best to use a telescope with a neutral filter, to including to see the penumbral phase, told RIA Novosti leading researcher of the School of natural Sciences far Eastern Federal University Evgeny Zubkov said. Total Eclipse of the moon will happen with 06.34 09.51 till Moscow time on January 21. At this time the Moon will pass through the orbit close enough to Earth, her apparent diameter will increase by approximately 8% in the earth’s shadow will enter SUPERLINE. “The Eclipse will occur well in North and South America, in the European part of Russia and it also can be observed: the penumbral, the private,

The EU will adopt sanctions on “case Skripal” against Syria

The EU will adopt sanctions on “case Skripal” against Syria BRUSSELS, 21 January. /TASS/. In addition, the EU Council will discuss a plan to counter misinformation. The foreign Ministers of the 28 member countries of the European Union on the first of this year’s planned meeting of the EU Council for the first time will be blacklisted in the framework of the new community regime for the imposition of sanctions against the responsible, according to the EU, for the production and use of chemical weapons. As expected, the restrictive measures will affect, in particular, the four Russians, which the EU calls “GRU officers” (Chief Directorate (GU, a former GRU) of the General staff of the armed forces) and considers guilty in the assassination of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. In addition, the foreign Ministers intend to expand sanctions against the Syrian authorities, adding to blacklist more than 15 people

In Russia will introduce automatic registration of birth and death

In Russia will introduce automatic registration of birth and death The state will free Russians from the obligation to apply for registration of birth and death. These procedures will be carried out automatically, told “Izvestia” in the Ministry of economic development. According to representatives of Department, to test the new system decided on the most mass and socially significant services, the provision of which is possible without the participation of the applicant. In the case of successful innovation the list will be expanded. Currently, the registration of the birth or death of the person issued or in the Centers of public services (MFC), or at the offices of the Registrar. The citizens need to write an application and attach a number of documents. According to Rosstat, at the end of 2017, more than 60% of Russians have used the electronic services of state and municipal services. The greatest interest among

Officials gave low-income family allowance of 47.5 rubles

Officials gave low-income family allowance of 47.5 rubles In Taganrog officials have appointed a large partial of a poor family a lump sum in the amount of 47.5 rubles. It is reported portal “Panorama”, which monitors news of the Rostov region. According to him, for support in administration, addressed a large family in which children are brought up with single parents. Officials have reviewed the request and decided to allocate financial assistance. “In accordance with the regional law (…) assigned to a social allowance in the amount of 47,5 ruble for a period of one month,” reads their response. Additionally from the budget of the city the family had decided to give a thousand rubles. The amount of assistance has caused a wave of indignation. Lawyer Yuri zablocki on his page on Instagram called it a “Federal program for the prevention of obesity.” The publication also names offer officials “generosity”

Director Alexei Krasovsky was invited to the police station for questioning

Director Alexei Krasovsky was invited to the police station for questioning Moscow. 20 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — As a source told “Interfax”, the Director of the movie “the Holiday” was summoned for a conversation with the investigator for economic Affairs. The Director of the movie “the Holiday” Alexey Krasovsky invited for questioning by the police, have informed “Interfax” on Sunday, an informed source. “Krasovsky was invited for questioning by the investigator”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the Director was summoned for a conversation with the investigator of Department of economic safety and counteraction of corruption of a capital Central Board of police. The source added that the reason for the call of the Director for questioning is not yet known. Alexey Krasovsky, Director of the film “the Holiday” on New year celebration in the besieged Leningrad. His film was posted on YouTube. The day before he planned to