The Director of the school fights childhood obesity with mass dance

The Director of the school fights childhood obesity with mass dance He is the main choreographer. The head of a primary school of Xi Guan is in Shanxi province in China named Zhang, Papa was the real star of social networks. The fact that the changes he and his students dancing. During the download an error has occurred. This idea of leisure came to mind to the Director for a reason. He was concerned that children lead a sedentary lifestyle, little exercise and, as a consequence, are at risk of childhood obesity. To deal with the health of children, Papa decided and made them fun in between classes. Active learning the dance, he began to dance along with the students. Happened is fun and rewarding. See also: Scientists have found a way to lose weight without dieting and exercises Dance and music develops the brain in opposite directions Scientists: obesity

Why do we never see baby pigeons. Are they hiding them?

Why do we never see baby pigeons. Are they hiding them? Meets Julia A. Dunaeva, zoologist, researcher of the library of the Zoological Institute RAS, speaker, SOURCE, writer and popularizer, the author of 12 books. In the summer we often see in the pond a Mallard with ducklings, can hear the cawing of fallen out of the nest of the crow or stumble upon inexperienced fledgling Blackbird in the Park. Pigeons in any city flock to the view is always the same adults, and there are no apparent signs that they are little children — naked, short-tailed and flightless. But not robots are they, which has already gathered ready for Mature life? NewsHow to look the smallest, but most loyal antelope (video) In fact, no secrets here. People who, for whatever reasons, have often in the attics of multistory buildings, certainly could have something to tell us about pigeon babies.

The victims of the fire on the tankers in the Kerch Strait were two sailor

The victims of the fire on the tankers in the Kerch Strait were two sailor Moscow. 21 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Two people were killed Monday in a fire on two boats under the flag of Tanzania in the Black sea, reported the Agency “Interfax” in the Rescue coordination centre (JCC) of Rosmorrechflot. “At the moment, out of the water during the rescue operation raised the bodies of two dead”, — said the representative of SKC. The rescuers managed to raise from the water alive a few sailors. The Russians among the members of the crews of the burning ships no. The teams consisted of citizens of India and Turkey. During the download an error has occurred. According to preliminary data, one of burning in the Kerch Strait tankers during the emergency, could be the handling of fuel. “We received information from passing vessels, that one of the two ships were

Two vessels caught fire after the explosion in the Kerch Strait

Two vessels caught fire after the explosion in the Kerch Strait In the Black sea started rescue operation to rescue teams in two ships, including tanker-liquefied gas carrier, burning in the Kerch Strait. There are victims, reports TASS. “Two ships burning, people in the water. Eight to ten vessels brought to the rescue operation. This anchorage”, — reported in the Maritime rescue coordination centre of Novorossiysk. According to Rosmorrechflot, from water raised the dead body of a sailor. Three more saved. According to rescuers, on the same ship were 17 people, the second 14, both go under the flag of Tanzania. Presumably, the cause of the fire was the explosion that occurred on one ship, then the fire spread to neighboring. During the download an error has occurred.

In the area of the Kerch Strait burn the two ships

In the area of the Kerch Strait burn the two ships SIMFEROPOL, January 21. /TASS/. 11 people were killed. Two ships under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait, one of them, according to preliminary data, the explosion occurred, told TASS in the press service of Rosmorrechflot. In the Novorossiysk marine rescue coordination center reported that the accident killed 11 people. As reported TASS a source in the emergency services, killing at least 14 people. Also, Rosmorrechflot reported that on Board of the ship “Candia” there were 17 people, including nine Turkish citizens eight citizens of India. On Board the “Maestro” were 14 people, including seven Turkish citizens and seven citizens of India. Russians among team members, according to preliminary data, no. The fire could have happened due to safety violations, TASS reported a source in the emergency services. “Previously, it could be a violation of safety when

The state Duma Committee supported the draft laws on the prohibition of fakes and insult of state symbols online

The state Duma Committee supported the draft laws on the prohibition of fakes and insult of state symbols online The Committee on information technology, information and communication recommended for consideration in the first reading the draft laws on the prohibition of the publication of fakes and abuse of state symbols on the Internet, the correspondent of RNS with a meeting of the Committee. “On the first bill — one against, one abstained,” he summed up the results of voting on the bill on fakes the head of the Committee Leonid Levin. “Also — one against, one abstained,” he added about the bill osokorbleny. Levin recalled that the Committee had previously promised to wait for the conclusion of the government on both bills. “It was reported. Moreover, it is conceptually supported both bills,” said Levin. He added that the Committee had comments to both bills, which are to be worked out.

Alexis Rodzianko assessed the probability of making a “hell” of U.S. sanctions against Russia

Alexis Rodzianko assessed the probability of making a “hell” of U.S. sanctions against Russia In the US election campaign started, and the theme of Russia has not disappeared. Enter whether against Moscow “hell” sanctions, refuse the Europe from the “Nord stream — 2” and whether to wait for the outcome of our country the American companies, said in an interview “Газете.Ru” the President of the American chamber of Commerce in Russia, Alexis Rodzianko. Sanctions can be entered and you can cancel — A year ago you said that “sanctions — it’s hysterical”. How would you now describe the sanctions applied against Russia, including from the United States? Now, in this moment, no tantrums. Although this subject is not lost, and she finds new ways of expression. For example, the consideration of a decision of the US Executive on the removal of sanctions against companies En+ and RUSAL in connection with

The EU imposed sanctions against the leadership and employees of the GRU due to poisoning Skrobala

The EU imposed sanctions against the leadership and employees of the GRU due to poisoning Skrobala The EU Council approved the first sanctions under the new regime on chemical weapons. In the sanctions list included nine individuals, including the head of the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces (former GRU) Igor Kostyukov, as well as his Deputy and two “GRU”. Their names are not given. It is noted that sanctions against them are associated with transport and use of nerve agent in the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the British Salisbury. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The sanctions list also included the Syrian Center for scientific research, which, in the opinion of the EU, responsible for the development of the chemicals and five Syrian officials. The names of fallen under the sanction of the people will be announced later. Recall, the former

Died the oldest inhabitant of Russia

Died the oldest inhabitant of Russia NALCHIK, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti. The older version of the Book of records of Russia the inhabitant of the country Shaova Nan died on the 128-m to year of life in the Baksan district of Kabardino-Balkaria, according to the district administration. “128-year died. of the village of Zayukovo of the Baksansky district, the record holder of the “record Book of Russia” Shaova NASU, Zukona”, — stated in the message. Earlier it was reported that in July 2017 Shaova was included in the Russian Book of records as the oldest man in the country. The appropriate certificate, the long-handed chief editor of the Russian Book of records Stanislav Konenko, noting that this is a world record. In an interview with RIA Novosti in April last year, the son of UAE Hussein Shaov told me that Nana’s Zukoni eight children, 19 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren and

Body language: what is the meaning of embrace

Body language: what is the meaning of embrace January 21 is international hug day. Everyone knows that hugging is not only pleasant but also useful: it helps to strengthen the relationship between people and the immune system both of them. As he wrote the American psychologist and psychotherapist Virginia Satir, each person needs four hugs a day for survival, eight for support and twelve for growth. But the embrace of the embrace of hatred. There are many varieties of them and each has a specific implication. Ring of handsDuring the download an error has occurred. If someone hugs you, “closing” behind a ring of hands, this person clearly does not want you to let go. So hug a very dear and loved ones with whom you have a deep emotional connection. The hand on the neck This kind of arms is characteristic of friendships. Most likely we do hug male