To conquer the highest mountain in the world is going to be difficult
To conquer the highest mountain in the world is going to be difficult China will restrict access to Everest from the North side, reducing the number of climbers, which will be allowed the ascent. This reports the South China Morning Post. Now only 300 tourists per year can climb the highest mountain in the world. The decision to reduce the number of travelers, the Chinese government adopted in connection with the fact that I want to clean Everest from climbers died there. On average, each year approximately 60 thousand tourists and guides visit the North side of the mountain. As the newspaper notes, the 2017 Everest was able to conquer the 648 people, in the same year killed six climbers. In March, a man with a disability from Australia conquered the Everest, despite the broken wheelchair. Scott Doolan rose to a height of 5364 meters above sea level in 10