Vitorgan and mantid fighting over Sobchak

Vitorgan and mantid fighting over Sobchak In a cafe in the center of Moscow fought Maxim Vitorgan and Konstantin Bogomolov. According to the publication Starhit, Vitorgan came to the cafe, where the mantid. The men then went outside, about something talked, and after a while the Director came back with a broken nose. Help doctors Bogomolov was not required. The cause of the conflict is unknown, but perhaps the quarrel occurred because spouses Vitorgan Ksenia Sobchak. They got married six years ago, in 2016, they had a son Platon. However last fall there were rumors about the breakup of a couple because of the novel Sobchak with Bogomolov. Fans of the pair noticed that Ksenia and Maxim stopped wearing a wedding ring. Then Sobchak and Bogomolov began to attend social events together. However, for the premiere of a new play Bogomolov, which took place in December, Sobchak and Vitorgan came

“We say, “Clarissa” and smile”

“We say, “Clarissa” and smile” Supporters of feminities want equality for men and women. In Russia it will be difficult. If you have the “author” should be “autorka” — because no one scruple to call, say, a woman-journalist — journalist. Sure the supporters of the introduction of femination for all professions and positions in the Russian language. However, many such neologisms society rejects, and if used, it is often in an ironic way. Why this is so and whether the introduction of new words to change the attitude towards women in society? To these and other questions in an interview with “” replied the candidate of philological Sciences, senior researcher of the Department of culture of the Russian language Institute of Russian language named after V. V. Vinogradova ran Oksana Gunchenko. “”: Many believe that the new feminitiy — “autorka”, “redaktoro” and so forth dissonant. Why? It is precisely because

The Chechen authorities explained the “region-specific” write-off debts for gas

The Chechen authorities explained the “region-specific” write-off debts for gas Minister for national policy, external relations, press and information of Chechnya Dzhambulat Umarov gave an interview to radio station “Moscow Says”. Speaking of write-offs of debts for gas, Mr. Umarov said that Chechnya is “a region with its own history, with its characteristics”. According to him, it is not necessary to talk about more rights for the region. “The Chechen Republic very carefully pay its debts. And pay the debts,” he said. The Minister said that before the end of hostilities in Chechnya, the region did not pay for gas. “The Chechen Republic in this case, during the time that the debt, which was formed during hostilities, should not pay. And I think that is absolutely right,” he said, adding that the Chechen people and the Republic “not my fault that some global power decided to choose in order to

Working from Liverpool destroyed an excavator lobby of the new hotel, which did not pay him a salary

Working from Liverpool destroyed an excavator lobby of the new hotel, which did not pay him a salary Working from Liverpool ruined excavating the entrance and lobby of the new hotel Traevelodge, construction of which he took part. The reason for such action was non-payment of salaries. As a colleague told LiverpoolEcho desktop edition, the man did not pay 600 pounds (about 51 thousand). Worker tried to achieve payment of money other ways, but all to no avail. “It seemed the only way,” said his colleague. The police said that after the man fled the scene in his car. Information about his whereabouts yet. The hotel situation declined to comment until the investigation is complete. During the download an error has occurred. On the website GoFundMe users began raising funds for the work. Originally, they planned to collect 600 pounds, but at the time of writing the news has already

The Kremlin: in private investigations into the killing of journalists in the CAR a lot of conspiracy

The Kremlin: in private investigations into the killing of journalists in the CAR a lot of conspiracy In different sources the investigation into the death of three members of the Russian crew — Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Cyril Radchenkov in the Central African Republic (CAR) a lot of “conspiracy”, said press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. The Kremlin, in his words, “tends to focus” on the work of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). “We certainly take note, private attempts to conduct certain types of investigations into the situation, but while stating that most of these attempts have some kind of conspiracy, which hardly can be associated with a serious approach,” he said. Asked to comment on the publication in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” of the fragments of the diplomatic correspondence of the Russian foreign Ministry on the investigation into the murder of journalists, Mr. Peskov

Passengers of flight Surgut — Moscow has demanded to direct the plane to Afghanistan

Passengers of flight Surgut — Moscow has demanded to direct the plane to Afghanistan Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — One of the passengers of flight Surgut — Moscow during the flight, demanded to expand the liner and send it to Afghanistan, told “Interfax” on Tuesday, a source in air traffic control services. “During the flight one of the passengers of the liner Surgut — Moscow has demanded to direct the airliner to Afghanistan”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the service Flight Radar, on the aircraft there was an emergency situation. The reference service of the airport of Surgut, the Agency reported that the flight is operated by airline “Aeroflot”. “We have no information, only that the plane safely took off,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

Tymoshenko called the main task for the new President of Ukraine

Tymoshenko called the main task for the new President of Ukraine KYIV, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. The leader of the Ukrainian party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Tymoshenko believes that the first priority of the new President of Ukraine should be a return to the conditions of the Budapest Memorandum on security assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. In Kiev on Tuesday began the work of 14-th Congress of the party “Batkivshchyna”. The Congress has registered 174 delegates from different areas. It is expected that the party will nominate its leader Tymoshenko, candidate for President of Ukraine. “International guarantees must be met, otherwise international law in the world will just be discredited. A return to the conditions of Budapest and the protection of Ukraine from Russia, the aggressor country is a priority task of the new President,” said Tymoshenko on Tuesday during the

Germany and France agreed to defend itself without NATO

Germany and France agreed to defend itself without NATO German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Emmanuel macron has signed a new agreement on cooperation and integration between the two countries. Reported by the Associated Press. During the ceremony, Merkel warned about the rise of nationalism in Europe. “Populism and nationalism intensified in all our countries,” she said to the assembled officials from all over Europe. According to her, international cooperation is going through a difficult period, and that therefore it was necessary to sign the agreement, declaring the responsibility of France and Germany, including in the EU. It was supported by macron. He noted the “growing discontent” in the European societies and pointed to the pressure from the outside. As transfers RIA Novosti, the Chancellor also noted that the countries will provide each other support, including military, in case of an armed attack. Merkel added that Germany and

Huhlik faraoni and Alkonost: the Network studied Slavic gods

Huhlik faraoni and Alkonost: the Network studied Slavic gods Some of them, many heard for the first time. A former student of the history Department and nick Ivga has published on Twitter an interesting thread on Slavic mythology. In it she described the different gods and mythological creatures, adding text, colorful illustrations of the artist, Iudeorum. Give the thread on Slavic mythology. I came across somehow on a gorgeous illustration by artist Irdeorum and realized that I know far not all. Decided to redeem yourself and to share with you. No wonder I’m in the history Department have studied mythology. But one of the thread didn’t you) — Ivga (@kovalyash) 19 Jan 2019 Huhlik – in Russian fairy tales the water devil, who loves to play tricks on people. Appears most often out of the water and especially active during the Yuletide.To Huhlik not hurt, it was believed that you

“It leads to rampant sin”: he hated Rasputin

“It leads to rampant sin”: he hated Rasputin 150 years since the birth of Grigory Rasputin. Was born 150 years ago Grigory Rasputin, an iconic figure at the court of the Emperor. He had an enormous influence on the Imperial family and was known for his loving. As seen by his contemporaries than were dissatisfied with the Church and how he died Rasputin, says “Газета.Ru”. 21 January 1869 in Pokrovskoye village, Tobolsk province was born Grigori Rasputin, a future friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II. In his younger years he turned to religion, made a pilgrimage to the monastery in Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk region, visited Greece on mount Athos, in Jerusalem. For his travels he struck up acquaintances with many monks and clerics, including representatives of the St. Petersburg theological Academy. By 1904, in the eyes of secular society, Rasputin became a religious celebrity. To it have shown interest