In the United States presented a bill to prevent the possibility of “shutdown” in the future

In the United States presented a bill to prevent the possibility of “shutdown” in the future WASHINGTON, January 23. /TASS/ — the Document is called “Stop the nonsense”. U.S. Senator mark Warner (Democrat from Virginia) on Tuesday introduced a bill potentially allowing in the future to prevent situations in which the Federal government shuts down for lack of funds, and civil servants are sent on unpaid leave. The information is provided on the website of the legislator. “This bill will allow the government to continue work in the absence of budget funds, automatically providing a budget of exactly the same size, in which it was allocated in the previous fiscal year, but adjusted for inflation”, — reads the statement of the office of Warner. However, in accordance with this document, it is assumed not to automatically allocate resources for the work of the White house and the legislative branch in

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan: meeting between Putin and Abe also talked about the South Kuril Islands

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan: meeting between Putin and Abe also talked about the South Kuril Islands MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/ — While in the Japanese foreign Ministry declined to comment with regards to the outcome of the discussion of this issue. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The southern part of the Kuril Islands was raised at the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, as well as other issues related to the question of concluding a peace Treaty. This was stated on Tuesday, press Secretary of Japanese foreign Ministry, Takeshi Osuga at the briefing following the talks between the two leaders. “They discussed all the issues relating to the peace Treaty, including the Islands, said he, answering the question, and discussed whether the two leaders Tokyo’s claims to Habomai and Shikotan. But I will refrain from comment about the outcome”. Of osuga added that the

Architect Villa Kiselev sued the broadcaster 2.5 million rubles

Architect Villa Kiselev sued the broadcaster 2.5 million rubles The architect of Crimea Vladimir Mazurin sued the TV host Dmitry Kiselyov half of the debt owed to him for the construction of the Villa. According to “Novaya Gazeta”, the decision in his favor was made by the city court near Moscow Queen. Mazurin was engaged in the reconstruction of cottages Kiseleva in Koktebel from 2015 to 2016. All he demanded from a leading 5.8 million rubles as payment for its services. Representatives Kiselyov, said in court that Mazurin overstated due to him paid. According to them, this work is estimated at 1.6 million rubles. The lawyers said that Kiselev has already paid the architect nearly 24 million rubles for the work done. They threatened plaintiff’s retaliatory lawsuit: in their opinion, he has not fulfilled all the stipulated work. Despite the protests of lawyers Kiselyov, the judge partially satisfied the requirement

Netizens found similarities between Hugh Jackman and wife Ryan Reynolds

Netizens found similarities between Hugh Jackman and wife Ryan Reynolds And now the actors had more jokes. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman has long been close friends, and therefore not hesitate to Troll each other in social networks and even in the movies. But now their relationship can reach a new level. The Network has remembered the old picture-collage with actors who have played Marvel superheroes. With the help of a computer program Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth and Benedict Cumberbatch turned into a women. Female Hugh Jackman kinda looks like Ryan Reynolds’ wife Blake Lively and now I can’t unsee it — NEXOPIA (@NEXOPIA) 18 Jan 2019 Hugh Jackman in a woman’s appearance is very similar to the wife of Ryan Reynolds, Blake lively. As it is now to unsee? And here fans saw Hugh Jackman in a woman’s appearance is very similar

Astronomers for the first time accurately measured the size of the black hole in the center of the Galaxy

Astronomers for the first time accurately measured the size of the black hole in the center of the Galaxy MOSCOW, 22 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Association capacity of the largest radioobservatory the world have helped scientists to gain clear data on the size of the “visible part” of a giant black hole at the center of the milky Way. She was surprisingly small, according to a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal. “This may indicate that its radio emission is produced not inside the jet and the disk of gas and dust surrounding the hole. No other object does not behave this way. An alternative explanation is that its emissions are directed right at us,” says Sarah Isshown (Sara Issaoun) from the University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands). Most astronomers believes that at the center of all galaxies are supermassive black holes — objects with a mass in the millions

Drunken passenger flew to Afghanistan

Drunken passenger flew to Afghanistan Detained seized flights from Surgut to Moscow. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий To 12 years of imprisonment threatens the resident of Surgut Pavel Shapovalov, who tried to steal Afghanistan, the aircraft “Aeroflot” carrying out flight Surgut—Moscow. In the case of employees of the aviation security service and airport police, and at the same time against the organizers of the flight probably will check to find out why on Board was drunk, but still not quite adequate to the passenger. On Board the aircraft “Aeroflot”, flying from Surgut to Moscow, the man in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication suddenly required to change course and deliver it to Afghanistan. The invader claimed that he had a gun and tried to break into the cockpit. Acting on the instructions of the attacker pilots in the cockpit is not allowed, deciding to sit down at the nearest airport of Khanty-Mansiysk. According to

Passengers of flight Surgut — Moscow has been detained after attempted hijacking

Passengers of flight Surgut — Moscow has been detained after attempted hijacking MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. The perpetrator of the incident on the flight from Surgut to Moscow is delayed. About TASS said the official representative SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “The man is detained, they have been previously convicted for damage to property a resident of Surgut”, — said Petrenko. According to preliminary data of the investigation, “the passenger is intoxicated, threatening that he had a weapon, during the flight tried to break into the cockpit and demanded to change the course of the aircraft.” The commander of the ship decided to make an emergency landing in Khanty-Mansiysk. “In fact PE initiated a criminal case under paragraph “C” of part 2 of article 211 of the criminal code (“Stealing of the aircraft, coupled with the threat of violence”),” — said Petrenko. “On a scene works enhanced investigative group,

Fish and Leslie was released on his own recognizance

Fish and Leslie was released on his own recognizance Vashukevich, Anastasia (Nastya Fish), and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) was released from the detention center under recognizance not to leave. About it “” the lawyer said Konstantin Kuzmin. “The investigation is all figured out and we were released. Conditions were normal, I just want to leave,” said Vashukevich “” after leaving the detention center. Met her husband, and Leslie’s wife. Earlier on January 22, the lawyer Dmitry Zatsarinsky said that between his client Nastya Fish and an injured Aleksandra Davydova (Sasha Grass) was a confrontation. In the course of it, Vashukevich not pleaded guilty to the crime and accused the Complainant that she was engaged in prostitution before. Vashukevich and Kirillova, detained on January 17 in Sheremetyevo, where they arrived after being deported from Thailand, where they were given a suspended sentence in the case of an organization of sex training.

The US state Department announced the resignation of assistant Secretary of state, who oversaw relations with Russia

The US state Department announced the resignation of assistant Secretary of state, who oversaw relations with Russia Moscow. 22 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Representative of US state Department Robert Palladino on Tuesday announced the resignation of assistant Secretary of state for European Affairs and Eurasian Wessa Mitchell. “Assistant Secretary of state Mitchell resigns as head of the office for European and Eurasian Affairs, February 15, 2019. Deputy assistant Secretary of state Elizabeth Millard will serve as the acting assistant Secretary of state,” Palladino wrote on his page on Twitter. Mitchell served as head of the office for European and Eurasian Affairs of the US state Department since September of 2017. In this post he, in particular, was responsible for the relations with Russia and Ukraine. See also: Tymoshenko called the main task for the new President of Ukraine CNN: Emin Agalarov has postponed a U.S. tour due to the breakdown

“Favorite Davos”: the WSJ noted the drop Macron

“Favorite Davos”: the WSJ noted the drop Macron The President of France Emmanuel macron was once “a favorite of Davos”, but this year was forced to miss the world economic forum (WEF) due to the ongoing protests of the movement “yellow jackets,” writes The Wall Street Journal. As the newspaper notes, his absence speaks to how quickly the pockets of populism can capture far from world leaders. Just a year ago the participants of the WEF was in near-euphoric state after electing Him President of France. The former investment banker was the epitome of the quintessential “Davos man”, the newspaper said. However, the introduction of fuel taxes to fight climate change has led to the emergence of the protest movement and turned into weekly anti-government protests, which involved burning of cars, smashing shop Windows and even storming the office of a Minister, writes the WSJ. Since then the French President