Hybrid mode: why Maduro has failed to become the new Chavez

Hybrid mode: why Maduro has failed to become the new Chavez Due to economic collapse, mass emigration and a surge in crime, the removal of Venezuelan President from power, the opposition, the Parliament had only a matter of time. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографийденьги in exchange for loyalty Times Venezuela Hugo Chavez and the first years of Nicolas Maduro differed from fellows by the type of regime one important factor: honest, transparent and competitive elections. Strange as it may sound, but the slogan Hugo Chavez about the sanctity of each vote of the Venezuelan worked in practice. For electoral autarky Chavez just did not required systemic fraud. The sharp rise in energy prices in 2000-ies allowed the regime in the country is the absolute leader in proven oil reserves, ahead of even Saudi Arabia and a relatively small population (30 million people), physically feed their constituents. Left populism of Chavez, a growing share of

Anthropologists have discovered how the Neanderthals hunted

Anthropologists have discovered how the Neanderthals hunted MOSCOW, 25 Jan — RIA Novosti. Professional javelinmen helped scientists prove that the ancient spears of the Neanderthals, was found two decades ago in Germany could easily kill an animal of medium size. The results of their “field test” was presented in the journal Scientific Reports. “The emergence of a specialized weapon — one of the most important milestones in human evolution, about which we know almost nothing. Therefore, the opening when we learned to kill victims and enemies from a great distance, it is extremely important for the understanding of our own history,” said Matt Pope (Matt Pope) from University College London (UK). NewsArchaeologists have found a “sense of beauty” lived on the Altai Neanderthal Numerous tools and artifacts found at sites of Homo neanderthalensis in Russia, Croatia, Spain, and Germany, indicate that these ancient people hunted their own food, hunt for

In the national Park “Land of leopard” on camera caught four tiger cubs (video)

In the national Park “Land of leopard” on camera caught four tiger cubs (video) This video will cheer you up. Nice video appeared in the Network. In the lens of camera traps in the national Park “Land of leopard” in Primorye hit just four little cubs. Four tiger cubs caught in the lens of camera traps in the national Park “Land of leopard”In boot time the error occurred. The kids chose a glade beside a hidden camera and have fun playing right in front of the lens. According to the staff of the national Park, this unique footage: they have never been able to remove several of the cubs at the same time. See also: In the Chinese zoo dog raises lion cubs, tiger cubs and hyenas (video) In the Berlin zoo animal gave to be devoured by the Christmas tree Fight a bear with a tiger caught on video

We did not ask

We did not ask Leading Russian climatologists this week appealed to the President of RAS Alexander Sergeev with the letter (N + 1), from which it became clear that the public position of the Academy on the issue of climate change actually is formed without their participation. This is very curious given the fact that many of the signatories of the letter considered one of the best world experts in their fields and regularly participate in the preparation of international reports. The letter mentioned the statement of the President of Russia at the International forum “Russian energy week”, called a possible cause of global warming that we “apparently” observed “cosmic changes, shifts some, invisible to us, in the galaxy.” NewsScientists have figured out how weather anomalies affect the health of inhabitants of Russia The signatories delicately interested in the role played by RAS in the formation of such a position

The Greek Parliament approved the agreement in Athens with Skopje the new name of Macedonia

The Greek Parliament approved the agreement in Athens with Skopje the new name of Macedonia ATHENS, January 25. /TASS/ — For the approval of the agreement voted by 153 deputies, 146 opposed, one abstained. The Greek Parliament approved the agreement in Athens with Skopje about the renaming of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of North Macedonia. This is evidenced by the results of the vote held on Friday in the main legislative body of the country at the conclusion of the three-day debate. For the approval of the agreement voted by 153 deputies, a 300-seat Parliament, 146 opposed, one abstained. Under the regulations, for ratification of the agreement was enough simple majority of votes of the deputies present in the room, however, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has set a target to ratify the document by at least 151 votes in the unicameral main legislative body. Officially,

Russia is ready to mediate between the authorities and the opposition in Venezuela

Russia is ready to mediate between the authorities and the opposition in Venezuela MOSCOW, 25 Jan — RIA Novosti. Russia is ready to mediate in the relationship between the authorities and the opposition in Venezuela, if such efforts will be in demand, said in an interview with RIA Novosti Director of the Latin American Department of the foreign Ministry Alexander Shchetinin. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий “We said that if our efforts will be in demand and we in this effort ready, we have no problems with it,” said the Russian diplomat. “Yesterday the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said that we are ready to cooperate with all political forces who display responsible attitude, willing to cooperate with international players willing to use all our authority to ensure that such a dialogue has been established”, said Shchetinin. The opposition speaker of Parliament of Venezuela Juan Guido on Wednesday declared himself interim

In Florida have detained the former trump adviser Roger stone

In Florida have detained the former trump adviser Roger stone The FBI January 25, arrested in Florida political consultant Roger stone, who was an adviser to Donald trump during the election campaign. It is reported by CNN. Upstairs Stone is accused of perjury, obstruction of justice and pressure on witnesses. The representative of spectacular Robert Mueller Peter Carr said that a former adviser to trump will appear before a Federal court late on January 25. A Federal Grand jury for the District of Columbia has published the official charges former adviser to trump. It States that the stone in 2016 had contact with the “Organization 1”, which published the correspondence of the former candidate for President Hillary Clinton. It is noted that “1” already published documents stolen from the U.S. government.NewsDonald Trump filed a skyscraper in Moscow December 5 a former adviser to trump refused to testify on alleged Russian

Alligators are frozen into the ice due to cold weather

Alligators are frozen into the ice due to cold weather Alligators living in the national Park Marsh Park river leopard’s chase Golf club in the U.S. state of North Carolina, again frozen into the ice. This publication reports The Charlotte Observer. Published The Swamp Park Thursday, 24 January 2019During the download an error has occurred. A few days ago, the river has held down the ice. Soon, the Park staff found that there lived reptiles are frozen. “Here in the ice all of our alligators, says Park Manager George Howard. Eighteen Mississippi alligators thought about the future, just put our noses out.” Published The Swamp Park Thursday, 24 January 2019During the download an error has occurred. He believes that they sank in so-called brumariu — dormant reptiles, which lowers body temperature and slows the rate of metabolism. In 2018, when on the East coast of the United States was established

Scientists have discovered an ancient insect inside gemstone

Scientists have discovered an ancient insect inside gemstone Usually the fragments of extinct flora and fauna found in amber, the fossilized resin of ancient trees. However gemmology Brian Berger was lucky to find the whole insect inside a large opal — and science is unable to say how it got inside. As we already repeatedly wrote, the black markets of Southeast Asia are a true treasure trove for archaeologists — they sell the amber, which often come across fragments of flora and fauna that have disappeared from the Earth millions of years ago. But last year, gemologist Brian Berger has found something far more rare and amazing. Purchased the item, as in many others, there is an insect. But it’s not amber — fossilized resin of ancient trees — a real precious opal! The nature of the origin of this mysterious mineral (or rather — “mineraloid”) remains a mystery to

Quiz: Which universities he graduated from the Russian stars?

Quiz: Which universities he graduated from the Russian stars? On January 25 Russia celebrates the Day of Russian students. Many Russian celebrities after the prom chose is not the “star” universities and specialty and received “serious” education. But this did not prevent them in the future to become popular singers, actors and TV hosts. Do you know where he studied Russian stars? During the download an error has occurred. See also: You gave birth to me, I will sue you: stars who sued parents Aspiring model messed up pictures of celebrities on the “Golden globe”