Nebesa accused the US of creating a situation of dual power in Venezuela

Nebesa accused the US of creating a situation of dual power in Venezuela UN, January 26 — RIA Novosti. Recognition of the United States and a number of countries opposition government in Venezuela means that they either contributed to, or had a hand in a situation of dual power, there, said Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. According to him, “extremist opponents to legitimate government of Venezuela, having failed in attempts to unseat Maduro, including his physical elimination, chose the most confrontational confrontation scenario”. “The twenty-third of January, the Chairman of the National Assembly proclaimed itself the interim President of Venezuela. The United States and several other countries immediately recognized, thereby confirming that they are to either contribute or directly contributed to the artificial creation of dual power, which now threatens a serious destabilization of the political situation”, — said the Russian diplomat. HelpIn Venezuela the revolution has

Revealed the source of the messages about the soldiers of Russian PMCs in Venezuela

Revealed the source of the messages about the soldiers of Russian PMCs in Venezuela Information about the receipt of the order “for the protection of “people first” was obtained from one of the soldiers of PMC. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The head of Committee of all-Russian officers ‘ Assembly, the ataman of the Cossack society “Khovrino” Evgeny Shabayev has told RBC about the source of information about Russian soldiers sent to Venezuela to protect the President Nicolas Maduro. According to Shabayev, 21 Jan turned to him for help soldier of a private military company who is responsible for the protection of the first persons. He said that he entered an urgent order in which you want to gather a group and go where the soldier did not know. The next day the ataman called a relative of the soldier and confirmed the fact that the guys arrived in Havana and put them on

The wife of George Clooney took the kids and left him

The wife of George Clooney took the kids and left him Amal Clooney took the kids and moved out of her famous husband, actor George Clooney, writes Radar Online. According to the newspaper, between spouses there was a very serious quarrel, which threatens imminent divorce. The friends of the family claim that Clooney is doing everything to get your wife back. Currently the actor lives in his house in the UK, and Amal and their children moved to the estate in Italy. George Clooney has long been considered the most confirmed bachelor, but in 2014 it all of a sudden got married to lawyer Amal Alamuddin. Soon the family had twins Ella and Alexander. While 57-year-old Clooney and the 40-year-old Amal said that do not plan to become parents. In the case of divorce, spouses will have to divide the state $520 million Happy occasion: George ClooneyDuring the download an

German media have criticized Russia for the glorification of the siege of Leningrad

German media have criticized Russia for the glorification of the siege of Leningrad MOSCOW, January 26 — RIA Novosti. Celebrating the anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad in Russia has acquired the character of the celebration, whereas we are talking about large-scale tragedy, this is stated in the article the journalist Silke Herr Bigalke, published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. The journalist reminds that this Sunday in St. Petersburg will be a parade dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade of the city. “Once again those who are in power in Moscow, sending soldiers instead of compassion, and emphasis on national pride, not memory,” — says Herr Bigalke, noting that the siege of Leningrad remains a “painful” moment in the history of Russia. Herr Bigalke acknowledges that lasted almost 900 days the siege was a genocide in which, as she writes, “killed

Repulsion Kabaevoy called duty of every Ukrainian

Repulsion Kabaevoy called duty of every Ukrainian Ukrainian journalist Sergei Sidorenko, who pushed a leading talk show “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia 1” Olga Skobeeva in the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), explained his actions. He told about it in the Facebook account. Sidorenko has paid attention of colleagues that Skobeeva pushed the Vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Gerashchenko during the interview and “got to live”. “What Skobeeva we provoked, can not be questioned,” — said the journalist. According to the editor of “the European truth” he did what in his place would have done any different, but his act he is not proud. “Without a doubt [I have violated journalistic rules]. Ready to suffer a proportionate punishment. A formal complaint against me, they say, have already filed,” he explained. The journalist said he would not apologize to Kabaevoj. “Creature with the Russian

Accidental President

Accidental President Why Joan Guido the most unexpected and the most obvious opponent of Nicolas Maduro. Juan Guido, declared himself interim President of Venezuela, was not supposed to be the main opponent of the regime, or even a more or less well-known opposition figure. That’s what he is, is a merit of the regime itself. The background of Juan, Guido and Nicolas Maduro recalls the biblical story of David and Goliath. It’s not only about the different weight categories of opponents, but also about the circumstances in which the two forces met. Goliath caught up with such fear in enemies that want to fight him (except David) left. That nicolás Maduro put so much effort on the defeat of the opposition that when opponents of the regime were seeking a new leader, no one except Juan, Guide not found. As in the story of David, the youth and relative obscurity

Four countries of the European Union has approved the recognition of Guido interim President of Venezuela

Four countries of the European Union has approved the recognition of Guido interim President of Venezuela TASS, January 26. The authorities of Spain, France, Germany and the UK has said that it will take such a decision, if the President of the Republic Nicolas Maduro did not announce elections within eight days. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The authorities of Spain, France, Germany and the UK recognize Juan, Guido, leader of the Venezuelan opposition, the interim head of state, if Nicolas Maduro for eight days announce the holding of elections. “If within eight days will be the announcement of elections, Spain recognizes, Guido [interim] President of Venezuela”.Pedro Inespecially of the government of Spain According to him, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition needs to lead the transition period in the country. Sanchez added that Madrid “from Wednesday working to come to a common position in the EU” on the situation in the Republic. Prime

Trump temporarily ended the shutdown in the US

Trump temporarily ended the shutdown in the US The President signed a budget for three weeks to restore the work of the government. The US President Donald trump on Friday made concessions to the Democrats and signed a temporary budget to restore the work of the government, halting the record duration 35-day shutdown — the cessation of the work of the Federal agencies because of lack of funding. The budget signed on for three weeks until February 15. It is expected that this time will be used to negotiate long-term budget. In the United States for more than a month did not work the Federal government for lack of funding. Trump has refused to sign the budget by 2019, while it does not take into account funds in the amount of $5.7 billion to build the wall with Mexico, and the Democrats in Congress refused to allocate the funds. The

“Progress MS-09” sank in the Pacific ocean

“Progress MS-09” sank in the Pacific ocean MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/ — the Cargo spacecraft was docked with the ISS since July 10. Cargo spacecraft “Progress MS-09” Friday was undocked from the International space station (ISS), de-orbited and sunk in non-navigational area of the Pacific ocean, TASS was told at the Central research Institute of machine building (TsNIIMash, the head research Institute of the state Corporation “Roscosmos”). “Burned in the atmosphere fragments of the ship “Progress MS-09″ landed in non-navigational area of the Pacific ocean,” said the Institute. The ship was undocked from the station at 15:55 GMT. “Progress MS-09” was part of the ISS since July 10. This day was made its launch from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The ship first arrived on the ISS on a double circuit (two turns around the Earth), he was in flight is only 3 hours and 40 minutes. Previously, “Progress” went to the

The survey showed a drop in trust of Russians to television

The survey showed a drop in trust of Russians to television MOSCOW, 25 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Russians trust television as a source of information decreased from 63% in 2015 to 36% in 2019, and the credibility of news sites, forums, blogs and social networks has grown, according to a survey of Fund “Public opinion”. Respondents were asked to answer the question whether the sources of information they trust more than others, and if so, how (could give up to three answers). If in 2015, television as source of information trust 63%, now this figure dropped to 36%. News sites on the Internet today is trusted by 20% (in 2015 — 15%), forums, blogs and social networks are trusted by 11% (in 2015 — 4%). Print media is trusted by 8% of Russians, conversations with relatives and friends — 7%, radio 7% (compared with 2015 figures have not changed).