Soviet mosaic in the Caucasus. Photo gallery

Soviet mosaic in the Caucasus. Photo gallery As decorative panels with national motifs and Lenin turned the residential area of Vladikavkaz in the mini-Tashkent. Upstairs Soviet mosaic, perhaps, is the architectural calling card of the Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1980s. Decorative panels of small colored pieces of tile decorated not only the building of houses of culture and other institutions, but ordinary houses and even a bus stop. Monumental mosaics are preserved in many cities of the former Soviet Union. No exception — Vladikavkaz, where panels, which are intricately interwoven national motives and characters “socialism”, still adorn the high-rise building in residential area of the city. To establish paternity, and to trace their history is difficult. However, at least part belongs to Alexander Gorkomu is the youngest of three brothers-the artists who made the Tashkent unlike any other city in the world. Anna Кабисова1/2 Street Kotsoeva, 77. The

Medina instructed to check the security of all major museums in Russia

Medina instructed to check the security of all major museums in Russia MOSCOW, January 28. /TASS/. The Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky instructed to check the level of security in all major museums around the country after the incident in the Tretyakov gallery, where eve stole a picture Kuindzhi. This was reported to journalists on Monday, the Director of the museums Department Ministry of culture Vladislav Kononov. “Vladimir Medinsky instructed to conduct a comprehensive review of the security of the Tretyakov gallery and all the museums of the first row,” — said Kononov. Sunday from the Tretyakov gallery where took place the exhibition of works by Arkhip Kuindzhi, stole his painting “AI-Petri. Crimea”. The suspect in the theft of the painting, 31-year-old man was later arrested in the village of Zarechye, Moscow region, the picture also managed to find, in the near future it will give the specialists.

The radiation levels at the moon measured using female mannequins

The radiation levels at the moon measured using female mannequins MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. Mannequins two women will be sent into orbit around the moon in an American spaceship Orion, in order to measure the level of radiation, the report said the European space Agency. “These two women’s mannequin will take the passenger seat during the first mission around the moon Oriona”, — stated in the message. NewsWeightless taste: what is the daily menu for astronauts Currently, flight of the Orion spacecraft with a flyby of the moon scheduled for June 2020. European space Agency makes for the vehicles of the Orion service module. As noted in the message, mannequins and torsos of women named Helga and Zohar (Zohar and Helga). They use different materials mimic the density of internal organs. 5600 mannequins equipped with sensors that will measure the level of radiation — galactic cosmic rays (coming

The comedian danced with my son in dresses Princess Elsa and split the world in two

The comedian danced with my son in dresses Princess Elsa and split the world in two What do you think? Popular Norwegian comedian Orjan Brown (Ørjan Burøe) recently posted to their social networks of a video showing him with his young son dancing in blue dresses song Elsa “Let it go” from “frozen.” Currently the video has received nearly four million views and thousands of comments. View this post in Instagram Publication from Ørjan Burøe (@orjanburoe) Jan 20, 2019 at 3:19 PST During the download an error has occurred. Repost do the dance including the Twitter account of CBS News with the caption, “best dad ever”. In the comments, users began to discuss how important it is to support their children, even if they want to be princesses from disney tales. It was later revealed that four years Dexter has long been fond of Princess Elsa from the cartoon “the

Artificial intelligence in minutes put the disabled person on his feet

Artificial intelligence in minutes put the disabled person on his feet Computer algorithms have greatly accelerated the adaptation of the people with an amputated leg to the robotic prosthesis. As a result, the start time of the walk has decreased from several hours to minutes. Description of the development published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. One of the most promising options of modern artificial intelligence is machine learning. In this approach, a computer program automatically tries to solve the problem, thus receiving a “reward” for good results. NewsIn Russia in 2035 will appear to the University to study robots Based on this principle, the program AlphaZero, which was able to beat the best athletes, the people in the Board game go, and also shows impressive results in other games, such as chess, Dota 2 and Starcraft II. In the new work, the researchers applied a similar approach to

Forced corrupt officials released from punishment

Forced corrupt officials released from punishment The Ministry of justice is developing amendments to the legislation on combating corruption. Writes about this family-owned Demyan Kudryavtsev, the newspaper “Vedomosti”. According to the publication, it is planned to allocate cases where corrupt act “as a result of force majeure” is not a criminal offence. The Department explained that sometimes the observance of limitations and restrictions it is sometimes not possible due to objective reasons, the exemption in the legislation. Examples of such circumstances, the Ministry of justice failed. In the formulation of the amendments also involved the Ministry of labor, Ministry of interior, the Prosecutor General and the Investigative Committee. 16 January 2019, the head of Sberbank German Gref said the only way to fight corruption in the country. In his view, this task can handle only the digitalization of the Russian economy. On 9 January the chief economist of the European

The President of Georgia spoke when he wants to meet with trump

The President of Georgia spoke when he wants to meet with trump TBILISI, 29 Jan — RIA Novosti. The President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili declared that wants to meet with Donald trump before the presidents of the United States and Russia will hold a new meeting. According to her, the administration of the President of Georgia has sent to Washington a letter with a request to hold a working meeting. “It is possible that there will be a meeting trump and Putin. The agenda of the meeting is not yet known. The most important for us to have had the opportunity to meet with the American President. We must show trump with our visions, with the painful questions that he knew very well that our side is the most disturbing in this discussion”, — quotes the words of Zourabichvili, Georgian First channel. She added that she does not know whether

Why do politicians build of a clown and how to laugh

Why do politicians build of a clown and how to laugh Laughter is not always a reaction to jokes, laughter may be very different. About the role and functions of laughter in our daily lives and in politics, says Professor of cognitive neuroscience at University College London Sophie Scott. The words of the President of the United States Donald trump about what his administration was the most effective in the history of the country in the UN was greeted with laughter. Trump has admitted that he did not expect such a reaction, but considers it normal. This is one example of how many different reasons make us laugh. Although most often we’re not laughing at a good joke, and not because someone very funny or amusing. Laughter is one way of building social and emotional ties. We are 30 times more likely to laugh if we are not alone, and

Died the lone duck in the world named Trevor

Died the lone duck in the world named Trevor Condolences have been expressed by the new Zealand Parliament. A Drake named Trevor, the only duck in the small island nation of Niue and is probably the lonely duck in the world, died this weekend, said in a statement on the website of Trevor on Facebook. The story also tells the AFP news Agency. Newsthe loneliest frog in the world the Romeo found Juliet Niue island is 2.4 thousand kilometers to the North-East of New Zealand, it lives of 1,600 people, annually it is visited by about 9 thousand tourists. Niue is a coral island, it has no ponds or swamps, and it was not until the appearance of ducks one male, who is believed to have got there with a storm from New Zealand. Drake, who was named Trevor in honor of the speaker of the new Zealand Parliament Trevor

How does the poisonous Red river in Spain (photos)

How does the poisonous Red river in Spain (photos) Swimming in it is strictly prohibited. In the South-West of Spain in the Autonomous region of Andalusia is a great natural attraction, dead river Rio Tinto (Red river). View this post in Instagram Publication of adriianaamz (@adriianaamz) 27 Sep 2019 12:53 PST During the download an error has occurred. Dead it was no accident — because of the high acidity in the water can only live colonies of specific bacteria. No fish, no plants here. One near to the river is also prohibited. This area was rich in minerals, and for many millennia along the banks of the Rio Tinto was the working of copper, silver, gold, and iron. View this post in Instagram Publication of Roman CJ (@r.calvo.j) 26 Sep 2019 11:26 PST During the download an error has occurred. During industrial activity the river water turned into acid and