Aussie disgraced the wrong girl drawing large poster

Aussie disgraced the wrong girl drawing large poster To let everyone know. A Twitter user has published in social networks photo, which she made at the airport of the Australian city of Melbourne. In the waiting room of the arrivals, she saw a man who was waiting for passengers of the flight with a strange sign in his hands. On the poster was written in large letters: “I know you cheated on me”. At Melbourne airport today ? he was waiting to greet his cheating partner… I AM DECEASED — Kryz (@KrystaalA) January 23, 2019 How this story ended, is unknown. In comments users have suggested that this story could turn into, or drama, or a friendly joke. See also: the Curious otter participated in the offer hands and hearts

Extinguished both shopping centre in the Dagestan Kizlyar

Extinguished both shopping centre in the Dagestan Kizlyar Moscow. 1 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — a Fire at two shopping centres in Kizlyar (Dagestan) extinguished, have informed “Interfax” the head a press-services of the mayoralty Selenas Salikhov. “Shopping centers “planet Suite” and “the Union” burned down almost completely,” she said. The fire also severely damaged nearby shops, there is a strong smoke, said the Agency interlocutor. She added that the bus station and market are close by, working as normal. In Kizlyar, Dagestan, a fire destroyed the shopping centres “the planet Suite” and “Union”. Also damaged several nearby shops. For this moment the flame was extinguished. — Moscow 24 (@infomoscow24) February 1, 2019. On the scene are representatives of Prosecutor’s office, interior Ministry, the investigative Department of the MOE and other relevant agencies. As explained “Interfax” the press service of the emergencies Ministry, the fire area has exceeded 1.5 thousand sq.

A three-storey shopping Mall caught fire in Kizlyar

A three-storey shopping Mall caught fire in Kizlyar The fire engulfed the whole building, the fire area amounted to eight thousand square meters. A three-storey shopping center “planet Suite” on fire in Kizlyar of the Republic of Dagestan. In the city administration said that the flames engulfed the entire building. The fire might spread to neighboring buildings due to high building density in the Central part of the city, reports TASS with reference to the representative of the municipality. “Burning building three-storey shopping centre “the planet Suite”. The fire engulfed the whole building, — have told in city administration the Agency. — The building is mostly sold clothes, shoes. On the first floor was a grocery shops, cell phone stores”. “The building [the shopping center] is located near the Central bus station, Central market. Near — dozen shops. There is a risk that if not timely contained, the flames spread

The defense Ministry will pay for the artist

The defense Ministry will pay for the artist Satisfied with the first lawsuit in connection with the death of the Alexandrov ensemble in a plane crash. As it became known “Kommersant”, was the first lawsuit against the defense Ministry in connection with the accident in Sochi in 2016 EN route to Syria Tu-154. The plaintiff is the daughter of artist of the Academic song and dance ensemble of the Alexandrov Yuri Novokshanova demanded 500 thousand rubles from the ensemble to recognize the death of the artist a workplace accident, and the military, and in addition, expected to receive a monthly lifetime payment of $ 22 thousand rbl. the Court has estimated moral sufferings of the victim 150 thousand. Yesterday the Kemerovo regional court considered the appeal of the Frets Shulgina (before marriage Novokshanova) the decision of the Central district court of Novokuznetsk, last summer failed her in the recovery of

The United States has reported accelerated deployment of banned missiles

The United States has reported accelerated deployment of banned missiles The U.S. informed the allies that Russia has accelerated the deployment of cruise missiles, ground-based 9М729, which Washington believes to be in violation of the restrictions of the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) and the main cause of the destruction of the Treaty. The U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty will take place on Saturday, February 2. According to The Wall Street Journal, the United States believes that Russia has already produced a total of 100 missiles 9М729 by deploying four divisions with 64 missiles (four launchers with four missiles each in division). Three months ago, it was believed that Russia has deployed three such divisions, says WSJ, citing a source in the intelligence services. NewsAmerica hesitated at the exit from the contract Disagreements between Moscow and Washington touch range missiles 9М729. Russia claims that it does

Guido, called the change of power in Venezuela is profitable for Russia

Guido, called the change of power in Venezuela is profitable for Russia MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. The speaker of Parliament of Venezuela Juan Guido, declared himself interim President in an interview with Reuters said that the change of power in the country will benefit from its main trading partners, Moscow and Beijing. “Russia and China have the most to organize stability and change of the regime.” he said. According to him, the country’s President, Nicolas Maduro, “does not protect the interests of Venezuela,” and foreign investment, and therefore is not favorable as a partner. In addition, Guido noted that have tried to establish contacts with Moscow and Beijing. The Parliament speaker also promised in case of victory of the opposition to abide by all previous commitments to creditors and owners of government securities. Coup attempt In Venezuela, January 21, held mass protests against the current President Maduro. Parliament

America hesitated at the exit from the contract

America hesitated at the exit from the contract The United States will give Russia six months to eliminate the missiles. The chances of saving the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF) become all the more elusive. On Saturday the deadline of the ultimatum of Washington, demanded from Moscow to destroy cruise missiles, ground-based 9М729, supposedly tested for a banned range. Moscow condition is not fulfilled and is not going to do it. Failed to resolve the conflict and in the course of several rounds of negotiations, the last of which was held on Thursday in Beijing. Meanwhile, Washington has suddenly made it clear that he is ready to extend its ultimatum for another six months. On Thursday in Beijing were the most important negotiations of delegations of Russia and the United States. On Saturday, the deadline for the us ultimatum for the INF Treaty, and

The musicians combined 20 different instruments in one

The musicians combined 20 different instruments in one A whole orchestra. Ukrainian band Brunettes Shoot Blondes submitted a video for the song Houston. In order to perform the song live, the musicians have invented a unique tool that no electronics could produce different sounds by pressing only one key. This miracle instrument, the old piano, inside of which the musicians have put 20 other musical instruments, including drums, tambourine, cymbals, castanets, cello, violin and many others. All these guys were connected with the keys of the piano and eventually received a completely unique multitool. During the download an error has occurred. By the way, with this composition of the group will take part in the National selection for “Eurovision-2019”. See also: The drummer got so carried away at a concert that almost took the life of a classmate In Italy staged a concert on ice (video)

The king of Antarctica was the size of the iguana and ate insects

The king of Antarctica was the size of the iguana and ate insects Paleontologists from the United States and South Africa described was found in Antarctica a new species from the group of archosaurs that flourished in the Triassic period. The discovery was named Antarctanax shackletoni — the generic name translates as “king of the Antarctic,” and the species name refers to the British polar Explorer. Antarctica was not always icebound. 250 million years ago it was much further from the South pole and was covered with forests, and the temperature it rarely dropped below zero. In these circumstances, there were many unique species of animals, including dinosaurs and their relatives of the archosaurs. These creatures paleontologists find in Antarctica from the 1960s. During the expedition 2010-2011, scientists have unearthed in the Transantarctic mountains part of the skeleton of a certain animal: several cervical and dorsal vertebrae, humerus, and two

In Essentuki found a stash of guard Nicholas II

In Essentuki found a stash of guard Nicholas II MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. In Essentuki found a stash of rare photographs of the Imperial family. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of tourism and health resorts of Stavropol territory. The envelope with the pictures was discovered by workmen repairing the roof of the building of the regional Department of the Federal Treasury. It is noted that he lay under the old I-beam a hundred years. Local historian novel Nutricin found that the pictures belonged to Anatolia, Fedyushkin, which since 1907 has served in the security division of the Royal family. Photo of the Imperial family of Nicholas II | Source: Ministry of tourism of the Stavropol region