The defense Ministry announced the preparation of the US production is prohibited by the contract of rockets

The defense Ministry announced the preparation of the US production is prohibited by the contract of rockets Moscow. 2 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — According to the Russian military, it is conducted for two years. The United States for two years preparing for the production of intermediate-range and shorter-range, said the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. “Washington is still two years before the public unsubstantiated accusations that Russia allegedly violating the INF Treaty not only decided, but also began to prepare for the trade prohibited by the Treaty, the intermediate-range and shorter-range”, — reported in the Ministry. United States, according to the Russian military, in the summer of 2017 is modernization of the defense plant in Arizona for the production of intermediate-range and shorter-range. “According to the defense Ministry of Russia irrefutable data, starting from June 2017 at the company military-industrial Corporation “Raytheon” in Tucson (Arizona) launched a program of

Citizens found themselves on the wrong road

Citizens found themselves on the wrong road Power ratings slowly declining. Over the past month, the level of approval of the head of the state has decreased from 64.6% to 61%, according to opinion polls. According to the “Levada-center”, 45% of respondents believed that “the country is on the wrong path,” those Russians for the first time became more than those who considers that Russia is moving in the “right direction.” The expert explains that citizens “have not seen good news”. According to the poll (conducted from 21 to 27 January), the President does not approve 30.1% of respondents (last month this figure was 26.8 percent). Approve the work of the head of state 61% (a month ago — 64.6 per cent). More than half of the respondents (51,4%) did not approve of the activity of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (last month, 48.9 per cent). The amount of support the

Canadians unravel the mystery drawn on the snow bear

Canadians unravel the mystery drawn on the snow bear People wonder how the author managed to give him a belly button. In Montreal on the frozen ice of the canal de Lachine appeared funny bear, the author of the trampled snow underfoot. Have bears not only the body, but the eyes, nose, mouth and navel. It’s the part of the body called the social network the greatest number of questions. Users have a few days wondering how the artist managed to make a belly button, because no tracks nearby (about two meters to the edge of the shape) was found. Wholesome snow art on the Lachine canal ❤ it’s amazing — Kate McKenna (@katemckenna8) January 30, 2019 According to one version, the navel is done with snowballs. Another hypothesis is the drone, that could reset in the center of the figure an object. Another assumption is that the navel

Selected the most delicious dishes of 2019 (photo)

Selected the most delicious dishes of 2019 (photo) In Lyon was held the international culinary competition. France hosted the international cooking contest Bocuse d’or 2019. This year to compete for the title of best of the best in Lyon came the chef from 24 countries. The statuette “Bocuse d’or” and a cash prize of 20 thousand euros was awarded to Dane Kenneth Toft-Hansen who made Kara a dairy cow and a green Chartreuse. By the way, the statue of the prestigious competition was already fourth. Interestingly, in the nomination “Best assistant” won assistant Kenneth Christian Wellendorf. View this post in Instagram Publication of Bocuse d’or (@bocusedor) 31 Jan 2019 at 9:39 am PST During the download an error has occurred. Second place went to chef from Sweden Sebastian Hibrand, and the third — Norwegian Christian Andre Pettersen. View this post in Instagram Publication of Bocuse d’or (@bocusedor) 30 Jan 2019

In what could cost Russia the theft of paintings Kuindzhi

In what could cost Russia the theft of paintings Kuindzhi Savings insurance of works of art has become in Russia the norm, and the recent incident in the Tretyakov gallery shows that it can be costly to the country. The story of the stolen on 27 January from the Engineering building of the Tretyakov gallery painting Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea” is well resolved. The picture was found unharmed and has returned to the exposition in the Tretyakov gallery, where it is now exhibited under glass and with alarm. The attacker was arrested. The theft of the painting, however, revealed the problem of catastrophic vulnerability of museums in the field of law upon the occurrence of such cases. And if “the prodigal son” Arkhip Kuindzhi did not return? How much it would cost to museums and state his disappearance? The ultimate guarantor that all the losses in case of theft in

About 80 of the 100 winners of the first contest “Leaders of Russia” were assigned

About 80 of the 100 winners of the first contest “Leaders of Russia” were assigned NIZHNY NOVGOROD, February 2. /TASS/ — Earlier it was reported that 67 participants of the first season received the appointment. About 80 of the 100 winners of the first competition of managers “Leaders of Russia”, held in 2017-2018, received appointments in government and state corporations. This was reported on Saturday to journalists by the Chairman of the expert Council of the competition Pavel Bezruchko. Earlier it was reported that 67 participants of the first season received the appointment, including the two governors and four Deputy Federal Ministers. “At the moment of the 100 winners of the finals last year, approximately 80 were new posts Most of them [the winners of the first competition] to work successfully to achieve results in business, government, like everyone,” said Bezruchko. The contest “Leaders of Russia” — the flagship project

The United States began to violate the INF Treaty since 1999, Lavrov said

The United States began to violate the INF Treaty since 1999, Lavrov said MOSCOW, Feb 2 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov said that the United States began to violate the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) since 1999, when they began to test combat drones. “Under the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles — a Treaty, as you know, has been operating since 1988 — according to our data, this open-ended contract, the United States began to break since 1999, when they began to experience combat drones, which are characteristics coincide with the prohibited contract cruise land-based missiles,” said Lavrov during a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with heads of the foreign Ministry and the defense Ministry. HelpWhat you need to know about the Treaty of elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range History, essence and the

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman made up and announced it on the Network

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman made up and announced it on the Network But fans doubt. 2017 fans of Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are following in social networks, how these two Troll each other at every opportunity. But I think all of these jokes came to an end. The actors are simultaneously published to Twitter sharing the picture, which shake hands. Reynolds and Jackman also said that after the reconciliation they will do the commercial: Hugh will advertise Aviation gin, which belongs to Ryan, and Ryan will star in a coffee commercial of the Laughing Man Coffee, owned by Hugh. Official truce! I’m going to make the most amazing ad for Aviation Gin. And, look forward to seeing what @Vancityreynolds comes up with in return. — Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) January 31, 2019 An official truce! I’m going to do the best advertising for Aviation Gin. And look forward

The children of Russian businessman made a “carpet” of daddy’s money

The children of Russian businessman made a “carpet” of daddy’s money The owner of a beauty salon in Nizhnekamsk Ramis Ziganshin has published in his Instagram account a video in which his children pyatitysyachnyj bills littered the floor. The author of the video — the elder son Ruslan Ziganshin. The boy turns to the father and explains that the mother again left the safe open and he and his brother decided to cook dad a surprise: “giant carpet” of his money. View this post in Instagram Publication of Ramis Ziganshin (@ramis007ramis007) 30 Jan 2019 10:05 PST During the download an error has occurred. After deeds the younger brother of Ruslan Arthur States that they have more money than Timothy, and wondered whether to curse dad. “I don’t know, I hope no,” says Ruslan. “Olga, urgently go home to clean up. Money in the Bank is for the robbers. Children are

Record cold in the United States: Siberians advise Americans on how to survive the cold

Record cold in the United States: Siberians advise Americans on how to survive the cold Abnormal frosts have paralyzed the Midwest USA. In many States closed schools and government offices, canceled thousands of flights. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +1° 93% 742 mm Hg. article 2 m/s About how to protect themselves from the cold, said journalist Sergei Zotov from Surgut. During the download an error has occurred.GETTY IMAGES1/10 Frost was hardest hit States of North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois. In Chicago, the temperature reached a record low of -33 degrees in North Dakota recorded a frost in -37 degrees. REUTERS2/10 In many U.S. cities closed schools, government offices and museums. Public transport is intermittent. According to the latest data, from-for frosts has killed at least eight people. AFP3/10 The state of Iowa suggest those who are out in the cold, to avoid deep breaths and less