Underwater photographer took video of a sea dragon

Underwater photographer took video of a sea dragon And not one, and with the cubs. Jarrod Burd dived in the Bay of Port Phillip in Melbourne when I saw a sea dragon, reports the Daily Mail. He carefully carried the eggs with the cubs. Like seahorses, sea dragons are responsible for the wellbeing of the offspring. They carry kids on your tail. After 4-6 weeks they are releasing baby dragons in the water. “Sea dragons are my favorite animals. They are not so often caught the eye, especially with the kids. I’m glad I was able to rent this video”, — shared his impressions Jarrod. During the download an error has occurred.

Vasiliev urged parents not to discuss school teachers in the family

Vasiliev urged parents not to discuss school teachers in the family Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Parents should not discuss teachers with children — it undermines the authority of school teachers, Minister of education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. “And you get, I witness that somewhere there are conflicts among parents and teachers. And that is especially unfortunate for me and for you that these conflicts involved the children. This undermines, in the first place, the authority of teachers and this is wrong, I stress, for example child,” said Vasiliev Monday through dialogue with the parent community on Monday. According to the Minister, in her family discussion of a teacher of children, it was “simply impossible”, and thus the teacher’s authority was unquestioned. “Here we must clearly understand that between parents and school, and school and parents should be a deep understanding and should be a clear line where

A strange cloud in the UK has baffled experts

A strange cloud in the UK has baffled experts Defense Ministry officials deny the missile launches in the day. Vertical cloud like trail of a jet plane, has puzzled specialists in the UK. Stonehenge mystery area Can you solve the mystery of the spiral cloud? Strange mist which it resembles a jet”s vapour trail or a rocket launch billows from land close to an MoD testing range near Stonehenge https://t.co/w4EUlTbbXY pic.twitter.com/ySUWWqvfDP — Chippenham Now (@ChippenhamNow) 10 Feb 2019 The spiral clouds, painted red by the setting sun, made by a local resident David Hargrave on Salisbury plain near Stonehenge when you were walking their dogs. The man suggested that it might be the trace of the missiles so close the proving ground of the Ministry of defence of the country. But officials said that no tests on this day at the landfill was not performed. Experts on weather from Bristol

“Gas king” of the Caucasus expressed readiness to make excuses

“Gas king” of the Caucasus expressed readiness to make excuses Advisor to the General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov arrested on the case about organizing a criminal group and theft of gas, ready to answer any questions of the investigation. This was stated by lawyer Vladimir Postnik in Moscow city court the complaint to arrest of gas companies, reports “Interfax”. According to him, since the arrest, January 30, and Arashukova, which the media called the “gas king”, never met the investigator, although he is willing to answer any questions, “explain everything”, “willing to justify himself”. Arashukov told the court that “I do not know what sits” guilty he does not consider himself. Moreover, the gas man said that a few days knew about the upcoming arrest, but not disappeared. In this regard, he asked to change the measure of restraint to house arrest or bail, said RIA Novosti. However,

Estonia has convicted two of the accused in espionage in favor of Russia

Estonia has convicted two of the accused in espionage in favor of Russia TALLINN, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Harju County court in Tallinn recognized Denis Metsavere and his father Peter Volin guilty of treason and sentenced Matsevas to 15 years and 6 months, and Volin to 6 years of imprisonment, reported the press service of the court. “Denis Matsevas (38 years old) and his father Peter Wolin (65) were convicted of treason and transfer of internal information to a foreign state. The court noted that the convicts worked in the interests of the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces (GRU), sending secret and inside information”, — stated in the message. NewsAs a knight-spy saved from destruction the army of Ivan III According to prosecutors, the court found the version of the investigation, according to which Metsavan committed crimes against the state more

Hungary is going to sell for a pittance all of its MiG-29 fighters

Hungary is going to sell for a pittance all of its MiG-29 fighters Moscow. 11 Feb. INTERFAX.RU the Ministry of defence of Hungary put up for sale all decommissioned MiG-29 Soviet/Russian production, said Monday the British military publication Janes. In a single lot included 19 fighters, some of which require major repairs or is dismantled, 20 engines and 293 units of other property and weapons to them. The original price is only $10 million. In this case, any deal to sell fighter jets must be approved by relevant Russian authorities. According to estimates, currently, the cost of one MiG-29 can average $25 million depending on their modification and completion. See also: That will save old military aircraft? Weapons-2019. What will get the Russian army Americans doubt the invisibility of Russian aircraft

Venediktov saw the Ghost of the Third Reich in Surkov article about Putinism

Venediktov saw the Ghost of the Third Reich in Surkov article about Putinism Editor-in-chief of radio station “Echo of Moscow” has compared the claims of the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation with the precepts of the Nazis. The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov, in his article “the Long state of Putin” I wrote that Putinism as a model of government in Russia will persist for many decades. The official also criticized Western democracies for dishonesty and compared Vladimir Putin with the builders of the Russian state (Ivan III and Peter I). Chief editor of radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov in his Telegram channel wrote that Surkov in his article portrayed the state model of the Third Reich. “Could not understand — that reminds me of Surkov’s article where I have read it all… And, of course, that the arguments of the German leaders of the

In Russia there was an invasion of polar bears: a report of Instagram

In Russia there was an invasion of polar bears: a report of Instagram On the Novaya Zemlya archipelago declared a state of emergency due to the invasion of polar bears. Animals with each passing day it becomes more and more. Hunger forces them to get closer to people. Dangerous beasts you meet in landfills, streets and playgrounds. Comes to the fact that uninvited guests wandering around the hallways of apartment houses. Talking about invasion not only by local authorities, which publish official statements and warnings, but the owners of the accounts in Instagram. The latter, however, the situation is not frightening, but rather entertains. The brightest of publication of witnesses — in the collection “Tape.ru”. A large concentration of animals around the houses on the New Earth have begun to notice since the end of last year. For example, in the area of the village Belushya Lip noticed more than

Netizens discuss the most absurd compliments

Netizens discuss the most absurd compliments And some of them do scare me. A Twitter user started a social network conversation about the most unusual compliments. He said that he got this from a doctor, which noted the beauty of his pelvic bones. What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve done? I was once told that I have a very beautiful pelvis — Anatoly nogotochki? (@A_Kapustin) 9 Feb 2019 Subscribers appreciated the compliment and noted that doctors often make ambiguous comments. Although, judging by the responses to face with a strange and very controversial compliments anywhere you want. “You are still beautiful! ❤ this” inst from the Korean girl three months after Dating. — mashawannasay (@mashawannasay) 9 Feb 2019 “You’re still beautiful.” I often say that I have eyes like Benedict Cumberbatch, I find it a strange compliment, because in my opinion it looks something like this pic.twitter.com/4HEmt9ZM5b — The diplomatic mission

Where are the megaliths, the creation of which remains a mystery

Where are the megaliths, the creation of which remains a mystery They are so incredible for their time, their construction is attributed to the Atlanteans, aliens. Nan-Madol On the small Islands of Nan Madol in Micronesia East preserved the unusual remains of palaces, temples, tombs and houses built between 1200 and 1500 years of our era. View this post in Instagram Publication of Robert Michael Poole • Travel (@robertmichaelpoole) 19 Mar 2018 2:25 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Megalithic culture of Nan-Madol unique. Micronesica used instead of Foundation coral reef. It each other they have installed thousands of basalt monoliths of prismatic shape. Some of them reach five meters in length and weigh over five tons. View this post in Instagram Publishing by Rebecca Weber (@weberreb) Feb 8, 2018 at 4:36 PST During the download an error has occurred. Scientists believe that the construction of such a