The big Eastern brother

The big Eastern brother China helps Belarus to build missiles in exchange for resources. Lukashenka’s new ally. Foreign policy of the Belarusian leadership is increasingly moving away from the Russian vector. In a previous article we wrote about how Lukashenka establishes the relationship with the United States. A new and unexplored direction of Belarusian politics, in contrast to the cooperation with China that Minsk is developing for a long time. Together with the Chinese comrades Lukashenko is building missile complexes, industrial parks and exploring natural resources of Belarus. How far gone is the Belarusian-Chinese relations, to understand”.ru”. Go East “I, on behalf of the Belarusian people bow down to, my friend, the President of China, and all those military who have helped us during one and a half years to create on the territory of Belarus production of high-precision weapons,” — crumbled Alexander Lukashenko thanked at the Chinese partners, noting

Elephants do not share the road with the bus

Elephants do not share the road with the bus In India, some elephants blocked the path of the bus and frightened passengers. The video of the incident drew the attention of the portal Newsflare. The video was filmed by one of the passengers of a bus in Tamil Nadu in the South of the country on Monday, February 11. In the video, two elephants are going to meet a vehicle on the road, later another animal, larger, out from the bushes. The driver stops the bus and closes the window. During the download an error has occurred. In the bus starts to panic, several passengers are asked to turn the bus around. But the driver assures us that nothing bad will happen. At this time the elephants come to the window, one of them raises its trunk and makes a threatening trumpet. The animals soon leave back, and after some

It should be in the primer: created unusual art alphabet (pictures)

It should be in the primer: created unusual art alphabet (pictures) It was the work of 26 artists. A team of 26 artists presented an unusual Latin alphabet, cut from paper. View this post in Instagram Publication of The Paper Artist Collective (@paperartistcollective) January 23, 2019 in 1:06 PST During the download an error has occurred. Art-alphabet — popular genre among artists and illustrators in the West. Exhibitions in art galleries and in children’s alphabets you can see letters in the form of flowers, vegetables, trees, birds, people, buildings and others. The Paper Artists Collective, which includes artists from Spain, UK, Denmark, Thailand, Italy, Norway and other countries have decided that their alphabet is three-dimensional and made of paper. It was a challenge for everyone involved in the project. Because the artists didn’t even know what color the paper comes in the mail and which letter will get. View this

Parking near canadian supermarket was “anomalous zone”

Parking near canadian supermarket was “anomalous zone” There were cars stopped working. Residents of the canadian town Carstairs witnessed the unusual phenomenon. In the Parking lot near the store Westview Co-op has stopped starting the car. Moreover, they did not open the rings and independently set the alarm. Local became suspicious and disconnected the adjacent building, which the electronics could create such interference. But the situation has not changed, and the Park was dubbed by the local “Bermuda triangle” — in the course went the mystical version of events. Could come to the aid experts from the Ministry of innovation, science and economic development Canada, which conducted its own investigation. It turned out that there is no mystery here. Interference was created by the starter of one of the cars that stood near the store. After the device is deactivated, the problem with the machines disappeared. It is reported that

Beglov urged to protect St. Petersburg from the “different time” in the elections

Beglov urged to protect St. Petersburg from the “different time” in the elections Moscow. 12 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Acting Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov urged not to allow outsiders on the municipal elections in the Northern capital. “What I am talking about the election. Now going to different crow: “Here we come, we’ll teach you”. What are you going to teach us? We ourselves with a mustache. Do not teach us. It is strange that someone will come to teach us to develop the city,” said Beglov on Tuesday at the ceremony of awarding the employees of the concern “Almaz-Antey”. He noted that passed and Leningrad, and the Moscow school of management, Leningrad, however, “has always been valued more.” “And in this regard to let strangers in the municipal elections of weird. Newcomers can put the factory Director, and municipalities should have their. The city requires protection. It must

Medvedev explained why always chooses water with gas

Medvedev explained why always chooses water with gas MOSCOW, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev explained why he prefers drinking water with gas, carbonated water-not that big a fan, but because of the confidence that she at least passed some processing. During the meeting the Prime Minister with the members of the Federation Council on Tuesday, the speaker of the upper chamber Valentina Matvienko complained about the quality of bottled water and asked Medvedev to appoint the government Department responsible for the quality of bottled drinking water. The Prime Minister, in response, also in favour of the water was accompanied by certain certificates which would indicate its composition to its quality being tested. “I can say that I, for example, when offered to drink water with gas or without gas, always choose gas. Not because I’m such a big fan

Duterte suggested renaming the Philippines

Duterte suggested renaming the Philippines MOSCOW, 12 Feb — RIA Novosti. The head of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte made the renaming the country the “Republic of Maharlika”, the newspaper Manila Bulletin. Duterte criticized the influence of Spain on Philippine culture and recalled the idea of ex-President Ferdinand Marcos to abandon the “Spanish” name of the state: The name of our country came up with Magellan, a journey which was paid by the Spanish king Philip. Therefore a fool and called it the Philippines. Someday we will change it. The head of state supported the proposal of Marcos, noting that “maharlika” is a word of Malay origin, which reflects the concept of “calm and peace”.

Scientists have suggested that the Universe has a counterpart, where time goes backwards

Scientists have suggested that the Universe has a counterpart, where time goes backwards Do we all have twins living in a parallel Universe? Canadian physicists have published a new theory that our universe may be a “mirror reflection” of the parallel world of antimatter, which sweeps back from the Big Bang along the time scale. Related work for scientists of the Institute for theoretical physics in Canada, with all details was published in the journal of the American physical society. Despite the fact that the theory in the future, requires much rework, it now does not cause apparent contradictions. Moreover, it helps to resolve several paradoxes that cannot be explained in modern science. How does the new model of the Universe? According to the published work of canadian scientists, in the moment of the Big Bang from a single point formed from two symmetrical Universes — the universe and Antisana

Model “spoil” the photos of stars on the “Golden globe”, is suing the employer

Model “spoil” the photos of stars on the “Golden globe”, is suing the employer History of sudden fame turned into a lawsuit. January 7 in Los Angeles at the ceremony of awarding the “Golden globe” new star was born. Nobody famous 30-year-old model Kellet Cuthbert, carrying the water of one of the sponsors of the event, managed to light up in almost all photographs of celebrities. Ok Fiji water girl, a star is born. You’re the true winner of the golden globes. — Kim Chi (@KimChi_Chic) January 7, 2019. A new star was born – a girl with a Fiji water. You’re a real winner Golden globe Such persistent advertising has made the girl the heroine of many memes and the real star — the number of her Instagram followers have tripled, and the model began to invite in various broadcasts on TV. View this post in Instagram Publication

On American beach threw a six-meter cross

On American beach threw a six-meter cross Now with him taking selfies and pray. A huge cross was found on the beach in Florida wife Chris and Greg gay. Couple just checked into the hotel in Fort Lauderdale and went to walk to the sea. They saw a cross in the water and not immediately believe their eyes. “This is a once in a lifetime and probably never will again,” Chris said in comments to journalists. During the download an error has occurred. Painted white and covered with clams the cross, must have been in the water for some time. The wife suggested that he used to decorate any Church and came from Puerto Rico after hurricane “Maria”. During the download an error has occurred. The hotel sent up on the beach special transport to get the cross from the water. Now tourists taking pictures with him, and some even