Gay, a crook, a friend of trump: who imposes sanctions against Moscow

Gay, a crook, a friend of trump: who imposes sanctions against Moscow US senators introduced a bill on new sanctions against Russia. Us senators Lindsey Graham and Bob Menendez introduced a bill imposing restrictions against banking and energy sector of the Russian Federation and against the Russian national debt. Meanwhile in the US the reputation of these politicians is very ambiguous. What I suspect, and sometimes directly accused the senators — in the material “Газеты.Ru”. American senators have prepared a bill about the new restrictions against Russia. The purpose of the new sanctions package “to punish Russia for interference in U.S. elections” and “due to aggression in Ukraine”. The latter refers to the incident in the Kerch Strait. The document implies sanctions against the shipbuilding sector and public energy projects, restrictions against 24 “FSB agents”, which participated in the arrest of the Ukrainian sailors who have illegally crossed the Russian

Scientists have found footprints of a Neanderthal

Scientists have found footprints of a Neanderthal Report on the sensational discovery was published in Quaternary Science Reviews. A footprint, allegedly belonging to the Neanderthal, were found at Gibraltar. If the data is confirmed, it will be the second in the world similar tracks. The first was found in the cave Vartop Romania. First #Neanderthal footprints found in #Gibraltar. via @unisevilla @EurekAlert — OriginalBADYOGAKITTY (@minamaya13) 14 Feb 2019 The discovery was made by researchers from the National Museum of Gibraltar, together with colleagues from Spain, Portugal and Japan. Report on the sensational discovery published in the international journal Quaternary Science Reviews. The study started 10 years ago when it was first obtained data using optical Dating — the physical method of Dating based on the determination of the point in time when the mineral last time was in the light. Then we found the first tracks left by vertebrates.

Medinsky told about the plans to implement a cultural norm for students

Medinsky told about the plans to implement a cultural norm for students The Ministry of culture and the Ministry of education are working to create the cultural standards for students, said the Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky at the investment forum in Sochi. According to Medina, the idea is to integrate in school curriculum cultural component. “Relatively speaking, during the schooling, each student should ideally visit — I call the conventional figures — of 100 performances, watch the top 100 films, preferably domestic, to visit a number of museums, to concerts, to get acquainted with the architectural monuments”, — said the Minister. After the student will have to share experiences with friends, teachers and parents in a special paper or electronic diary. Medina said that the idea of introducing regulations of the Ministry of culture prompted the experience of the Penza region. There are regional authorities adjusted the educational program,

British student showed the effects of the consumption of energy drinks

British student showed the effects of the consumption of energy drinks MOSCOW, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. Twenty one year student from the UK, broke four teeth and the rest seriously damaged due to excessive consumption of energy drinks, according to Daily Mail. It is noted that young people drank in a week about 45 cans of energy drinks or about three liters of the drink per day. The very passion he explained the need to stay constantly in good shape for success in College. As writes the edition, after seven months of abuse these drinks, he suddenly broke off four front teeth, when he only tried to bite the Apple. Man SNAPPED four of his front teeth biting into an apple — Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) February 13, 2019. As a result, the dentist revealed that he has damaged all his teeth in his mouth, and to somehow

Three apartments of a residential building collapsed due to gas explosion in Krasnoyarsk

Three apartments of a residential building collapsed due to gas explosion in Krasnoyarsk Moscow. 14 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Floors in three apartments collapsed as a result of a gas explosion in a residential building in Krasnoyarsk, have informed “Interfax” source in emergency services of the city. According to the interlocutor of Agency, no one was hurt. Meanwhile, another source reported about the rescue of 12 people. “The rescued 12 people, victims and survivors information to be confirmed,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, cotton occurred on Thursday evening in the cottage at Kandahar street. In a press-service of the regional Glaucus Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian Federation “to Interfax” confirmed the message on explosion of household gas. “14 February at 21:10 (local time), received information about cotton domestic gas in a three-storey residential, to the address: street of Kandahar, 3,” — said the press service. A source

Source: investigators believe that Senator Arashukov paid 1.5 million rubles for two murders

Source: investigators believe that Senator Arashukov paid 1.5 million rubles for two murders MOSCOW, February 14. /TASS/. Russia’s investigative Committee believes that the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov paid assassins of 1.5 million rubles for the elimination of the Deputy head of the public movement “Adyghe Khasa” Aslan Zhukov and political activist of the KCHR Frala Shebzukhova. About this TASS said a source in law enforcement bodies. “During questioning last summer, the mediator between the performers and the customer (by Arashukova) Rustam kopsergenov said that Rauf had paid for the attack on Shebzukhova 500 thousand rubles, what after the arrest of the killers themselves said back in 2012. Another accused Rasul Adzhiev said during interrogation that the murder of Zhukov, he got through Ruslan Agoeva (brother-in-law Arashukova) funds in the amount of 1 million rubles, “—said the Agency interlocutor. The official review of the investigating authorities TASS does not have.

The Kremlin urged to prepare for the worst after the appearance of the draft new US sanctions

The Kremlin urged to prepare for the worst after the appearance of the draft new US sanctions Hopes for improved relations between the two countries in Moscow left. You should always hope for the best but prepare for the worst, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the appearance in the United States a new bill on sanctions against Russia. In his opinion, now there is no hope for any improvement in relations between Moscow and Washington. The press Secretary noted that the new bill on sanctions against Russia are Russophobia and emotions. We see the manifestation of this disease, is such a rabid Russophobia, absolutely emotional. It is not based on the expert data, otherwise these bills had not been said about some destabilizing role of Russia in Syria, but rather would be recognized the decisive and key role of Russia in saving

Who and why posted a video with the singing in the plane, Russia Tkachev and Timakova?

Who and why posted a video with the singing in the plane, Russia Tkachev and Timakova? With him also was Marina Entaltseva, who previously headed the Protocol service of the Prime Minister. The company sings a song Kadysheva and raised their glasses “for the agrarian lobby.” View this post in Instagram Publication from Baza (@bazabazon) 13 Feb 2019 4:33 PST During the download an error has occurred. The Internet was published a video in which the ex-Minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev, former Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and former press Secretary Dmitry Medvedev Natalia Timakova drink and sing a song of Hope Kadysheva aboard a private plane. The video is also the wife of the head of “Gazprom” Alexey Miller Marina Entaltseva, who previously headed the Protocol service of the Prime Minister. The events were filmed on a mobile phone another member of the company, but who is this unknown,

Zakharova called “unfair fantasy” the rumors of the recognition of Russia guilt for the downed “Boeing”

Zakharova called “unfair fantasy” the rumors of the recognition of Russia guilt for the downed “Boeing” Moscow. 14 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Reports that Russia is ready to discuss the issue of compensation and the admission of guilt for the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing” — fake, said Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She stressed that we are talking about documented correspondence and expressed consent of the Netherlands and Australia. “Free interpretation of the statements of the Russian foreign Ministry, alleged Russia, having agreed to consultation demonstrates a willingness to accept responsibility in the matter of the Malaysian Boeing — it’s just a fantasy, not bona fideI. The same applies to reflections about the possibility of discussion in the consultations some kind of compensation as again, some kind of atonement. This is a fake“, — said Zakharov. Earlier, Western media reported that the Netherlands hopes to

The Russian students sent to remove the snow during gym class

The Russian students sent to remove the snow during gym class Two students of school No. 69 in Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) tore back and three got sick after the gym teacher sent them instead of a lesson remove snow from school grounds, according to TV channel “All Ufa”. According to students of the graduating class, in advance of cleaning they were not warned, and many were too lightly dressed for physical work on the street. “It became clear that the whole class sick, it’s dart [nose], a cough. Today, one boy barely came to school, nobody wants to miss class, since we have the exam,” said one of the Schoolgirls. During the download an error has occurred. It clarifies the channel, the principal of the school during the incident, was out of town. The teacher applied the disciplinary sanction, however, does not specify what. At the end of January