Belarusian parliamentarian said that Lukashenko recognizes Crimea as the territory of Russia

“Without a doubt”, & nbsp; & mdash; he said, answering the & nbsp; question, does & nbsp; does Lukashenka's statement recognize Crimea as Russian? ;. Putin and Lukashenko approved 28 allied programs and a common military doctrine “ Nevertheless & nbsp; less, several times and & nbsp; the president's statement was & nbsp; that & nbsp; this [Crimea as a subject of the Russian Federation] is a political reality. Today it was unambiguously announced, and & nbsp; for & nbsp; us Crimea, like & nbsp; and, let's say, a month ago, was an integral part of the Russian Federation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; added a parliamentarian. Earlier in the & nbsp; course of the event held via & nbsp; video link, the President of Belarus “ complained '' that & nbsp; his Russian colleague “ promised everything, promised that he would take & nbsp; with & nbsp; itself

Putin supported the idea of ​​additional payment to the participants in the defense of Sevastopol

“Ok, let's do it”, & nbsp; & mdash; Putin answered him. Razvozhaev recalled that & nbsp; October 30 & nbsp; 80 years ago, the second heroic defense of Sevastopol began. In & nbsp; 2020, the governor added, by the decision of the head of state, the residents of besieged Sevastopol were equated with & nbsp; veterans of the Great Patriotic War. “ Recently, when Leningrad celebrated the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the blockade, you, at & nbsp; the decision to support the residents of besieged Leningrad, those who were & nbsp; awarded the medal & ldquo; For & nbsp; Defense of Leningrad & rdquo;, an additional payment of & nbsp; in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. I & nbsp; ask you to make a decision so that our residents of besieged Sevastopol and & nbsp; residents awarded the medal & ldquo; For & nbsp; Defense of Sevastopol

Lukashenka announced his readiness to visit Crimea

& nbsp; And & nbsp; Vladimir Vladimirovich promised me everything, promised that & nbsp; with & nbsp; will take Crimea with him, show & nbsp; that & nbsp; there is new done. And & nbsp; a lot has been done. On the & nbsp; road it will take you to the & nbsp; Crimea. But & nbsp; today one left and & nbsp; didn’t invite me with & nbsp; himself. Therefore, I & nbsp; here with & nbsp; such a complaint before & nbsp; members of the Supreme State Council speak & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Mr. Lukashenko joked (quoted by & nbsp; BelTA). He & nbsp; suggested that & nbsp; if not & nbsp; in & nbsp; Crimea, then & nbsp; you can visit St. Petersburg together, & nbsp; & mdash; see what & nbsp; is being done there. Recall, in & nbsp; August, Alexander Lukashenko in &

China said the news about the infected with coronavirus products from Russia

Authorities in the Chinese province of Liaoning said the news on the supply infected with the coronavirus of seafood from Russia. About it reports TASS. According to Chinese authorities, in products imported from Russia, it is not revealed traces of coronavirus infection. In the warehouses of the Chinese importing company based in Dalian, there have been no cases of infection. This week in Liaoning province were registered with a local outbreak of the virus that has caused various speculations on this topic. Previously, China has officially published the data on the new coronavirus found on one of the markets of Beijing. China gave the available information on the genome of the virus the world health organization (who). Center for control and prevention of diseases of the country also shared information about the epidemiological situation in the market. On 15 June it became known that the new coronavirus found on the

Infected with coronavirus, the President of Brazil announced the recovery

The President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro passed the test for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and got a negative result. The head of state previously denied the danger of the disease, reported in Twitter. “The PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2: negative. GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE,” reads the post Bolsonaro with his photo. For the first time, the President of Brazil announced the virus on July 7. Then he found himself the first symptoms of the disease. 18 June Professor Helder Nakaya explained the reasons for the rapid growth in the number of new cases of infection with coronavirus in Brazil. One of the factors he called the policy Bolsonaro, who first denied the existence of infection and then began to introduce serious measures to combat COVID-19. In addition, the President has also been very critical of provisions restricting trade and services in the United States to combat the spread of coronavirus infection. Brazil

In the Swiss mountains, the plane crashed

A small plane crashed in the mountains in the Swiss Canton of Valais, reports TASS referring to Agency ANSA. The crash happened near the top of Gearsets. As a result of incident four persons were lost. “The victims were two Swiss at the age of 66 and 50 years and two Austrians aged 50 and 46 years,” said local police. Law enforcement officers began an investigation. Are the causes of the incident. On 5 July the airport Krosno (Poland) crashed a small sport plane. Rand Robinson KR-1 fell on private property — first plane crashed into the lantern, then at the fence. In the fall of the aircraft grazed a parked car. On Board were only 69-year-old pilot, he received minor injuries and managed to get out of the plane.

Johnson found the opponents of vaccination crazy

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called opponents of vaccination crazy. He stated this during a meeting with nurses in a hospital in London, reports Sky News. “There are so many of all these opponents of vaccination. They are crazy, crazy,” said the British Prime Minister. He also expressed hope that the flu season will make everyone in the country, and spoke about the introduction of large scale immunization of the population against flu. In its framework people at-risk groups will be vaccinated for free. According to Johnson, the reason for vaccination is to protect against overloading the National health service. In addition, he reminded about the threat of the surge of the second wave of the coronavirus and noted that the infection still exists. Earlier Boris Johnson had hoped to return to a normal life without strict quarantine measures, imposed because of a pandemic of mers for Christmas. According to

Trump has said high number of deaths of white people at the hands of police

The US President Donald trump said that in the country from the hands of the police kills more white people than black. The very formulation of the question about deaths of black it on air of TV channel CBS called terrible. His words RIA Novosti reported. “And white is also [killed]. What a horrible question. And white, too. More white, by the way,” he said. According to statistics cited by the Agency, the proportion of deaths of black people at the hands of the police in relative terms higher than the proportion of whites. They are more likely to commit crimes and often end up in prison. Just in the US, home to 70 percent of white and 13 percent black population. Yesterday in a network there was video footage of police officer firing Taser in a dark-skinned man. The police said that one of the activists of the protest

Trump stood up for the “racist” flag

The President of the United States Donad trump stood up for the flag of the Confederate States of America, which many people consider racist. He said this live on CBS. According to the American leader, demonstration of the battle flag of the Confederacy remains a question of freedom of speech. “I know people who love the Confederate flag, nor do they think about slavery. I just think that it’s freedom of speech: whether the Confederate flag or the Black Lives Matter (“black Life is important”), or anything else that people want to talk,” — explained his position, he. In late June, the American Governor of Mississippi Tate Reeves spoke about the intention to change the state flag containing the symbols of the Confederacy of the southern States. According to him, state legislators for several days to discuss the concept of a new flag, but to success they never came. The

Developers of vaccines against coronavirus took the risk

The Israeli immunologist, Professor Jacob Berman warned about the risks of vaccines start from COVID-19 to complete the test. According to him, the rush of developers is justified by the seriousness of the epidemic, however, the only correct solution can only be an effective vaccine, reports RIA Novosti. The doctor said that most of the laboratories adhere to regulations for the mandatory phase three clinical testing of the vaccine. “Sometimes conducted in parallel, without waiting for the results of the previous phase and move on to the next”, he added. However, the seriousness of the pandemic and the continuing high rate of spread of the virus can push scientists to reduce the research stages. According to him, developers have to take risks in finding the right solution and vaccine trials. “Here as with drugs. In severe diseases, we are using drugs which have many side effects, and when allergic rhinitis,