В небе над Сочи пролетел метеор

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Интересные события и новости (@tp.krd.rus) Вечером 7 декабря жители сразу нескольких поселков недалеко от Сочи могли наблюдать в небе яркий метеорит. В соцсетях появилось видео, на котором можно увидеть, как огромный горящий объект почти достигает земли, а затем, ярко вспыхнув, гаснет. В комментариях местные жители также рассказали, что видели падающий огненный шар в районе поселка Лазаревское. По словам ученых Южного Федерального института, то, что увидели жители Сочи в небе, было входящим в атмосферу болидом. Он сгорел, не достигнув земли. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о природе

Russians rushed to buy one type of real estate

Avito: Russians increased demand for retail space by 8 percent in 2021 Demand for retail space in Russia since early 2021 year increased by 8 percent, reports TASS. The fact that many rushed to buy this type of real estate is evidenced by the data of the Avito service. According to analysts, the demand for retail real estate is recovering: by the beginning of December it turned out to be one percent higher than in the same month 2020th. Avito representatives said that the demand for small stores is growing in Russian cities, so part of the demand is shifting from business centers to residential areas. The average cost of retail real estate in Russia has grown by 33 percent since January this year, to 78.3 thousand rubles per square meter, experts calculated. Rental rates for the same period increased by 18 percent, up to a thousand rubles per square

Travel agent deceived a hundred Russians for 10 million rubles and went to court

E1.RU: 6.5 years in prison was requested for a travel agent who had misappropriated 10 million rubles herself about 10 million rubles for the vouchers, and went to court. This is reported by E1.RU. In the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg, the state prosecutor requested 6.5 years in prison for a travel agent from Lesnoy Tatyana Perminova, who in 2018 sold vouchers to tourists for 10 million rubles, and in In 2019, she closed her firm and did not fulfill her obligations. In court, the woman could not explain where she spent the money and why she did not return the funds to the clients. According to the deceived Russians (109 plaintiffs in total), Perminova deliberately delayed the investigation process for two years – all this time the woman was free and lived an ordinary life. The travel agent's defense draws attention to the active assistance to the investigation, the

Less than 31 thousand cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 30,752 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 30,752 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. The total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country was 9,895,597. This was reported on the website of the headquarters for infection control on Wednesday, December 8. 30,752 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia per day A day earlier in Russia recorded 31,096 infections. Most of the new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Moscow (3004), St. Petersburg (2209) and in the Moscow region (1854). Least of all – in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (2 cases), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (8 cases) and the Republic of Kalmykia (20 cases).

Australian swimmer spoke about coaches' harassment

Swimmer Groves on coaches' harassment: it's disappointing, but nothing changes Her words are quoted by the Daily Mail. Groves shared that she had been harassed by coaches several times over her career. According to the athlete, from 13 to 18 years old, she was molested by a man whose name she refused to name. The swimmer admitted that at that time there was no person to whom she could tell about what was happening. “It's really disappointing, but nothing seems to change,” Groves said. The swimmer did not file a formal complaint against this man, he continues to work in swimming. In her opinion, contacting the police will not change anything. In the summer, Groves boycotted the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The athlete explained her decision by her desire to teach misogynists and their sympathizers a lesson. The Australian woman opposed the exploitation of girls and ridiculing their bodies to

Less than 31 thousand cases of coronavirus detected in Russia

In Russia, 30,752 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day Over the past day, 30,752 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Russia. The total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic in the country was 9,895,597. This was reported on the website of the infection control headquarters on Wednesday, December 8. A day earlier, 31,096 infections were recorded in Russia.

The most incomprehensible phenomena of 2021 have been announced

Google: the three most incomprehensible phenomena for Russians included simple dimple, rally and pop-it Russian division of Google summed up 2021 and announced ten of the most incomprehensible phenomena to Russians, which residents of the country most often typed into the search bar. An analysis based on the company's search engine queries showed that the top three included simple dimple, rally and pop-it. The complete list is presented in the materials available to “Lenta.ru”. Russians tried to find out about the anti-stress toys called simple dimple most often, and pop-it took third place in the rating. These are devices for pinching or pressing with a finger that are used by people with neurological disorders. Toys became popular in the spring of 2021, when children and adolescents began to talk about them on social networks. The word “rally” took the second place in the list of phenomena that Russians most often

The most incomprehensible phenomena of 2021 have been announced

Google: the three most incomprehensible phenomena for Russians included simple dimple, rally and pop-it Russian division of Google summed up 2021 and announced the ten most incomprehensible phenomena for Russians, which residents of the country most often typed into the search bar. An analysis based on the company's search engine queries showed that the top three included simple dimple, rally and pop-it. The complete list is presented in the materials available to “Lenta.ru”. Russians tried to find out about the anti-stress toys called simple dimple most often, and pop-it took third place in the rating. These are devices for pinching or pressing with a finger that are used by people with neurological disorders. Toys became popular in the spring of 2021, when children and adolescents began to talk about them on social networks. The word “rally” took the second place in the list of phenomena that Russians most often googled.

The Federation Council assessed the likelihood of Russia's shutdown of the global financial system

Senator Jabarov: Russia cannot be disconnected from SWIFT, debt obligations cannot be blocked Disconnect Russia from the global financial system, SWIFT, and the country's obligations are impossible, since it is one of the largest players in the global economy, said Federation Council Senator Mikhail Dzhabarov. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru” he added that there are too many people interested in such a system in the United States. Washington admits the option in which Russia will be completely isolated from the world financial system in the event of an invasion of Ukraine. This was announced by Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. As the diplomat noted, the United States is discussing such a scenario with its allies. She warned that de facto isolation would have repercussions for Russian business and Russians themselves, as well as their opportunities for work, travel and trade. Maidan ideologue Dzhabarov suggested that Nuland passes off his