Zakharova was outraged by America's ignorance of Ukrainian hackers

Zakharova: The United States is well aware of Ukrainian hackers, but Washington is silent about this Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova was outraged by the fact that the United States ignore Ukrainian hackers, focusing on Russian cybercrime. She indicated in her Telegram channel that Washington is well aware of the existence of non-Russian hackers, but this topic is being hushed up. According to Zakharova, over the past month, Europol and Eurojust conducted a series of operations to find and arrest hacker groups that have been operating since at least 2019. One of the groups killed about two thousand people in 71 countries of the world, including America, and the damage amounted to $ 120 million. “Russian hackers? Finally. But no, surprise: they all turned out to be Ukrainians. But where are the statements of Western partners about “Ukrainian hackers” and their attacks? Where are the threats of sanctions? So

The dates for the start of cross-flights between Russia and the United States have been announced

Roscosmos: cross flights of Russian and US cosmonauts will begin no earlier than autumn 2022 Cross flights of Russian cosmonauts on US Crew Dragon ships and American astronauts on board the Soyuz will begin no earlier than the fall of 2022, Sergei Krikalev, executive director of Roscosmos for manned programs, said in an interview with TASS. “In principle, if we manage to agree on all the necessary documents The earliest cross-flights can begin in the fall of 2022. It is possible that the crew will be clarified further, “he explained, adding that the roles in the crew of the Soyuz MS-22 are also being clarified. Krikalev noted that the issue of cross flights requires agreement with the government, which is currently doing Roskosmos. Now the crew includes cosmonauts Sergei Prokopyev, Anna Kikina and Dmitry Petelin. Earlier it became known that Roskosmos and NASA would discuss the issue of cross-flights of

The dates for the start of cross-flights between Russia and the United States have been announced

Roscosmos: cross flights of Russian and US cosmonauts will begin no earlier than autumn 2022 Cross flights of Russian cosmonauts on US Crew Dragon ships and American astronauts on board the Soyuz will begin no earlier than autumn 2022, Sergei Krikalev, executive director of Roscosmos for manned programs, said in an interview with TASS. “In principle, if we manage to agree on all the necessary documents The earliest cross-flights can begin in the fall of 2022. It is possible that the crew will be clarified further, “he explained, adding that the roles in the crew of the Soyuz MS-22 are also being clarified. Krikalev noted that the issue of cross flights requires agreement with the government, which is currently doing Roskosmos. Now the crew includes cosmonauts Sergei Prokopyev, Anna Kikina and Dmitry Petelin. Earlier it became known that Roskosmos and NASA would discuss the issue of cross-flights of their cosmonauts

Ukraine has found a way to force Russia to extend gas transit

Head of the Center for Global Studies Gonchar: only pressure will make Moscow make a kind gesture to Kiev President of the Center for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” Mikhail Gonchar said that Ukraine will force Russia to extend gas transit and sign an agreement with it if the West does not allow Moscow to launch Nord Stream 2. He named this way of extending the agreements in an article for Glavred. According to the expert, only pressure on the pipeline can force Moscow to “make a gesture of goodwill” towards Kiev. “If the European Union, in particular Germany, takes a tough stance on Nord Stream 2 as a project, which does not correspond to European interests and principles, then Russia will have no place to go,” said the head of the center. According to the author of the article, the extension of the agreement on gas transit through the Ukrainian

Ukraine has found a way to force Russia to extend gas transit

Head of the Center for Global Studies Gonchar: only pressure will make Moscow make a kind gesture to Kiev President of the Center for Global Studies “Strategy XXI” Mikhail Gonchar said that Ukraine will force Russia to extend gas transit and sign an agreement with it if the West does not allow Moscow to launch Nord Stream 2. He named this way of extending the agreements in an article for Glavred. According to the expert, only pressure on the pipeline can force Moscow to “make a gesture of goodwill” towards Kiev. “If the European Union, in particular Germany, takes a tough stance on Nord Stream 2 as a project, which does not correspond to European interests and principles, then Russia will have no place to go,” said the head of the center. According to the author of the article, the extension of the agreement on gas transit through the Ukrainian

US gold reserve storage location revealed

Lukichev's analyst: The USA stores 4580 tons of gold reserves in the Fort Knox vault in an interview with the Prime agency, she revealed the place where the United States stores its gold reserves. According to her, it is located in the Fort Knox vault in the interior of the country, in one of the most reliable vaults in the world, where visitors are not allowed. According to her estimates, there are about 4580 tons of gold hidden there. In addition to gold reserves, special relics were placed in the vault: the original of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. “Firstly, it is not on the US coast, in the interior of the country, which limits the attack from the sea. Secondly, the base itself has a high level of security, and the constant presence of the military increases the level of security, “the expert said. She noted

US gold reserve storage location revealed

Lukichev's analyst: The United States stores 4580 tons of gold reserves in the Fort Knox vault Otkritie Investments analyst in an interview with the Prime agency, she revealed the place where the United States stores its gold reserves. According to her, it is located in the Fort Knox vault in the interior of the country, in one of the most reliable vaults in the world, where visitors are not allowed. According to her estimates, there are about 4580 tons of gold hidden there. In addition to gold reserves, special relics were placed in the vault: the original of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. “Firstly, it is not on the US coast, in the interior of the country, which limits the attack from the sea. Secondly, the base itself has a high level of security, and the constant presence of the military increases the level of security, “the

A woman stole 50 million rubles from an employer and used it to gamble

An employee suffering from gambling addiction stole 50 million rubles from a veterinary clinic from the employer 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles) and spent it on gambling, which does not pay real money as a prize. ABC reports. 49-year-old Rachel Naomi Perry has appeared in court on charges of 25 counts of fraud. A woman stole money while working as an account manager at the Tasmanian Veterinary Clinic from 2016 to 2019. It was only after the Australian was downsized in 2019 that suspicious banking transactions became known. Prosecutor Simone Wilson said in court that in three years and four months, a former employee of the vet clinic made 475 fraudulent transactions and stole a total of more than 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles). Wilson said that Perry, who was the only person in charge of bookkeeping, transferred money from the hospital's bank account to various

A woman stole 50 million rubles from an employer and used it to gamble

An employee suffering from gambling addiction stole 50 million rubles from a veterinary clinic from the employer 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles) and spent it on gambling, which does not pay real money as a prize. ABC reports. 49-year-old Rachel Naomi Perry has appeared in court on charges of 25 counts of fraud. A woman stole money while working as an account manager at the Tasmanian Veterinary Clinic from 2016 to 2019. It was only after the Australian was downsized in 2019 that suspicious banking transactions became known. Prosecutor Simone Wilson said in court that in three years and four months, a former employee of the vet clinic made 475 fraudulent transactions and stole a total of more than 940 thousand Australian dollars (50.4 million rubles). Wilson said that Perry, who was the only person in charge of bookkeeping, transferred money from the hospital's bank account to various

Biden decided to achieve the elimination of sanctions against “Nord Stream-2”

FP: President Biden Seeks the Elimination of Sanctions Against Nord Stream 2 from the Budget against Nord Stream 2 from the draft defense budget for the next fiscal year. Reported by Foreign Policy. It is noted that these actions are carried out “without attracting attention.” They were joined by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and key aides, they called on the senators to abandon the amendments, which involve restrictions on a number of structures associated with the gas pipeline, without the possibility of blocking by the White House. The Biden administration tried to prevent attempts to impose sanctions on German organizations involved in the construction of the pipeline, which angered Republicans in Congress. Democrats also suggested that the amendments could set a precedent for other sanctions regimes and limit the executive's ability to influence the imposition of restrictions. The White House emphasizes the importance of not alienating Germany, which will